"No, death is not interesting." I shook my head and continued to smile: "What's interesting is the relationship between the owner of the tomb and the robber. The owner of the tomb is already a pile of withered bones, and I can't even let go of those desirable, even for it. The dumped wealth, and in order to hold the wealth firmly, built a mausoleum, and set up dangerous institutions, and the tomb robber, in order to obtain the wealth in the mausoleum, did not hesitate to take risks, down to these are full of dullness and death. In the mausoleum, you pry the door, steal the lock, gouge the wall and dig the ground, do everything you want. Thinking about it, the two should have nothing to do with each other, but they are closely linked because of wealth. One wants to kill the other, the other Don’t you think it’s funny if someone wants to steal the most precious thing from the other party?"

Odachi was silent for a rare moment. It said, "I don't think it's because you laughed too low."

Seeing that there is no common language, I gave up continuing to talk nonsense with it, dragged it, and walked towards the door again.

This time, I no longer admire the exquisite reliefs or comprehend the meaning. Instead, I activated my combat skills and swiped the big sword against the stone gate.

Simple violence is king!

Although the stone gate is strong, it is just a gate made of ordinary stone. After being cut by me, it was cut in two sections, but it still did not collapse. It seems that there was a problem with the angle of my cut.

Ever since, I changed the angle again, in another direction, and cut again.

The blade fell to the ground, and on the huge stone gate in front of him, a huge fork appeared, connecting the two sides of the stone gate and running through the entire relief.

Due to the appearance of the huge fork, Shimen was finally overwhelmed. With a continuous sound, the huge Shimen collapsed, stone chips flying, and rubbles jumping around.

After everything calmed down, I raised the Philosopher's Stone Lamp and took a photo towards the door.

Behind the door, there was a secret room with gold coins and jewels scattered all over the floor. I walked in slowly, stepping on the leather thick-soled boots, making a creaking noise.

Although I am fascinated by the shiny gold coins and piles of jewels in front of me, I have no intention of taking them out.

I am not short of money, especially after I hugged the thigh of Master Dewey, the attractiveness of gold coins to me has been much less than before.

Moreover, my purpose for this trip to the grave is not these gold coins, but something other than gold coins.

For example, enchant equipment, such as magic equipment, and weapons attached to the **** of creation.

If the owner of the tomb is the one who sits in the center of the relief on the stone gate and is worshipped by thousands of people, even if there is no weapon of the **** of creation, there must be magical equipment or enchanted equipment.

Wandering in a secret room the size of a basketball court for a week, kicked away countless gold coins and jewels, but didn't see what I really wanted.

"Could it be that this is just a treasury?" I thought and sat down.

Across the thick cowhide pants, I can still clearly feel the coldness and hardness of these gold coin jewelry.

"Ass!" I whispered, I stood up from the pile of gold coins, patted the cowhide pants, and touched my butt. Fortunately, the pants were strong and not torn.

"Really" I couldn't help sighing: "Looking at such a wealth of wealth, there is not even a place to sit!"

Dadachi smiled at this time: "You stinky boy is now developed. When you were poor and dying before, when you saw so much wealth, you wouldn't care about it, and you would definitely jump into the gold coins first. Roll on a few rolls, then put a lot of gold coins and jewelry in your pockets, and you won’t be finished until you can’t hold them. I’m right.”

"Yes, it's completely correct" I agreed: "But isn't it developed now, I have embraced the thighs of the local tyrants, and my thoughts on this aspect have also been reduced."

"Your godfather is not a local tyrant" Taito corrected him: "He is the richest man, the richest man, once I met, I heard a conversation between your godfather and the goblin king. Over 60% of Hefeng Mainland’s total assets."


I almost choked with saliva: "Don't talk about it, how is it possible, no matter how rich it is, it won't reach this level."

"Hey, look at you, you still don't believe it, don't believe it!" Taita was very upset, and turned on the broken thought mode. Anyway, it is all kinds of words that bury me, over and over, I guess I want to use this method to ravage my spirit.

As everyone knows, in these days I get along, my spirit is already made of iron and steel, so how can I be broken by the words of it!

I made a disdainful ‘cut’ and stepped on a string of pearl necklaces.

After searching for more than ten times, I finally determined that there is nothing I want in the gold coin pile and jewelry pile in this secret room. At the same time, there are no secret doors or underground passages in this secret room, because every place I touched the walls, and stepped on every tile. I even dug some buckles, climbed onto the ceiling, and knocked on the top tiles one by one.

It's a pity that there is no hollow sound.

When I jumped down, I just stepped on a small pile of gold coins, slipped under my feet, and fell directly to the ground. The edges and corners of the gold coins shook my buttocks and made me scream.

After that, I limped out of this tunnel and stepped into another tunnel again.

The second tunnel is the same as the first tunnel. There is not much difference. The only difference is that in this tunnel, the luminous ball is not broken, but it is quiet without the stamina. Stay on a brick surface as if it had been there since the beginning.

I walked over, picked up the ball, and threw it away again.

The ball rolls very fast, making a series of soft knocks. Just when I watched the ball leave, dozens of small holes were suddenly opened on the walls on both sides, and a burst of crossbow arrows were shot out. , Like a storm, inserted into the walls on both sides.

Damn it!

This sudden appearance surprised me.

It’s okay if only one side wall has crossbow arrows shooting out, so it’s a bit bad to shoot arrows together on both sides of the wall. The guard and Odachi can at most completely resist the crossbow arrows on one side, but the other side... .... What resistance should I use?

Really, I knew I would buy a shield.

I think it’s better to borrow Jackson’s shield for use... No, this is a bad idea. With Jackson’s temper, the shield is second only to the boss’s wife, unless the boss’s wife herself helps me. Come and borrow, otherwise he won't agree!

In other words, is the boss really willing to borrow a shield for me?

Think about the boss's majesty's domineering spirit, and her views and requirements of me, it is estimated that this is unlikely.

Hey, it's really difficult.

Facing the tunnel where crossbow arrows could be shot from two walls at the same time, a painful sadness gradually appeared in my heart.

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