Glory is intangible, but it is inexplicably valued by humans.

Some people lost their lives for it.

Some people lost their descendants for it.

There are even some people who, in order to get it, will hesitate to drag the entire family into the abyss until it is over.

It can't satisfy your hunger and stomach, and can't resist drought and summer heat. I really don't understand the purpose of this thing other than pretense.

But boss Rennes didn't think so.

"This glory has been accumulated by our ancestors for generations. It is necessary for my descendants to maintain and carry it forward!"

Boss Rennes explained seriously.

However, he said so much and spoke for so long, and still didn't explain clearly what glory is and what it is used to defend.

But...Forget it, as long as the boss of Rennes is happy and willing to help me complete the plan to grow the new heroic guild.

As for what glory is, whatever it is, love is what it is, it has nothing to do with me anyway.

Now that you know the identities and backgrounds of those people, you must find a way to quietly erase them without shaking the country.

It is not an easy task to quietly obliterate these people, because their strength is not weak, and they also maintain a relatively good relationship with other people on the same team.

It is precisely because of this that this matter must not be disclosed to anyone, otherwise, once someone colludes, those targets that are easily locked are likely to escape.

These people are all elite undercover agents dispatched by Carter Horton, leaving one behind may become a bane and threaten my next plan.

In addition, there are the twenty adventurers who have had contact with Carter Scott.

Although it is not certain that Carter Scott must be the creator of Scassa, he is not afraid of 10,000, but just in case. If this matter is really true, these twenty adventurers will have to be treated differently.

It is best to guide them to a secret open space, and then cooperate with powerful adventurers to kill them, and it is best to burn them immediately after the killing to prevent the corpses from mutating.

Although the Hefeng Continent does not have a custom of cremation, the monarchs of various countries will still order arson of the corpses that may cause the plague. Therefore, when I said to burn the corpses, the orc king and others did not show any resistance.

"Then, send the elites of the Iron Wolf Guild to perform this task," the orc king said: "I believe that with their strength, even if they encounter monsters of the Skartha level, they can handle it beautifully."

Prime Minister Leista nodded and said: "The most urgent thing now is to find a way to get the twenty scattered guys together. After all, if they are too scattered, there will be a possibility of escape."

"Actually, it is not difficult to break them individually," the old duke said: "The old man likes the tactics of defeating each one the most. It can make them isolated and helpless, but also can do things beautifully."

"That's the plain, it's the grass, the old duke" Prime Minister Leista retorted: "The vast plain is endless. You can split them up and break them one by one. But here is the capital of the country and the residence of your majesty. There is absolutely no room for error. There is also Balan City. It is a major business city in Cyberjaya. If something goes wrong, it will directly affect the economic lifeline of Cyberjaya. The same must not be lost. These two towns are densely populated and occupy There are so many places, it is not easy to find a hidden place that is not noticed. What's more, there are many such places to divide them and break them one by one? This is simply impossible."

Leistazzi shook his head repeatedly, and continued: "Even if it takes enough time to find enough places, I am afraid that these lurkers have already sneaked into the surroundings of the palace, which is not good for your Majesty. Therefore, such a plan, Wan It must not be enforced."

The old duke was speechless by Prime Minister Leista.

What he said is not wrong. This is the capital of the country and the important place of the country. Balan City is also a place of commerce and trade. Both towns cannot be separated, nor can they deliberately delay the opportunity to clean up these lurkers just because they want to make things perfect. .

You know, the sooner they are cleared out, the sooner the threat of Dasai City will be lifted. If you delay in action, God knows whether these lurkers will act in advance.

Compared with the safety of the orc king, what is the perfect tactic?

The old duke sighed and acquiesced to Prime Minister Leista's thoughts.

"At present, of the twenty adventurers who have contacted Carter Scott, eleven are here and nine are in Balan City. Currently, these eleven are scattered into ten teams, and the rest The nine people of, are divided into four teams." I said, while putting a piece of information on the table, said: "Here is a detailed record of the numbers and members of these teams, as well as some member relationships."

After reviewing it carefully, the orc king nodded and said, "Very well, Xiao Yi, you did a good job."

"These are all within the scope" I said: "I just hope that the father-in-law will try not to affect the other members of the team when cleaning up these people. After all, these people are the elites that the guild has worked hard to cultivate."

"Well, I promise you" the orc king said: "If it is not a last resort, I will not attack them."

"Thank you father-in-law for your understanding."

Before returning to the New Heroic Guild, I concealedly walked into the hotel where Boss Renne was located, and gave him the task of assassinating other guys except twenty people.

Boss Renne took his orders indifferently.

After explaining the task, I walked around the hotel and left openly from the main entrance.

Back to the New Heroic Guild, Jin Siqi eagerly asked me what the outcome was.

I knew she was worried about the safety of her own guild members, so I repeated the words of the orc king.

After hearing this, Jin Siqi looked sad.

I pulled her to the sofa and sat down, and patiently comforted her: "Don't be sad. This is their life and their disaster. Whether they can survive or not depends on their good fortune."

Jin Siqi raised her head and did not conceal the sadness in her eyes. She whispered softly: "However, I gave the order to accept these twenty people. Once one of these fourteen teams dies, it is my responsibility."

"It's not all your responsibility." I shook my head and said, "I also have my responsibility. The guild has grown bigger, but I never thought that such a thing would happen, so I haven't set up a special agency for a long time. It’s my dereliction of duty. When this matter is over, I will immediately proceed to correct this mistake."

With a light sigh, I murmured: "I hope that this move will make up for it. It's not too late."

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