The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1400: The alien who activates the artifact

The fairy queen's dedication to the crown of kings is daunting. Her granddaughter, Remy, also inherited her dedication, even more paranoid than her.

In the face of various temptations and promises, Xiao Leimi has always adhered to the concept of'He is strong, he is strong, the breeze blows the hills', without the slightest humility, and will never retreat, like a rock, standing in the storm, calmly Do not move.

Finally, the fairy queen retreated. She chose to give up. Anyway, Remy is also her own granddaughter and the only direct descendant. One day, the crown of the king will return to her hands. If so, why not let it go now. Give her the crown of the king to please her granddaughter and let her get closer to herself.

Thinking of this, the fairy queen first sighed with a disappointed look, and then showed her granddaughter's pampering color in her eyes, stroked the top of her head gently, and said softly: "Since you like it so much, then grandma don't want it, you have to be good Keep it, don't be robbed by others, you know?"

"Heh~" Xiao Leimi nodded happily, grinned, revealing a pure and lively smile.

"Xiao Yi~" She shook her head, broke free from the fairy queen, floated to my neck, chose a comfortable position to sit down, and then took off the crown of king from her arm, fiddled with it twice, and aimed I clicked down on the top of my head, and smiled at the same time: "I'm sleepy, I want to sleep~"

At the moment when the crown was put on my head upright, a soft white light slowly dispersed, like white yarn slowly sliding down the ground.

"Um, so comfortable~ Zzzzzzz"

Remy put her chin on top of my head and fell asleep.

Being treated as a pillow, I feel really helpless. In fact, I don't want anyone outside of my family to know the relationship between me and this crown of kings-the less exposed, the less trouble.

Obviously, my thinking is correct.

At the moment when the light ball was scattered, the fairy queen's surprised eyes were locked on my head-her eyeballs kept shaking up and down, and her eyes kept reciprocating on the crown of kings and my face.

"How is this possible!" She seemed to be frightened by the scene before her, and said the same words as the phantom in the underground mausoleum: "You have no fairy royal blood, why can you activate it!"

"This...I don't know either." I spread my hands and showed a helpless expression: "Maybe I have a relationship with it."

"Can it be activated by fate?" The fairy queen's expression was very wonderful, as if an experienced counterfeit heard the leaky lies made up by novice liars, she chuckled weakly: "I read a lot of books and have experienced Many, don't lie to me."

Seeing that the queen didn't believe me, I couldn't help sighing lightly and said, "Uh...I really don't know what is going on.

However, the fairy queen still didn't believe this sentence. She looked at me with the eyes of a police officer looking at the suspect, and she made me feel uncomfortable.

It's really annoying and maddening. I'm telling the truth and still don't believe it. Do I have to force me to talk nonsense?

Just when I was about to think of a credible nonsense, the spirited fairy queen sighed slightly: "Think about you don't have to lie to me, and these artifacts have been activated by people outside the fairy royal family, although there are few records Poor, but it does exist."

Hearing what she said, I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and the pressure on my heart was instantly relieved--really, it turned out that it was not only me, but there was a precedent that foreigners had activated the artifact!

"Grandma Empress, what happened to those who activated the artifact" I asked casually.

For some reason, I always feel that I and those who activate the artifact should have similar life experiences.

"It's all dead," the fairy queen said lightly.


The "old dead" fairy queen said: "In the record, the last foreigner to activate the artifact died 1,600 years ago and lived more than two hundred years."

"It turns out to be old and dead" I subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Really, chatting with the fairy queen is stimulating, and it will always scare me.

"What I just said was the death cause of the last foreigner who activated the artifact in the record," the fairy queen still said indifferently, but the content of the words directly turned a big bend 180 degrees, almost flashing my waist.

"Cough" I cleared my throat awkwardly, and said, "Grandma Empress, if it is convenient, can you please say it all at once, I hear liver pain."

She chuckled twice, and said: "In the records of my family, there are a total of ten foreigners who can activate artifacts. Seven of them appeared in the ancient wars that determined the survival of mankind. After the war, only seven foreign heroes Three survived, and the other four artifacts. The ancestors originally intended to give them to foreigners who could activate them, but unfortunately, the entire Hefeng Continent tried it again and couldn’t find one that could activate them. Below, the ancestors had to distribute these four weapons to the four foreign leaders, and let them take care of them until they found the foreigners who could activate them."

"In the future, after a series of changes over the years, around 6000 years ago, the eighth foreigner who could activate the artifact appeared. Holding the artifact, she led the expeditionary force across the sea and expanded all the way. The soil, forcibly "sweeped" the plains where the monsters were originally everywhere, and built a huge town-the city of Dasai today."

"That great woman suffered a severe injury in the battle and was not cured in time, and suffered a sequelae. Later, in a battle for territory with a monster, her old wounds recurred. At that time, the battle was too fierce and the opportunity for treatment was delayed again. He passed away shortly after the battle."

After that, the fairy queen was silent for a moment. From her serious expression, I can be sure that the queen must respect this great woman.

"The ninth foreigner who can activate the artifact appeared more than 3,000 years ago. He used that artifact to open up another town a hundred kilometers away from Darcy City-today's York City, but It didn't take long before he was assassinated, and the artifact disappeared."

"The first nine artifact owners are pretty awesome" I couldn't help saying: "Either they fought bravely in ancient wars, or they showed their skills in the open plains, opened up territories, and founded towns. In contrast, they are old and dead. The activator of this artifact is low to burst."

"Low?" The fairy queen asked puzzled.

"Oh, it means weak, which means his life experience is a bit too boring."

"The life experience of the tenth artifact activator is boring?" The fairy queen smiled and shook her head, and said: "I only said that he died of old age naturally, but I never said how his life was spent!"

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