The so-called political marriage is to play politics in the way of marriage.

This situation has long appeared on the blue planet, the most famous of which is the "Zhaojun Out of the Fortress" which is circulated in the form of drama.

Speaking of which, those who like to play with political marriages are mostly careerists who value politics more than life.

When a political marriage encounters a kind father and a mother like the orc king and the orc queen, it is as if the two numbers meet an inequality sign, and it instantly ceases to hold.

The reason why he called the Dwarf King a Loving Father is that when he refused political marriage, he was quite simple and neat, and he never left any room. Unlike some hypocritical guys who play with family relationships, they righteously expressed their resolute opposition while at the same time. Conscientiously persuade the family to compromise.

However, when the request for privacy related to marriage was rejected, the eyes of City Lord Eri flashed a touch of sorrow.

This is as angry as showing your privacy to others, but being ridiculed by others.

This is anger with shame.

Such anger is often more violent than being insulted or being attacked.

However, the city lord of Ai Rui showed only a touch of unnoticeable anger, and immediately returned to nature.

This person is difficult to deal with.

This is the only thought I have at this moment.

No wonder he was able to seize the supreme power of Eri City without his own strength.

If we let him go this time, I fear that it will threaten the lives of everyone present and even shake the situation in the Hefeng Continent.

Do you want to kill him right here?

Anyway, his strength is not strong, if I choose to kill suddenly, even if the strength of the city lord of York Seoul beside him is extraordinary, I will definitely not be able to reverse the result of the city lord of Ai Rui being killed by me.

However, once I take a shot, will Dasai City be a target of public criticism?

If this is the result, Kagali will definitely blame me, maybe she will be depressed because of it.

Hmm...what should I do?

Is it drawing the knife, or continue to be indifferent, until the big trouble is left.

While listening to the conversation of the three city masters, I tried my best to suppress the killing intent that I wanted to burst out, subconsciously, my ten fingers had already made fists.

"Ahem, hem" Leista's cough suddenly came into our ears.

The orc king stopped talking, turned his head, and said, "Lesta, what's wrong with you?"

"Return to your Majesty, this is the old minister's old disease. It has been a long time ago, but I don't want to. It is really hurtful and impolite to suddenly fall ill on such an important occasion. I hope your Majesty will punish it."

The orc king frowned slightly, his face stunned.

On the side, the Queen said: "Lesita is sick, husband, let Xiaoyi accompany him to fetch medicine later."

"Ah? Ah... OK" the orc king nodded and said, "Xiao Yi, you have to **** Leista to the back to get the medicine, understand?"


Letting go of my clenched hands, I helped Lesta out of the living room.

After leaving the door and walking to the end of the corridor, Leista suddenly stopped and looked directly at me, and said, "You just had a murderous heart?"


Now that it has been seen, I don't need to hide it, it is better to admit it directly.

"You want to kill, I'm afraid it was the city lord of Ai Rui City, right" Leista continued.


"Do you know why your Majesty was stunned for a while?" He asked again.

"Is it because you don't have any old problems at all."

"Isn't this a very clever boy" Leista said: "Why can't I use my smart brain to a better place?"

"Huh?" I looked dumbfounded.

"I ask you, do you know why I pretended to be sick?"

"Yes, I probably guessed it."

"Why?" His slender eyes gleamed, staring at me.

"You are stopping me, it is not good for the city lord of Ai Rui."

"It seems you know" He nodded and continued: "Then do you know why I want to stop you?"

"Worried that because of my behavior, Dasai City became the target of public criticism?" I wondered.

"If it's just a target of public criticism, it would be nice to say" Leista solemnly said: "The most feared thing is that there will be civil strife in the city of Sai, which cannot be suppressed."

With a sigh, he said: "You are still young and you have limited knowledge. I can tell you responsibly. Behind such a grand event as the Hefeng Contest, there are not only hidden deep but hidden countries. As the guard of the city lord, there are many insurgents who want to subvert the regime and take the opportunity to get a piece of the pie. There are also many forces that you have never seen, or even heard of, are about to move around, so don’t fight for hegemony. It’s common sense to do things during the game as a state minister!"

His tone is not intense, and his speech is not sharp, but I still hear my face blushing and white.

Yes, he was right, I did ignore the factor of the Peace Tournament.

It was a good time to rush to kill the city lord, and the likely result would be the funeral of the entire city of Dasai.

Just because of Leista's slam dunk, I finally didn't do anything extraordinary.

After He Heqi sent away the two City Lords and returned to the room, the Orc King was a little confused and said, "Lesta, what's the matter?"

Leista didn't directly talk about my question, but bypassed the topic and said, "Your Majesty, what do you think of the two City Lords?"

The orc king was startled, and said, "Does this have anything to do with what you said you have an old illness?"

Leista nodded.

Upon seeing this, the orc king frowned, thought for a moment, and said, "The City Lord of York and Seoul is rather impatient, and it shouldn't be a worry. City Lord Eri is quite calm, I'm afraid it will become a major disaster."

"This is the crux of the problem, Your Majesty."

Then, Leista explained the reason why he pretended to be ill, and praised me: "Even though Xiaoyi is not thoughtful, but his vision is accurate, this is the biggest key to becoming a prime minister. He calms down his mind, and I am afraid that he will achieve success. Far above me."

"You praise him too much, Leista" the orc king said: "Even if you don't praise him, I won't do anything to him, young people, always make some mistakes, as long as they are not fundamentally wrong, they can be Forgive me."

"Your Majesty is wise."

"Madam" the orc king turned to the queen and said, "What do you think of Xiaoyi's actions today?"

"You're a little younger, but his courage and iron fist should not be underestimated." The queen turned to me and smiled: "He will probably be much better than you in the future."

"Is that so?" The orc king laughed loudly and said, "That's really the blessing for me to reach the city!"

After laughing, the orc king turned to me and said, "Xiaoyi, I ask you, what do you think of the two city lord's requirements for the Union of Near Nations?"

"I think we should choose to ignore it."

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