As the saying goes, you can wear everything but flattering.

No matter how much you do, you won’t be hated by others.

After listening to the two dozen people in the room, their expressions all calmed down. One of them said humanely: "It's not just over 20 of us. We are just elected representatives who are responsible for negotiating this matter with you. It has now been confirmed. The sincerity of your majesty the orc king, you will surely inform the others of your majesty's thoughts before making the final decision."

"Please hurry up," I said: "If you delay it for a second, it may be changed."

After everyone dispersed, I pulled a chair over and sat down.

Boss Ren also pulled a chair, sat opposite me, and whispered: "These people, even though they have been suppressed for thousands of years, still value the glory of the family very seriously. That's why they have such an arrogant attitude."

"It's okay." I waved my hand and said, "It is a good thing to have a strong sense of family honor. This can be used to stimulate their fighting spirit. It's just that I have always had a bad premonition about this action, I am afraid it will happen suddenly. Changes!"

Boss Renn narrowed his eyes and lowered his voice: "Are you worried that Carter Horton might already know our actions?"

"This is just a guess" I said: "Of course, it may also be because I am too tired."

"For our business, this road is really difficult for you." Boss Ren raised his eyes and looked at the garbage mountain higher than the city wall, and said solemnly: "It is disgusting to have to go through the dirty sewers and climb over. Mountain of garbage."

"These are not the main points yet" I shook my head and said, "Mainly on the way here, I met a pig the size of a mouse, and was introduced into the illusion by the relief on the wall of the sewer."

"Can the relief on the wall of the sewer lead people into the illusion?" Boss Renne looked at me suspiciously, his eyes full of disbelief.

"It's normal if you don't believe it," I said: "If anyone suddenly tells me a similar experience, I will feel that he is making up a story."

Speaking of this, I paused and asked, "Have you heard of the name'DiRigi'?"

Boss Rennes looked stiff, then his face sank, his eyes sharp, and he whispered: "Where did you hear this name?"

"Illusion" I said: "Before I left the fantasy, I asked the monster's name aloud, and it said it was called Di Ruiji."

Boss Rennes was horrified and his expression changed. A few minutes later, he murmured to himself, "Didn't... you lie to me? All this is true?"

I frowned, pushed him, and asked, "What are you whispering?"

Boss Rennes just came back to his senses, he glanced at me with a complicated expression, his eyes full of hesitation.

"What's the matter?" I smiled and said, "Boss Rennes, who has always been resolute, became so indecisive?"

Hearing what I said, Boss Renn gritted his teeth and seemed to have made up his mind, saying: "I have indeed heard the name Di Ruiji."

"This can be seen from your expression" I said with a laugh: "However, I am very curious, where did you hear this name?"

"My father told me when I was very young" Boss Rennes recalled: "It is said that during the melee period before the legendary hero period, this is not a capital but a prosperous village. The villagers live and work in peace and prosperity, and everything is thriving. , But I don’t know when, something like asphalt appeared out of thin air in the village, and this thing is still alive!"

"As soon as it appeared, it flew and ran to a cave not far from the village, where it was the source of drinking water for the entire village."

"Soon, the water source was contaminated by monsters. The original pure water turned into turbid lavender. Even if it was filtered, it couldn't return to its original color."

"Because there is the only water source in the village, the villagers had no choice but to continue drinking the contaminated river water. Anyway, it just tasted strange, and it passed after a forbearance."

"The villagers’ thoughts were still too naive. A few months later, a plague broke out in the village. The plague came too fiercely and the speed was too fast, and it even infected all the residents of the whole village before it was treated and purified. In just a few days, more than half of the villagers died."

"When the news of the plague was passed on, there were no living people in the village. The principality would not rush to take action for the safety of a village. They plan to wait until all of these people are dead before setting fire to the entire village. , The plague in the province spread to other places."

"The idea of ​​the Principality is right, and the measures taken are also very appropriate, but they still underestimated the power of the plague. In the next half month, the four villages and one town bordering here were all attacked by the plague. What the Principality expects is that this plague is extremely difficult to treat and spreads rapidly. Unless one-third of the Principality’s doctors and priests are called for assistance, the city will have to be abandoned."

"After weighing the two phases, the Principality abandoned the four infected villages and one town, and began to work on the protection of the remaining towns. The high-level decision of the Principality chilled the hearts of countless people in the Principality. In the days when the order was issued, counted Millions of people took to the streets, marched and protested, denounced the inhumane behavior of the principality’s senior officials. At the same time, other principality imperial forces also took the opportunity to launch public opinion attacks to shake the foundation of the country."

"At the time of internal and external troubles, the senior officials of the Principality were forced to withdraw the resolution and sent doctors, priests, scholars and adventurers to form a team to visit the plague area for exploration and treatment. My ancestors were among them as guards."

Rehn’s boss swallowed and continued: “The investigation process is very difficult, not only to find clues to the source of the disease, but also to be psychologically prepared for infection anytime and anywhere, and once infected, most of the end will be death.”

"Fortunately, the ancestors and his team were wise and quickly determined that the source of the plague was here. After repeated negotiations, the group decided to take a risk. In the end, they found an asphalt-like monster in the cave and fought fiercely with it. ."

"Twelve national power-level powerhouses, ten were killed, only one doctor is left, and only one priest is left. Faced with such a tragic picture, the bitumen monster that had been fragmented all over laughed strangely and said something to order. The words of the ancestors shuddering."

Taking a deep breath, Boss Rennes slowly said, "It said, ‘This is just my shadow, and I will come back again.’"

"So" the boss of Rennes said: "I was so panicked when I heard you mention Di Ruiji. This name not only represents power, but also represents plague and death."

"Such a terrible history has not been sung by the troubadour. I have to say that the troubadour in the melee period is really inaction."

"No, it's not that they didn't act" Boss Ren said: "If you didn't mention this name today, I won't tell you this secret history. It is a nightmare, and I would rather never tell it. "

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