The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1367: What is stronger than enchanted weapons and worse than magic weapons?

I overlooked an important thing-for Bai Yunying, sleep is more than everything.

If there is an enchanted pillow in the prize, she must choose that one.

The reward for the third place in the Hefeng Contest has reached the level of enchanting equipment. I began to look forward to what the reward for the second place will be.

After all, the reward for second place will be better than the reward for third place, but slightly worse than the reward for first place.

So, what kind of equipment is between magic equipment and enchanted equipment?


Better enchant equipment?

Or poor magic equipment?

Leaning on the podium, holding my chin, I spoke out the doubts in my heart.

"There is no equipment between magic equipment and enchanting equipment." The orc king turned his head and said to me: "There is no better enchanting equipment, or poor magic equipment. When a piece of equipment reaches enchanting equipment, When it comes to quality, there will be no more flaws, and naturally there will be no difference between good and bad. If there is a difference, only the purpose is different."

"That's it, I've been taught." After I finished speaking, I didn't forget to compliment the orc king: "You are so knowledgeable, and you have learned about it."

The orc king was very proud.

"Since there is no difference between enchanting equipment and magic equipment, and the quality is next to each other, how to divide the second and third prizes?"

I was puzzled and asked aloud.

"This king has a clever plan" The Orc King smiled even more proudly.

Finally it was the second place to come on stage. The girls of the Rose Legion of Moonlight City, stepped neatly, and at an even speed, boarded the podium.

The influence of beautiful women is terrifying. They will not only inspire conjecture, but also inexplicably exciting.

The influence of a group of beautiful women is devastating.

In particular, these beauties are all the type that is all over the country.

Unlike the Rose Legion of Dasai City, both the elven girls and the fairy girls are naturally beautiful types, even if they are not used, they are enough to reach the level of intriguing. Moreover, before taking the stage, Lilya gave them everyone Light makeup.

That dusty beauty is even more fascinating.

For a time, the entire hall became silent, and even the host who hosted the scene couldn't help being sluggish for dozens of seconds.

It’s no wonder that he is a handsome young leopard man. The so-called heroic and passionate, facing so many beautiful girls, his instincts will be exposed in an instant, and his reason will stand up and stop at the same time. His instinct, when the two are contending, his body stays, he doesn't say anything, doesn't move, just like a puppet-if his chest is still up and down, I even thought he was dead. .

The Orc King understands the host's state very well, but now it is a public place after all, and his behavior will affect the reputation of reaching Cyberjaya.

So, the orc king coughed.

This sound was not loud, but it was enough for the host to hear.

After four or five seconds, he heard an exclamation, and the host recovered his senses. He subconsciously glanced at the orc king, and immediately started to sweat.

Can you be afraid, the orc king is staring at him.

The host continued to host it hurriedly.

This host is worthy of being a professional, even though his body is shaking like chaff, his voice is still deep and loud.

According to the previous speech, the girls of the Rose Legion of Moonlight City are all the geniuses of Moonlight City, and they are the pillars supporting the future of Moonlight City.

Then, he praised Emily in particular, after all, Emily's appearance is not only the most outstanding of the girls, but also the strongest.

For such a shining star, the more you introduce, the more you can ignite the surrounding crowd.

When the atmosphere of the surrounding masses rose to its highest, the orc king stepped onto the podium. This time, he greeted me.

He awarded gold coins and trophies to all the girls, and I gave them a complete set of enchanted equipment, which is second only to magic equipment and superior to enchanted equipment.

Yes, you are not mistaken, it is a complete set of enchanting equipment, one set for each person, the same standard, and the skin-fitting part is particularly soft and fit, and it will not make people feel uncomfortable.

It is not only useful for fighting, but also can bring out the beauty of girls. It is a masterpiece, both a master and a gentleman!

Finally, it was time to award the first prize to the Dwarf Guild.

This time, not only the Orc King and I, but also the Queen and Prime Minister Leista also appeared on the stage.

By convention, the orc king gave each dwarf on stage a full bucket of gold coins, not to mention just a bucket, the bucket is as tall as the dwarf!

Then came the Queen. She presented each dwarf with a trophy made of crystal with a solemn expression. Unlike the previous platinum trophy, gold trophy, silver gilded trophy, and brass gilded trophy, this crystal is a very special one. The ore is a kind of enchanting ore. Although it is not a rare ore, it is still extremely precious. Anyway, it is several times more expensive than platinum.

Then came the Prime Minister Leista, carrying a stack of papers, and came to the dwarves, according to the number of people, one paper for each.

The first dwarf took the paper, took a closer look, and was suddenly stunned. Then, his gaze looked at me, who was standing by, and said in a daze, "Master An Xiaoyi, this..."

"Take it first" I whispered: "I'll talk about it after something is over."

The dwarf nodded respectfully, and immediately spread my words to the other dwarves in a low tone.

The dwarf who had received the paperwork and was equally embarrassed and embarrassed, after hearing my instructions, instantly relaxed and looked at me respectfully together, even ignoring the Prime Minister Leista who was giving them the award.

Fortunately, Prime Minister Leista can hold a boat in his belly, and he doesn't care about this, as long as the dwarf is willing to pick up the papers he handed over and don't deal with it on the spot.

After the Prime Minister Leista issued the last essay, he replaced me.

Three sturdy orcs stepped onto the stage, each of them holding a big plate in their hands, and each plate was filled with several equipment with flowing light.

Even a guy like me who knows nothing about magic can still feel the powerful magic contained in it.

Is this magic equipment?

I muttered to myself: Why does it give me the same feedback as the dagger I gave to Barbara?

Thinking of this, I handed out magic equipment to each dwarf one by one.

The magic equipment awarded is not selected by the dwarves and then given to them, but I randomly pick it up, randomly give it, and the magic equipment stuffed into my hand will be held by the dwarves exceptionally. As for how they choose and distribute, They have to wait until they return to the guild before proceeding one by one, otherwise the scene will be chaotic.

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