What Prime Minister Leista said was more similar to what I thought.

The difference is that he considers how to strengthen the national power of Darcy City and weaken the cohesion of Eri City, while what I think is how to shake Carter Horton’s influence and push Carter Rodney into the monarchy in one fell swoop. Bit.

To be honest, apart from Carter Horton, other members of the Carter family are really not qualified to be in my eyes.

The young master Carter Nelson, bloodthirsty, violent, and romantic, these characters are not only a weapon for him to coerce each other to yield to himself, but also his most fatal weakness.

The second young master, Carter Scott, was scheming and secretive, these are his daunting places, but it is also because of these characteristics that he can't step on the stage with integrity and become a qualified monarch.

If the two men are willing to abandon their ambitions, Carter Nelson becomes a titan to open up the frontiers, Carter Scott becomes the Zaifu who presides over the political affairs, and the two assist their father Carter Horton together, then Erie City really has it. It may become a piece of iron ingot.

It's a pity that they lacked abilities, but their ambitions were not small. One wanted to seize power and become a monarch, and the other was even more exaggerated, trying to use Achilles as an opportunity to build himself into an ancient emperor like Carter Adams.

This is simply a dream!

You know, before becoming a legendary hero, Carter Adams was a farmer for a long time. He knew the suffering of common people, so after becoming a monarch, he promulgated a series of policies for the benefit of the people and became a tribute to the population. The ancient king.

Carter Scott not only grew up in a honeypot since he was a child, but also despised the common people in his bones. For his own desires, he treats adventurers who are loyal to him as pawns. Use them if you want to use them, or discard them if you don’t want to. .

How can such a horrible guy compare with Carter Adams!

After the orc king heard Leista's words, he nodded and said: "Since Leista said this, it must be feasible, but I don't know how to prepare for this matter?"

"Simple, I only need a paper edict" I smiled mysteriously and said: "And your autograph guarantee."

"What guarantee?" The Orc King asked in a deep voice.

"We promise to give the descendants of legendary heroes the treatment they deserve."

"This is no problem." The orc king immediately called the waiter, prepared a pen and paper, swiped a big pen, and a few powerful characters leaped on the paper. Then he took the seal and sealed the letter. When it was completely dried, he passed the parchment. come.

After taking it, I looked at it several times carefully, and I complimented: "Father-in-law's words are really powerful!"

The Orc King was very comfortable being slapped by the flattery, and he laughed and scolded: "Okay, don't follow the flattering way of being a courtier, just talk about it, what are you going to do?"

"Yes" I obeyed.

Afterwards, I talked about the proposed plan. The rough meaning is that after dealing with the suspicious personnel, I went to Ai Ruicheng alone, contacted my friend in Ai Ruicheng, and asked him to help collect the descendants of the legendary heroes. Once the identity of the other party was confirmed , Immediately hid them, and when the number of people reached a certain number, they used the magic airship to transport them.

After the service is completed, the screening process begins. The first is character. This is the most important point. After character is determined, it is the screening of strength.

Descendants who inherit the talents of their ancestors will be first admitted by the New Heroic Guild. Those with average strength or insufficient strength will be given the corresponding title of little nobleman, and they will be divided into a clean place so that they can spend their old age peacefully and peacefully. .

However, these well-off lives are not made out of thin air, and require a little bit of meager effort, such as exposing the underworld of the Carter family. The more exposed, the more real, the more direct hits, the more future gains will be.

For example, promote the title and grant more fiefdoms.

Anyway, Dasai City is very sparsely populated, not short of that bit of land.

The above is the ideal situation.

But we cannot only consider the most ideal situation, but also the worst situation.

This matter was learned by the Carter family's spies and reported to Carter Horton, so the plan to quietly pick up the descendants of the legendary heroes fell through.

However, although the plan to pick up the descendants of the legendary heroes has failed, we can take this opportunity to let these descendants with sad backgrounds identify themselves, and use their influence to directly bring a considerable scale of rebellion to the capital of Eri City.

As long as the rebellion is here for a lifetime, the old duke will immediately lead his army to attack the city, and if he can capture a few, he will capture a few. After that, he will use the captured town as a sweetness to attract the troops of Fort Witch and Moonlight City to share.

Fort Witch’s army should be no problem. I’m not sure about the army in Moonlight City. After all, I have had trouble with the Fairy Queen recently because of Emily’s affairs, but that’s okay. Even if Moonlight City doesn’t send troops, I’m not sure about it. The coalition forces of Fort and Dasai City can still attack the city.

If what I expected is good, you can only occupy one-third of the territory of Eri City at most, and your way forward will be blocked by the combined forces of Eri City and York Seoul.

But one-third is enough. You can gather the descendants of the legendary heroes in this one-third of the land for an extraordinary smear, expose Carter Horton’s face to the public, and then release the fact that Carter Rodney is still alive. The news, while giving hope to the people of Ai Ruicheng, shakes the national foundation of Ai Ruicheng.

After saying this, the orc king's face became dark and asked: "Xiao Yi, what about you, where are you?"

I pondered slightly, smiled lightly, and said: "If the situation is good, I may find a place to hide, if the situation is bad, I may be arrested, or I may have died."

"Are you planning this round with your own life as a bet?" The orc queen was shocked.

"Yeah" I nodded and said, "If you want to attack the city, you have to start a war. Once a war is launched, you will definitely die."

"Are you begging for death, or are you going to put it to death and live?" Prime Minister Leista asked, narrowing his eyes.

"It's impossible to ask for death. I have so many fiancées, so I can't bear to die. The latter is not what I want. I just want to make a big gamble and take the opportunity to fight Carter Horton. I want him to know that no matter who gets angry If you lose me, you will endure my desperate and crazy revenge!"

Everyone was suspicious, but no one asked.

Yes, all I did was not only to strengthen the strength of the New Heroic Guild, but also to revenge his eldest son for coveting my woman.

Don't think that the tacit understanding between the fairy queen and me is destroyed, and you can continue to live in peace.

Come out, I have to pay it back sooner or later. I'm ready to die, what about you? Carter Horton?

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