The son-in-law of the orc king.

Hey, just think about it and get excited.

In this way, I immediately became the identity of three sons-in-law-the son-in-law of the Dwarf King, the son-in-law of the Orc King, and the grandson-in-law of the Fairy Queen.

With this triple identity blessing, I can walk sideways in most of the Hefeng continent.

I was overjoyed and thanked me on the spot.

Anyway, Hefeng Continent is not limited to monogamy. The Orc King and his old man did not say that he can only marry one of his daughters. Why not take advantage of this kind of free money?

The orc king was very satisfied with my statement. The orc queen's performance was even more exaggerated. A pair of white and slender catkins kept rubbing my cheeks and top of my head, and the petting eyes were exactly the same as the eyes of the owner when he petted the pet.

Looking through the orc queen and quietly fixing it on the orc king's face, I found that the latter's expression looked a little uncomfortable, and one word can accurately express it, that is, jealous.

Just when I was embarrassed and embarrassed, the fairy queen laughed and said: "Well, Elizabeth, there is a limit to loving your son-in-law. Don't you think about your daughter? Why don't you go to see your baby girl with Raphael? ."

After hearing this, the orc queen retracted her hand reluctantly, first bit her lip, and then touched the top of my head. Only then was she satisfied, turned to the orc king, and said softly: "Husband, let's see our daughter."

The complex expression of the orc king became tender and tender at the moment when the orc queen's gaze was facing each other, he showed a warm male smile and said, "Okay."

Afterwards, the two cuddled each other and walked towards the office door.

I followed behind, thinking about meeting my fiancee who I had never met before.

Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the fairy queen.

"Xiao Yi, what are you going to do?" Grandma Empress said with a smile.

I coughed twice, and whispered in a low voice: "You just recognized a marriage, I'll take a look at the little princess of the orc clan."

"No need," the fairy queen said with a smile: "Since it was appointed by the orc king, are you still afraid that this marriage will not happen?"

"Uh...I'm not worried about this." I scratched my head and said, "It's just that you have to be mentally prepared in advance for everything. The time will be saved."

"I still don't know what your kid thinks?" The fairy queen sneered and shook her head: "I just want to see if the little princess of the orc clan is beautiful and whether it suits you. I'm right?"

"...Yes" I had to bite the bullet and admit.

"If you want me to say, you don't have to be like this. You will always see when it's time for you to see it. Why should you rush this for a while." The Queen's grandma waved to me and said, "Come, come over, give me a rub Shoulder and leg beating, there have been too many political affairs these days, so tired, I can hardly lift my old arms and legs when I am tired."

I thought to myself: Doesn't your old man know how to fly? Does he need to walk?

But the body went over honestly, obediently rubbing her shoulders and beating her legs.

At the same time, the Fairy Queen also stood up consciously, came to the other side of the Fairy Queen, and squeezed another leg for the Fairy Queen.

The fairy queen leaned on the sofa, closed her eyes lightly, and slowly said, "Good job, Xiao Yi."

I have a question mark on my face, wondering if the massage is good or...

Before I could finish thinking about it, the fairy queen slowly said: "This technique, this strength, can be comparable to a professional masseur."

...I was talking about my massage technique.

I just breathed a sigh of relief here, and found that the Queen’s grandma had opened her eyes, she smiled and looked at me, and said: "This time you blackmailed York Seoul, it is comparable to ordinary politicians."

The focus is on the second half. It seems that I am still too impatient.

The fairy queen closed her eyes again and said slowly: "The huge mineral resources are enough for Moonlight City to consume for half a year. This is undoubtedly a great achievement."

"Although there is Carter Horton's help in this, hehe, that little boy still likes to play tricks, thinking that with your hand and his rhetoric, he can tie the warhammer of Simmons Lock to himself. On his chariot, he could not help but see Locke too clearly. The monarch of York and Seoul was a cruel man who dared to make small moves under the eyes of Beatrice and me. How could he be a Carter family? The head boy can control it."

"Look, it won't be long before York City and Ere City will be in chaos, and this chaotic point is the monarch of the two countries."

The fairy queen smiled contemptuously and shook her head.

How the Fairy Queen came to this conclusion, I don't know, but I am very convinced.

This is a blind conviction.

Now that the Fairy Queen has made a final conclusion on the matter of Ai Ruicheng and York Seoul, I can't talk about it any more, and immediately changed the conversation and said: "Grandma Queen, I want to ask you for a place."

"What quota?"

"Island Portal's Dive Place" while gently rubbing my temple, I whispered softly: "I also want to dive to see, the magnificence and endless depth of this deep sea."

"Yeah" the fairy queen let out a long nasal sound, and then lazily said: "No."

"Why...why?" I wondered.

"The deep sea is not something you can detect now. Don't think that in Fort Witch, you saved Master Dewey and the others, it proves that you can swim unimpeded in the deep sea. The sea under our feet is comparable to the deep underground city. The existence in the depths of the Fairy Forest, without absolute strength, I will not allow you to go into the sea."

The fairy queen has a lazy tone, but her attitude is extremely determined.

After listening, I sighed in disappointment.

The elf queen squeezed her legs seriously, and said unhurriedly: "Grandma cares about your safety and can't bear your suffering. If you change someone else, you won't care about him."

"Well, Anasta said it well," the fairy queen applauded. "That's right, Xiaoyi, do you understand?"


Although the loss in my heart is still not reduced, it is not completely desperate. After all, the empress grandma did not bite to death, but said-"Without absolute strength, I will not allow you to go into the sea."

In other words, as long as she has absolute strength, the empress grandma will not stop it.

Thinking about it this way, my hand massage became stronger.

"Yes, yes, it should be like this, um, comfortable" the fairy queen said with a satisfied expression.

When I got home, it was late at night.

Everyone has gone to sleep.

I simply wash it again and plan to sleep.

Lying on the sofa, I started thinking about it.

For a while, I thought of the fairy queen's words, and for a while I thought of how to become stronger, and more, but I was thinking about meeting the little princess of the orc clan as soon as possible.

Husband and wife are a lifetime business, but who doesn't want their significant other to be both talented and beautiful?

Of course, even if the little princess of the orc tribe is really crooked and horrible, this marriage has already been decided, and the push will definitely not be pushed.

After all, who would dare to capture the beard of the orc king!

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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