The stone gate was shattered and the inner palace was opened.

Inside the mausoleum, a cold wind suddenly blew, whizzing past my ears, and rushing into the hole.

Immediately afterwards, a ray of light came from the hole. At first, the light was still weak, not as good as the magic stone lamp, but as one second passed, the light from the hole gradually became stronger, and finally, the magic stone was turned The light of the lamp was completely submerged!

I was so stunned by the sight that I suddenly forgot to dodge.

Fortunately, this light is only light, not a means of attack, and I finally saved myself from suffering.

Standing at the entrance of the cave, I curled my eyebrows and stared, hesitating whether to step in.

Odachi's voice sounded in my mind at this time: "Are you afraid of something?"

With these words, a huge figure suddenly appeared in my mind, that is, a dragon, a huge nine-headed dragon, the huge eyes are glowing with crimson fierce light, and the nostrils are constantly bursting with sulfur. The smell of thick smoke, it roared, roared, and spit out fiery flames from one of the big mouths of the blood basin. The light of that flame was almost the same as the light emitted from the hole in Shimen at this time!

I shuddered subconsciously, and the hand holding the knife began to tremble slightly.

"It turns out that you are afraid of that kind of monster" Taitadao said: "No wonder you are afraid. It is indeed like a symbol of destruction in the Western world. Maybe it is stronger than that symbol, but aren't you the same? , Haven’t you discovered that since you came into this world, both your physical strength and your various indicators have far surpassed the limits of human beings on the blue planet. Now you are not what you originally thought That Superman!"

Odachi continued his bold words: "Don’t be afraid, don’t shrink, whatever evil dragon python, just go up and do it, you are not an adventurer, don’t you still have many dreams and ambitions you want to accomplish? Stubborn belief, don't persuade, just do it!"

Gritting my teeth and taking a deep breath, I kept pumping up my heart amidst Odachi's rhetoric. Finally, I decided to step into the gate and face the dazzling light!

When I stepped into the hole, when my eyes adjusted to the strong light and saw everything inside the hole, I couldn't help taking a breath. What is this...?

In front of me is a huge palace, walls made of gold, ground made of gold, and ceiling made of gold. The whole palace seems to be a world of gold!

On the half-waist of the golden wall, every one meter, there is an oil lamp made of gold. At the top of the oil lamp, a basketball-sized flame is beating.

In the center of the palace, there is a huge skeleton, and Bai Sensen's skeleton is particularly dazzling in the light of the flame.

The skeleton is six or seven meters high and extends forward in a stretched position.

It has four legs, each of which has a sharp claw, and each sharp claw has five fingers. The fingertips are extremely sharp, like a battle knife that has been tempered.

Moving my gaze upward, following the neat rows of white ribs, along the densely structured neck bones, I saw its head.

It was not the heads of the monsters I often saw, but the skulls of dragons, just like the heads of nine-headed flood dragons that I had seen in the gap.

The difference is that it has only one head.

"Look at its neck," Odachi suggested.

Looking back again, I saw that on its neck, there was a pair of associated joints extending out. When I first saw this, I didn't pay too much attention to these. Now, I seem to know something.

"It should be the same kind of monster as the flood dragon in your memory that made you fight the millet. The difference is that the one you see may be stronger."

"According to your analysis, since this monster can leave a complete skeleton, that is to say, it is not a monster born and grown in the underground city, but a monster that broke into there by mistake!"

"This is just my guess. If you kill it next time you see it again, don't you know if it was born and grew up later, or broke in later."

"That's right," I replied casually.

On the back of the dragon-shaped skeleton that looks extremely powerful, there are dozens of human-shaped skeletons. Their skeletons have been preserved intact, even the fragile parts such as ear bones and nasal bones are well preserved.

I can clearly recognize that these skeletons are not humans, but elves.

"I'm going to climb up to identify it and see if the skeletons are real or fake."

With that said, I jumped down, jumped again after landing, jumped onto the dragon's head bone, stepped on the dragon's head bone, climbing all the way up, and soon came to its back position.

When I just arrived, I discovered that on its back, there are not only the skeletons of the elves, but at the feet of the elves, there are several skeletons crawling on the ground. Among those skeletons, there are humans, orcs, dwarves, and goblins. .

The skeletons of the elves are stepped on the backs of these skeletons!

And the skeleton of the elves is not the top one. On top of these dozens of skeletons, there is a throne made of a crystal. The periphery of the throne is inlaid with countless pearls and gems.

On top of the throne, there was also a thin man in a Chinese suit.

It's not that the man is thin, but because of the age, his skin has been dehydrated and dried up, clinging to his bones.

This man seems to be in his prime, he should be about 30 or 40 years old. The round and top ears made me recognize it as a fairy at first sight.

At this time, he sits on the throne, underneath Hai Sui, like a king, in the hegemony laid down by Hai Sui himself.

In addition to a costume, there is a crown on top of his head. I don't know what material the crown is made of. It does not reflect light when illuminated by fire!

Standing opposite the mummy, thinking for a long time, I stretched out my hand, wanting to take off his crown.

"It's a bit unnatural for you to do this," Odachi joked, "This product is a king no matter how you look at it. After death, I was thinking about being able to continue to dominate the mausoleum. As a result, not only the mausoleum was stolen by you, but also the head. You will take off the crown on the top."

"Perhaps he was a king before his death" I said lightly: "But when I come, he is not."

After all, he bent his fingers and clasped one side of the crown.

At this moment, light flashed on the crown, and a phantom appeared in front of me out of thin air. The appearance of the phantom was similar to that of a mummy. It should be his appearance before his death. The voice of the phantom was extremely irritable. He said angrily: "Stop, you thief!"

I stopped, raised my head, and looked at the phantom overhead.

Xu Ying said: "This is my crown, you have no right to get involved!"

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am ^%**%" he said: "Everything here, this world, is mine!"

"What is ‘^%**%’?" I looked dumbfounded.

Xu Ying did not answer me, he continued with an extremely majestic attitude: "Humble untouchable, if you leave now, I can assume that you have never appeared, but if you continue to stay here, polluting every inch of my land , I will execute you mercilessly and throw your bones into the mud, bitten by all insects!"

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