The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1371: Can't stew in a pot

When President Auli read the revised essay, he breathed a long sigh of relief. Together with him, there were also many participating dwarf guild members.

President Aoli distributed the papers, then returned to the round table, leaned on the round table, folded his arms, and said to me: "If you just enjoy this treatment, then it's fine."

Then, he squinted his eyes, smiled wretchedly, and said, "Let the orc king change his life, isn't it?"

"Almost scared to pee." I clutched my chest and said with an exaggerated expression: "You don't know. At that time, the orc king was holding this stack of papers, his face was serious and full of momentum, plus he was drinking and drinking a lot of alcohol. , I'm really worried that he will be so angry that he will be mad at us!"

"Ah, that was really terrible" President Aoli recalled: "Once when we conquered the secret realm, we were defeated and our king became very drunk while getting angry. The result was a drunken madness. Drunk crazy, it's so **** unforgettable for me, now that I think about it, my face still hurts!"

"Secret Realm?" I heard him speak a word that I had never heard before: "What is that?"

"You don't even know the secret realm?" Aoli Hui's long stubby fingers pointed at me with a look of surprise.

"Is that kind of knowledge popular?" I scratched my head, wondering.

"Publicity is not universal, but you are the son of that adult. If you don't understand this thing, would you still be scolded to death by that adult?"

When President Auli said this, the expression on his face was worried.

"No, no" I waved: "Although on the surface, Master Dewey has a harsh attitude towards me, in fact, he still spoils me very much."

"That's why I said you would be scolded to death!" President Aoli yelled.

"Hey, are you eager for me to be scolded, or are you worried about me being scolded?" I showed a look of irritation and said, "How do I think you are worried for a while and gloat for a while?"

"That's for sure" President Aoli said: "I am worried that you will be scolded, and I want to hear how Master Dewey scolds you, hehehe."

"What a wretched fellow, you are definitely the kind of damaging friend who will cheat me!" I whispered.

"Okay, I'm not joking with you." President Aoli retracted his playful expression and said seriously: "Actually, the so-called secret realms, you should have seen them, but some people don't care about them as secret realms, but called forbidden places... ...."

"Forbidden area?" I frowned slightly, and recalled for a moment. This term seemed to have been mentioned by someone. Who mentioned it?

While thinking about it, President Aoli continued: "...just like the depths of the fairy forest in Moonlight City."

I was stunned for an instant, and at the same time I remembered someone who had said something similar to me-the former fairy patriarch, and now the fairy queen.

"That's really difficult, no wonder the strongest dwarven guild will be defeated."

President Aoli stared at me for a while, shook his head and said, "It seems that you are thinking too much. The secret realm of Fort Witch is not as dangerous as the secret realm in the deep forest of the elves, but the monsters that grow in the secret realm are compared to the dungeon For some of the monsters, it’s stronger and more horizontal."

"You said the secret realm of Fort Witch is not as strong as the secret realm of the Fairy Forest?" I couldn't help asking: "Have you been to the secret realm of the Fairy Forest?"

"I have been, of course." President Aoli said: "There is simply not a place for people to go!"

Then, he told me about his experience in the secret realm of the Fairy Forest.

At that time, President Aoli and President Hammer were not the presidents, but the top powerhouses of the young generation who had just participated in the Hefeng Contest.

Speaking of them, they were younger than I am now, but their levels have exceeded ten levels, and when serious, they are even stronger than the guys one or two levels higher.

The dwarf king at that time was not the one now, but the father of that one.

The elf queen at the time was not the one she is now, but her grandmother.

However, the fairy queen is still the current one, and has not changed.

After seeking the consent of the two queens, the former dwarf king led some of the top elites of the dwarf guild into the fairy forest.

They are under the banner of exploring and honing the elite will of the newcomers, but in fact, they are for the treasure hidden in the forest of the spirits.

It is said that in the depths of the fairy forest, there are scattered weapons that the **** of creation once bestowed on the fairy queen.

The two queens must know the intentions of the dwarf king, but after receiving the request, they agreed in one fell swoop with some supplies as a show of goodwill.

Now that I think about it, I must know that even if the dwarf king and other elites are so powerful, they still have the same monsters in the depths of the fairy forest.

Sure enough, on the third day of departure, the Dwarf Guild encountered the most terrifying monster since entering the depths of the Fairy Forest.

That is a bear.

A bear more than ten meters high.

Bloody mouth and fangs, sharp claws kill.

It would be fine if it was just an ordinary huge bear. On its huge body, there was a layer of scales, like fish scales, dense, smooth, and quite strong.

"At that time, the steel hammer and I went up with the hammer, and smashed it seven or eight times before finally smashing a scale. What a **** fuck!" The president of Ao Li, Da Scolded: "What the **** is this bear? It's just a fish with the body of a bear!"

That battle lasted for more than an hour. When the giant bear fell, the dwarf king counted the number of dwarves. Counting the wounded, nearly one-third of the dwarves lost their combat effectiveness.

Among them, one-fifth of the dwarves have lost their lives.

The huge loss made the dwarf king completely angry. He almost lost his mind when he was irritable. He wanted to lose the army and tried to take a step further.

However, his impulse was dispelled in the description of the returning scout.

The scout accidentally discovered that, deeper in the Fairy Forest, a toad-like monster had just swallowed a giant bear of that kind into his mouth.

You know, the giant bear is more than ten meters high, and it can be eaten by toads. One can imagine how big that toad would be.

Moreover, the giant bear swallowed into its mouth was unable to use its sharp claws and fangs to tear the toad's body apart. It is conceivable how tough that toad's leather would be.

In the end, under the shadow of that kind of toad type monster, the dwarf king commanded his master and quietly exited the fairy forest.

Since then, the Dwarf King has never played the abacus of the Fairy Forest, even this year of the Dwarf King.

After hearing the description of President Aoli, I couldn't help but subconsciously cried out: "Fuck!"

The giant bear monster that is more than ten meters high that can severely inflict some elites in the dwarf guild will be swallowed by a huge toad monster. How big is this toad?

It's estimated that a pot can't be cooked, right?

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