After careful exploration and exploration, I finally found a hollow wall inside.

The reason for this determination is that the sound feedback from this wall after beating is relatively hollow, so I can be sure that there must be a mezzanine inside!

Condensing the killing intent on the blade, swinging the Odachi, slashing towards the wall without hesitation.

The hard walls piled with boulders could not stop the sharpness of the Odachi attached to the combat skills. After a rapid noise, a large hole with a radius of one meter was cut out on the front wall.

As the wall is cut open, the mezzanine layer hidden in it finally reveals its true face.

I carried the Philosopher's stone lamp and stepped into it, and what came to my face was not the dazzling light reflected by the treasure, nor the golden light scattered in the sky, but an unexplainable unpleasant smell.

This smell is like the stuffy fart of a person with constipation for a week-spicy eyes!

I quickly exited the mezzanine, breathing the air outside again and again.

Although the air in the barren tomb is a bit dirty and dull, it is at least within an acceptable range. In contrast, the air in the mezzanine is simply a biological weapon.

"How smelly is this that can smoke you out?" Odachi said happily from the side.

"You'll know if you go and smell it," I covered my nose and said uncomfortably.

"I'm sorry, the knife doesn't have a nose. I can't smell the smell you said, hahahahaha."

It laughed more happily.

Dao Dao's spirit of immortality and poor Dao was brought to the fullest by Odachi.

Cover the nose and rest for more than ten minutes. Put your hand off the nose and sniff twice. It is found that the air around the interlayer also contains some unpleasant smells, but fortunately, there are fewer inclusions and do not affect breathing.

He hesitated for a while outside the mezzanine, gritted his teeth, and got in again with the magic stone lamp.

This time, the strange smell coming to the face was much less, at least there was no feeling of falling into the cesspit when breathing.

Under the light of the magic stone lamp, I saw everything around me clearly, not only frowned slightly, but also an unspeakable mood developed.

What was presented to me was not treasures, jewels, or gold coins, but bones.

There are hundreds of these withered bones, piled densely together.

Almost all of these dead bones have flesh and skin, but because of the age, those flesh and skin have been weathered and dried up, sticking tightly to the bones, and turning into a thin, corpse.

These corpses have different shapes. Some opened their mouths as if they were wailing in pain, some opened their fingers, as if they were doing a dying struggle, and some pushed hard against the other person who was pressing on him, as if trying to Squeezed out of the crowd...

They have different forms, but their moods are the same. Pain, struggle, distortion, resentment, almost all negative emotions can be found on the faces of this group of mummy.

Although at this moment, they can no longer make any sound, but in my mind, it seems that I can still hear their helpless wailing when they are dying.

"Hell, this is hell!"

The voice of Odachi sounded in my mind.

"Yes, this is hell." I walked around the mound, looking at the expression of each mummy, feeling the despair and pain of each mummy before it died.

"Once, when these corpses were still humans, they were all different races. Look here, this ordinary corpse belongs to the human race. This corpse with sharp ears is of an elven, and this one is of a fairy. , This one is from a goblin, this one is from a dwarf, and here, this one is from an orc. None of these people died in pain and despair. I can’t imagine how terrible they experienced when they were dying. Pain, but I can be sure that for them, this is hell!"

"There is a question" Datadao said: "Why are they killed here?"

"I don't know." I shook my head and said, "Maybe it was used for funerals, or the craftsman who built this tomb. In order to prevent the tomb from being stolen, they were all disposed of after they finished building the tomb."

"Isn't this something that only the emperor with inflated desire can do" Dadachi said.

"Is there anyone besides the emperor who can work so hard to build a mausoleum?" I asked rhetorically.

Otata paused and said, "Perhaps, you are right."

"Why, sympathize with humans?" I asked.

"It's impossible to sympathize with humans," Taitadao said: "At least not now."

"Then why is your tone so low?"

"Seeing these corpses, I thought of those compatriots who were buried deep in the mausoleum and might never see the sun."

"You mean, those knives used as funeral objects?" I asked.

"It's not just a knife" Data said, "Any weapon, in my opinion, is my compatriot."

"That's terrible," I said: "I used you to destroy a lot of the enemy's weapons and force you to kill a lot of your compatriots. I apologize for that."

"You don't need to apologize for this," Dadachi said, "After all, you are my user. If you get into trouble to protect your compatriots, I will be even more embarrassed."

"Huh? So you think so" I couldn't help saying, "I didn't expect you to be quite conscientious."

"Rude! You brat!" Odachi retorted, "What a conscientious thing, I am the blade of Leopold with noble sentiments!"

Listening to Odachi's boasting, I continued to observe the mound.

After looking at each corpse, I couldn't help sighing.

"What's the matter with you, are you sad for the death of your compatriots?" Otato couldn't help asking.

"No" I said: "I just watched a circle. Before these people were thrown here, the fatal parts of their bodies were injured, some in the head and neck, some in the chest, and some in the abdomen. In short, no A person is thrown into this place in perfect condition, you say, what kind of person will be thrown into this place under the condition of dying?"

Odachi thought for a while and said, "Perhaps as you said, they are either funerals or craftsmen who built the tomb."

"Which is more likely?" I asked.

"This is not certain," Data said, "If they carry tools or something with special meaning, I can help you judge."

I shook my head slightly and sighed: "Unfortunately, the flesh of these people has completely dried up and solidified, and I can't see what it used to be."

"What do you look at their hands?" Odachi asked.

"If they are craftsmen, there must be a lot of cocoons in certain positions."

"Then what if they are the funeral?"

"There are only two possibilities for the burial person. One is the closest person to the king during his lifetime, and the other is a slave. The former will not have any cocoons on his hands, and the latter are covered with various cocoons, which are easy to distinguish. ,just......"

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