The picture Barbara showed me was the furniture picture that was finally selected after thousands of choices.

These furniture are used to decorate the cafe shop.

Looking at the pictures of furniture in the same style, my head is as big as a fight.

These home pictures, except for the colors, look exactly the same, OK?

Can't you choose a color you like? !

Of course I want to go back, I still can't scream at Barbara cruelly, man, I have a temper to go with the enemy, and scream with a girl, what's the point?

So I be patient and look at it one by one.

After turning over it seven or eight times, I took out one at random and said, "That's it."

Barbara took it, took a look, her face was pleased, and then put on the attitude of the critic, and said: "I chose the one I like at a glance, um, yes, you have the foresight."

Hey, this is for you.

After washing, I was about to go back to my room to rest, so Kagali asked me from the side: "Xiaoyi, when are you going to go back?"

I stopped, turned to her, glanced at her with a slightly distressed look, thought for a while, and said, "Take a three-day vacation, everyone have fun, and we will go back in three days."

After Kagali listened, there was an instant surprise in her eyes, and the other members were also very happy.

Generally speaking, a guild will not give its members a holiday, because a day off will lose a lot of income.

This is just a guild without paid leave.

Those guilds that allow paid vacations are even more intimidating to things like vacations.

Because once their members take vacation, not only will it not bring benefits to the guild, but they will also get money from the guild.

Unfortunately, my guild is exactly the kind of paid vacation.

Without the thigh of Master Dewey, I would definitely not agree to stop playing for three days. After all, eating is more important.

Thinking of Master Dewey, I miss him a bit.

Back to the room, lying on the bed, took out the call crystal, and pressed the button of Master Dewey.

Ten seconds later, the crystal was connected, and Master Dewey's voice sounded on the side of the crystal: "What's the matter, Xiao Yi?"

"It's okay" I said: "I just miss your old man a little bit."

"Hehehe, it's okay to have a fart call!" Master Dewey laughed and scolded me: "If you really miss me, you should marry my gang of daughter-in-laws and have a bunch of lively and cute Baby, you won’t have to work hard at that time, just send it all over. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it by myself."


Why is it here again?

Suddenly there is the illusion of being forced into marriage by his parents.

I tried to forcibly change the subject and talk about the runes on my arm, but Master Dewey stopped: "Don't worry, I haven't studied the runes at hand yet."

Later, I planned to talk to him about the Hefeng Championship, but he refused again: "I am not interested in competitions or anything. I am a scientist. Fighting is not my specialty. Scientific invention is my job. jobs."


In this way, in less than ten minutes, Master Dewey killed all the chattering.

I felt speechless about this, the black line hanging high.

Master Dewey cleared his throat and said: "It's getting late, I want to rest."

Then with a click, the call was hung up.

Only me, who was on the phone crystal side, was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling, messy.



On the first day of the three-day vacation, I was very busy.

The decoration of the cafe was provided by the great nobleman Swift, and the materials were also arranged by him. They are all the best materials-the best in the city of Dasai.

When you walk into the cafe and browse around, you will suddenly feel a sense of ease, which is a visual illusion created by the light coffee paint on the interior walls of the cafe.

Coupled with the sound-like objects placed on the inside of the bar, elegant and calm songs are constantly being broadcast, turning the entire cafe into a leisure cradle.

If at this moment, there are all kinds of elegant furniture displayed in it, I will take the lead in ordering a cup of coffee, and then sit and rest, close my eyes and look up, and enjoy a moment of comfort.

Swift arrived in a hurry within ten minutes after I arrived at the cafe.

He bowed to me first, and respectfully said: "My Prime Minister, I don't know if you are here today, you have missed a long way to welcome you, and I hope to forgive you."

"Let me call me Xiaoyi," I said, "This is not a public place, so why call it such a living thing."

He nodded repeatedly and agreed, "Yes, yes, Lord Xiaoyi."

"Let's go with the word'sir' too, I sound awkward."

"This...yes, Xiao Yi," Swift said cautiously.

I nodded slightly, looked at the surrounding walls, and praised: "The decoration here is really great. Look at the color of the wall, the position of the bar, and listen to the elegant singing. Everything is so coordinated. ,perfect."

With that said, I turned around, faced Swift, bowed my head slightly, and said, "It's all thanks to your help, thank you, Lord Swift."

"Oh, I can't bear it, I can't bear it!" Swift hurriedly lowered his back, his face panicked, and his eyes were full of joy, and said: "Can be big by Xiaoyi... .. Well, it is a great honor for me to be liked by Xiaoyi."

"You're polite," I said: "Look at the materials used in the decoration. Every one of them is top-notch. Presumably, you must have spent a lot of money?"

"It's my most honored thing to be able to serve you" Swift flattered: "As for money or not, it is no longer in my consideration. No matter how expensive it is, I will grit my teeth and help you buy it. ."

"You are too polite" I approached him and said in a low voice: "I'm serious, how much money did you spend, tell me, I will fill you up, I can't watch you lose out."

"Look at what you said" Swift looked serious and said: "It is a great honor for me to spend money on you. I really don't feel at a loss."

Seeing that he was so determined, I was no longer able to continue questioning, so I had to say: "Although I accidentally destroyed a lending organization last time, in fact, I am not against some small greed or small violations. After all, To make money, you need a right way. As long as you don't disturb the residents, you can talk about everything."

Swift listened, his eyes rolled, and his face beamed with joy, and said, "Thank you, my lord, thank you, Da...cough, thank you Xiaoyi."

Although it was not a long time in the prime minister, he also heard a little bit related to the nobles, including income.

Part of the income of the great aristocrats is borne by the state, and the other part is collected commissions from their jurisdictions and their own businesses.

The amount borne by the country is not large, and the amount of commission is relatively fixed. Adding these two items together for a full year, it may not be able to afford the material costs of my cafe.

And Swift and his wife are the kind of people who spend money. If they rely on a fixed income, they can't afford the materials and decoration costs of the cafe.

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