Never mind your business-this is a philosophy passed down from ancient times by the elves.

Because of this concept, the elves live very easily and clearly.

Because of this concept, once civil strife occurs, the elves will be troubled and even at a loss for a while. They can only rely on me as a foreign elder to organize the rebellion.

Right now, I held two bottles with poisonous insects and showed them to the guards.

If I change to another race, I will definitely be very alert, and at the same time question its purpose and my intentions.

But the elves are different-"This is the matter of the elders, we have no right to intervene." This sentence is perfunctory. I always feel that the guards of the elves are not the task of guarding the queen, but they look very powerful. Furnishings.

Although I am dissatisfied with their behavior of "filling up the number", I can't face them to criticize and preach. After all, I am only a foreign elder, and they are soldiers of the Queen. I am responsible for external affairs. As for the real Only the Queen has the right to discipline these soldiers.

I decided to ask the Queen about the authority of the guards of the palace after finishing all the business affairs today.

At this time in the morning, the Fairy Queen, as the representative of the triumphant reception of the heroes, went one kilometer from the palace to welcome Emily and the others. Only the Fairy Queen and other elders stayed behind.

I let Remy hide into the fairy queen's room with the crown, and then strode into the chamber to meet the fairy queen.

At this moment, the Fairy Queen was chatting with the other elders. Seeing me coming in, she smiled and said: "Why did Xiaoyi come back alone, not with Emily and the others?"

"They are bathing in the cheers of the people. I am not interested in the warm atmosphere, so I came back early."

"I heard that Elder An Xiaoyi's Guild has also achieved good results in this Hefeng Contest," Elder Prisla said with a smile.

"You're wrong." I shook my head: "My guild was smashed early in the morning."

"It is said that it was because of the fierce battle with the Boulder Guild of the First Civilian Guild in Balan City, and the barrier collapsed repeatedly. As a last resort, the qualifications of your two guilds were cancelled at the same time." Gesture, against the prestige of large guilds, Elder An Xiaoyi's trump card is really not to be underestimated."

"It's just a civilian guild," Elder Mai Sonoda said with disdain: "It's not the five big guilds. What's so surprising. If Elder Prisla is surprised because the small guild competes against the big guild, let me not be here. Not rude once, you are so ignorant. In the library of the imperial palace, you can pick a prestigious guild battle record at will, and you can find the shadow of challenging the prestige of the big guild as a small guild."

Elder Prisla's eyes changed, she was silent for a moment, and slowly said: "Elder Sonoda Mai said that I do have a deficiency in this aspect. When I take free time in the future, I will definitely read relevant materials carefully."

"As a great elder, I still think you should spend more energy on your study. As for other matters, let's take a step forward. After all, under the leadership of Her Majesty the Queen, the current Moonlight City can be said to be in good weather, and the country is peaceful. I am waiting for the elders, and there are a lot of arduous tasks missing. Naturally, my free time gradually increases. What do you think?"

"Elder Sonoda Mai is reasonable, but this state matter is important after all, so I dare not slack off. I think it is better to put more time on state affairs," Elder Mela bowed his head.

"Okay, none of the elders are teenagers, and the truths that should be understood are already well understood. There is no need to argue over this little matter here."

As soon as the fairy queen uttered a voice, the chamber became quiet for an instant.

The base of the moonlight scepter in her hand gently hit the ground, and the fairy queen turned to me and said: "Xiaoyi, you just came back here today, you rushed here, did you have something to do with me?"

"Yes" I nodded and said, "Grandma Queen, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?" she asked.

"This" said, I passed the two vials over.

The crystal vial exudes a beautiful brilliance under the sunlight. The spiders and scorpions placed in the bottle are bathed in brilliance, stretching their bodies continuously, revealing the gorgeous colors on the shell, as if they are competing with the reflected brilliance.

In the constant stretching, the limbs of spiders and scorpions made soft noises, and at the same time, they made short and regular hissing from their mouths.

After the fairy queen looked closely, her face changed instantly.

She carefully returned the vial to me, her eyes serious, and said, "Where did you get these two bugs?"

"They were caught by me in a barren tomb" I explained. "Do you know where they came from?"

"Yes, I know" said the fairy queen.

"Can you tell me what they are?" I said, "It seems that these two insects are very toxic."

"You are right, Xiao Yi" said the fairy queen: "They are the most toxic among similar creatures. Although I don't remember their names, I still remember most of their information, including their shapes, Color, and characteristics."

"Can you tell me something?" I asked the two vials to the elders around to watch.

"Of course," the fairy queen said: "This scorpion and this spider were originally species distributed in the shadows of the Fairy Forest. They prey on insects and gnaw on carrion corpses. The largest one found is also But the size of a palm, but the toxins they secrete are so toxic that just one drop is enough to kill tens of thousands of people."

"Fuck, so awesome!" I secretly exclaimed, and at the same time I was grateful for my immune toxin physique. It is precisely because of this physique that I dare to face various waves of poison.

When the fairy queen talked about the toxicity of these two poisonous insects, Elder Lindsay, who was playing with the vial, almost threw the vial out.

The fairy queen reminded: "Elder Lindsay, I advise you to take it well and hold it firmly. Once this kind of poisonous insect comes out, no matter who hurts, it will be life-threatening."

"Yes, the minister knows his mistake."

Elder Lindsay hurriedly stood up and bowed to admit his mistake.

"According to the book's record, these two poisonous insects should have been extinct. How could they appear in the barren tomb?" The fairy queen thought for a moment, and said: "Xiaoyi, can you still find the barren tomb now? ?"

"Can find it."

"Very good" said the fairy queen: "You go back to clean up, take me there, I want to see that seat with my own eyes..."

"Sorry, Grandma Empress" I curled my lips and said helplessly, "I'm afraid you will never see that mausoleum again."

"Why?" The fairy queen asked puzzled.

"Because it has been destroyed" I said: "Although I don't know the specific reason, it collapsed just a few steps after I walked out of the mausoleum. It collapsed quite completely, and even deep cliffs were formed."

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