As Father Taylor said.

When I finished playing the monsters and showering, I came to the Elf Palace and met the two queens and explained what I was coming for. The Elf Queen directly ordered her men to count all the data about the nine-headed dragon. After the statistics were completed, I would submit it to I.

After that, it was a greeting of chewing wax.

When I got home, I had already missed dinner time.

Touched a snack, took a cup of tea, sat cross-legged in the backyard, feeling the night breeze, but always felt a little unhappy.

Taylor picked up the bottle, took a sip of wine, and said, "How?"

"The empress grandma didn't mention anything that I asked me to find by myself. Instead, she sent someone to transcribe a copy for me... transcript, haha, is the transcript really credible?"

With a wry smile, he shook his head, took a snack, sipped tea, and chewed hard.

"She might have her concerns."

Father Taylor didn't comfort me, but directly justified the fairy queen.

Is this because you cannot bear the hatred of your old lover by others?

I swallowed the dim sum in my mouth and took another sip of tea. I was unhappy and said: "Don't let me go to the library. It is understandable. After all, it is next to the royal forbidden area. If there is any extra action, it is easy to be regarded as a melon field. , But why can't her old man directly give me the original materials? Does she have to write another copy? Does she have to guard me like this?"

"Fight against you?" Father Taylor shook his head slightly and said with a hehe smile: "That's too much for you. Trika doesn't mention asking you to go to the library to look for books. It is indeed wary of you to offend the Royal Forbidden Land, but I help you to copy. You really misunderstood her about Ruben."

Since Father Taylor said so, we can't refute his old man's face, so we have to calm down and say unhappy: "Then tell me, where did I misunderstand her?"

"Do you know that the books in the Royal Library are written in ancient goblin characters?" Old Father Taylor said with a hehe, "Don't say it's you, it's the little girl of Anasta, I'm afraid it's even a line of text. I can’t recognize them all. The only person in the world who still recognizes ancient fairy characters is Tsika."

"In this case, why does the Queen's grandmother send people to collect the statistics first? Isn't she worried that those people will find the wrong books because they don't understand the information?

"No, you worry too much." Father Taylor took a sip of wine and said leisurely: "The fairy clan has a habit of drawing beautiful and vivid pictures while writing a book. Just follow the pictures to find them. No problem. Those careful staff will not be mistaken for the characteristic drawings like the nine-headed dragon."

"Speaking" Taylor turned his head, looked at me, and said lightly: "When the information is collected, the translation work must be done by Trika alone."

This old man has something to say!

Seeing his twinkling gaze, I gave a light cough, turned my head, and said with a slight embarrassment: "This... I naturally want to thank Grandma the Fairy for her help."

The old man chuckled, turned his head back satisfied, and continued to drink and enjoy the moon.

There are many ways to appreciate the fairy queen, such as helping Moonlight City gain greater benefits, such as finding equipment with the power of the **** of creation, and creating more next generations with Remy to supplement the thin blood of the fairy royal family. .

However, the most feasible of these is to obtain greater benefits for Moonlight City, and the least feasible is to have a monkey with Remy.

Although this world does not have the punishment of ‘starting in three years and the highest death penalty’, Remy is still a child. How old is she? Even in ancient times on the blue planet, she has not yet reached the age of the year!

Well, get back to business.

However, although it is feasible to seek greater benefits for Moonlight City, it is extremely difficult to achieve.

You know, the one that pits York in Seoul, I almost got my life in it.

First, they fought with humans, then dealt with the blue barking bone prison, and then encountered thousands of troops in York Seoul, and finally even dragons appeared!

Although this dragon was just mutated from Skassa.

All in all, it is dangerous.

Looking back at that time now, I couldn't help but feel a little scared, only that I was lucky enough to survive.

So, before this layer of psychological shadow is completely dissipated, I definitely won't cause trouble again.

At least, it won't cause trouble to any country.

Putting aside the matter of working for the benefit of the country, and then the matter of having a monkey with Remy, there is only one way to find the artifact.

However, this road is also unwilling to touch.

Let alone whether there are clues related to the artifact, I am a little bit reluctant just to find the artifact for the Fairy Queen.

Maybe others didn't find it, but I knew it very well. Since the fairy queen has more and more artifacts, her old man's power, courage, and ambition have steadily increased.

Compared to the kind and unpredictable grandmother who used to be inscrutable, she now looks more like a queen who is extremely deep and untouchable.

I always feel that the distance between us is getting farther and farther.

I can't say clearly whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

But I know that she is no longer the old lady who could tell us stories.

Artifact... forget it.

With a light sigh, I gave up my plan to find the artifact for the fairy queen.

Suddenly, I remembered a deep and quiet island very close to Moonlight City, and the portal that led to the deep sea on the island.

That portal must be more than just leading to the deep sea.

My instinct tells me that there may be something unknown lurking in that deep ocean.

What could it be?

I frowned, thinking of something from the orc high priest.

After hundreds of millions of years on this continent, the Fairy Clan was the first race to rule this continent, but it was not the first race to appear on this continent.

He took out the call crystal and dialed the call of Master Dewey.

Soon, Master Dewey's lazy voice was heard in the crystal, and there was also the sound of rushing water around him-he was soaking in hot springs 80% of the time.

"Are you busy, foster father?" I asked politely.

"Not busy" Master Dewey said: "Soaking in the hot springs, what's the matter, let's talk."

"That's it, foster father" I rationalized my thoughts and asked, "I want to take the liberty to inquire, how is your island portal submarine project going?"

"It went smoothly" Master Dewey said: "The first dive before was very successful."

"Then have you found anything extraordinary in that deep sea?"

"Something unbelievable?" Master Dewey asked puzzled: "What are you referring to?"

"It's... things like ruins."

"Oh, this ah" Master Dewey said lazily: "There are some signs, but because of the first test dive, the diving depth is only a few kilometers, and it is not clear whether it is a relic or not. I can only confirm that it is similar. Something like a building complex."

Buildings? !

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