I looked at him in surprise, and at the same time a thought flashed in my mind: Is he blind?

However, how can a blind person know exactly where the tree is and where I am?

Or, he is not actually blind, and the thick black cloth is not ordinary cloth, but a new product of goblins?

In an instant, countless assumptions popped up in my heart and filled my mind.

After thinking for a long time, I tentatively asked: "Excuse me, are you blind?"

As soon as he spoke, he saw his expression stiff, and I quickly explained: "Sorry, I didn't mean to expose your scar..."

"No, it's okay" the elf adventurer said solemnly: "Yes, I am blind, but I don't understand. Is there any connection between the two things that I am blind and you refuse to fight again?"

"No no" I waved my hand again and again, and said, "I am simply curious, why can you, who are blind, accurately determine the location of the tree man and me?"

"Is this question important?" He wondered.

"It's not very important either." I shrugged and said, "You don't actually need to answer me, it's okay."

Unlike my embarrassed smile, the face of the elf adventurer was very light, like boiled water, and tasteless.

After looking at each other for ten seconds, he said lightly: "My profession is asura. All adventurers who choose the path of asura will lose their eyes, but they will regain their eyes. Therefore, even if they are blind, we can still see things. ."

"That's it" I scratched my head and said embarrassedly: "Thank you for your explanation, in fact, you don't need to explain to me at all..."

"Because..." the elf adventurer said lightly: "Your mind is confused, and confusion is an adventurer's taboo."

I smiled awkwardly again, I held the big sword again, walked slowly, and came to the elf adventurer, bowed to him, and said, "Thank you for your saving grace."

"You're welcome." He shook his head and said: "You are a human adventurer who is willing to think about Moonlight City, and we recognize the foreign elders. Because of these two points, I can't just sit back and watch, but I'm very curious about you. What about his teammates, are they separated? Or are they spawning monsters somewhere?"

"Uh..." After pondering for a while, I still told the truth: "Actually, I just came to try the water. I didn't expect that the monsters on this level were so powerful that they almost killed me. Life."

He nodded slightly and asked: "What level are you now?"

"grade ten."

"Naughty" he looked serious, and said: "I dare to come here alone at the tenth level. Even my genius Emily does not dare to be so impulsive."

"Hey, what you said is" I said embarrassedly: "I was really impulsive."

"But" his expression changed, and he wondered: "Why don't I feel the slightest fluctuation of the power of change in your body, but instead feel the strong killing intent like a deep pool?"

"Your feeling is completely normal" I replied: "I don't know why, I can't grasp the power of fading, but instead I have accumulated a huge amount of killing intent."

He nodded silently and muttered to himself: "So it is."

Seeing his calm expression, I couldn't help asking: "Have you been exposed to this type of situation before?"

The elf adventurer shook his head slightly and said, "No, but it doesn't matter."

As he said, he raised his hand and looked at the tree man here, and said lightly: "It is your opponent, you should defeat it."

I bitterly and said helplessly: "But I can't beat it."

"I'm watching." He pointed the dagger in his hand to the ground, and said lightly: "If you are in danger, I will help."

"Since you have said so..." I curled my lips and sighed slightly: "Then what reason do I have to avoid and not fight."

After that, he released his killing intent, wrapped his body, touched his feet on the ground, and slew towards the tree man at a swift speed.

The Treant was afraid of the blindfolded elf adventurer, but not me.

Seeing me attacking, its vines twitched, and then it ran into me at the same speed.

This vine looks flexible and soft, but in fact it is extremely resilient, and the weight is not light. It hits me at such a rapid speed. The light one will fracture, and the severe one will damage the internal organs. It is not worth it.

So when the vine was about one meter away from me, I stopped with my feet and forcibly changed direction.

In an instant, the condyle of the right leg made a faintly undetectable noise, which was the sound of the joint staggering and recovering again.

With a soft noise, a slight pain came from the joints.

"Forcibly changing the direction of movement is really harmful to the body" I secretly said, and during the running, I tried to adjust the angle and press the center of gravity on the other leg.

After running for more than a dozen steps, the knee of his right leg finally had no pain anymore, and it seemed to have completely recovered.

So he adjusted his state again and rushed towards Shuren in full force mode.

The vine runs faster than me, but it makes strong corners but is not so flexible. After I forcibly changed the direction several times in a row, the vine that came after was finally pulled a long distance away by me.

However, the bad thing is that between me and the treeman, there are still nearly a hundred vines piled together, and each vine stands up to the end, looking in my direction like a snake, waiting for me to rush over. I was surrounded.

As a rough estimate, these vines are still a few meters away from the treeman behind me, even if I rushed forward with the power of drawing a sword, I am afraid that I will not be able to reach the real treeman.

This is a bit distressing!

So far, the only combat skills I have mastered are drawing swords and slashing, and there is still time to freeze after using it. Although it is only a few seconds, the speed of the vines of the tree people is also very fast. It does not take a few seconds to kill me. Bundled into zongzi.

I don't know if the dagger elf adventurer can save me after being tied into zongzi.

Even though he had a guarantee, but we had no friendship at all, so why must he keep his promise to save me?

Don't think the elves are too good!

——This is the conclusion I have come to since I came to Moonlight City and learned what Akahavi had done.

Dodging for a while, I came to the group of vines that looked like a wall and aimed at their edge with a knife.

The black-red cold light and the earth-yellow light passed by, cutting off a dozen fine vines the thickness of fingers.

As for the thick vines, they are no different from what I have seen before, except for the damage to a thin layer of skin.

"I knew that, I should have brought Phoenix in. I don't know what her charged Qigong bomb can blow up these difficult vines." I muttered to myself, and at the same time, a figure flashed in my mind, both familiar and unfamiliar.

She has a petite body that is very similar to Phoenix except for her breasts.

She is also a qigong master, and she has been named the strongest qigong master.

She was the princess of the Xuzu tribe during the rule of the fairies.

She is Suram Askar.

"If it were her, probably a charged Qigong bomb could wipe out all the treants in a radius of 100 meters."

I think so.

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