After some generous words, no one from Baiduhao answered, and no one cheered, which made me extremely embarrassed.

The corners of my eyes twitched. Just when I didn’t know what to do, the 70-year-old man suddenly turned around, faced everyone, and said: "Back then, in the Erri City disaster, strange tides and abnormal movements broke out at the same time, the portal was broken, countless The cruel and violent monsters rushed out and killed wanton. Without the desperate counter-attack of the ancestors of Ai Ruicheng, how could he save Ai Ruicheng from the crisis, but if the catastrophe subsided, Carter Adams promised to share the world with your ancestors. After Adams's grandson succeeded to the throne, he broke his word and became fat, and he did not hesitate to use a butcher knife on our family!"

Having said this, the old man took a deep breath. Although I couldn't see his expression clearly, he must have twitched his cheeks and tears.

"After that massacre, we dropped to tens of thousands of households, but the Carter family still refused to let us go, and repeatedly suppressed and exploited, trying to control everything we have in his grasp. They even tried to deprive us of our glory and let their Carter family shine more!" The old man's words were extremely fierce and angrily said: "This kind of behavior is simply shameless, it is a robber!"

"Now, His Majesty the Orc King is very kind to us and promises to return the glory deprived by the Carter family to us," the old man said solemnly: "Children, our ancestors are all comrades-in-arms and the closest family members. , They can give their backs to each other without any scruples. Now that there is such a thing of regaining glory, what else do we need to hesitate? Hurry up and mobilize your contacts and network to take this matter Tell every town and let all the companions who are still suffering know your majesty's determination, and let us join hands again to ignite the glory of the past and regain the glory of the past!"

The words of the old man were like military orders. In an instant, everyone on the scene became active. Some promised loudly, some said that they had to prepare, and some immediately ran away from their feet and ran toward their homes-immediately proceeded.

The old man turned around, touched the remaining tears on his face, and said to me: "Don't worry, they are a group of good children, but they didn't react vigorously for a while. It won't take long for the old man to mobilize. All the legendary hero families in Eri City can receive the news."

With a solemn expression, I bowed my head and said, "Dare to ask the old man, who are you on earth and how can you have such an influence?"

"My identity is very ordinary, and I can have the influence I have today, relying on the prestige of my ancestors."

The old man's tone was very calm, no different from plain boiled water.

"Your ancestors?" I said: "Forgive me for being rude, dare to ask your ancestor Gao's name?"

The old man's complexion is slightly difficult.

Seeing this, I hurriedly said: "I'm very sorry, old man, I didn't deliberately take the liberty, but it was caused by curiosity. I hope you don't blame the old man."

"No." The old man shook his hand and said, "I don't care about being presumptuous when I get older. I just feel ashamed of the ancestor's prestige, so I am embarrassed to mention it."

It turned out to be because of shame and embarrassment, and thought I was presumptuous.

At the moment, I hurriedly encouraged him: "The old man does not have to blame himself so much. It is not your fault but the Carter family's fault that it has fallen into the situation like this. Furthermore, his Majesty the Orc King has not promised to honor the past. It's back to you, isn't that still equivalent to keeping your family's glory? This is a good thing, isn't it?"

The old man laughed and said: "What you are talking about is reasonable, but your own glory is not given by your own monarch. It is really... hard to say."

I rolled my eyes and said hehe: "About this, you don't have to be so disappointed, old man. Carter Horton can be your monarch. Why can't the orc king be your monarch?"

"He is an orc..."

"You can see it this way." I retorted: "Hefeng Continent did not have human races at first. Human races actually evolved from other human races. It can be inferred that the human race and the orc race were one race hundreds of millions of years ago. Uncertain, so there is no difference between worshiping the Carter family as the king and worshiping the orc king as the king."

"It's just some fallacies." The old man chuckled and said, "According to what you said, the ancestors of the goblin tribe, the elven tribe, the dwarf tribe, the goblin tribe, and the human tribe may all be the same?"

"Your old man is so creative and quick to learn from one another!"

"You really can comfort others." The old man smiled, then sighed lightly, and said: "If you really think like this, I would be a lot lighter."

"That's it." I smiled and said: "Since your family's glory is bestowed by the monarch, what insults the ancestors?"

The old man chuckled and said, "You are changing the law and want me to tell the ancestor's name. Does your kid care about this?"

"I don't really care about it." I scratched my head and said, "I'm just a little curious. I hope the old man will do it."

"Never mind." The old man sighed softly and said, "Since I didn't insult the ancestor's glory, it's okay for me to tell you the name of the ancestor."

The old man paused and whispered: "The first ancestor of my family was not a legendary hero, but an adventurer of the Xuzu tribe during the rule of the fairy, Xilan."

"Xi Lan?" I frowned slightly, why is this name so familiar?

"Very familiar, right" the old man said slowly: "This is also normal. The ancestor is not an ordinary adventurer, but a sword master who is known as one of the Four Swordsmen of the Human Race. Because of his good use of Taishou, some people call him. For the sword master."

Hearing this news, I was shocked!

The sword is not the most commonly used weapon in Hefeng Continent, the sword is.

And not only did the number of adventurers who used Taito be less than those who used swords, but even those who used blunt weapons could not keep up.

The reason for this situation may be because Taidao seemed a little nondescript, neither the lightness of the sword nor the thickness of the sword. It was not suitable to be a sword or a sword, and it could only find another way.

This is also the reason why I had to create my own knife technique-I really couldn't find someone suitable to be my teacher.

However, today, I unexpectedly met one of the legendary Four Sword Saints, the descendants of Tai Sword Saint!

This is simply a gift from heaven to me!

Without waiting for me to speak, the old man said again: "Swordsman of the sword, ha ha ha ha, does this name sound weird, but it is said that it is quite respected."

"No, it's not at all blame" I said excitedly: "Although Tachi is different from swords and swords, it is derived from swords and swords. Therefore, whether it is classified as a sword or as a sword is not an exaggeration."

The old man glanced at me and said, "What's wrong with you, why are you suddenly so excited?"

"This..." I sorted out my thoughts a bit, and said solemnly: "The kid has a gratuitous request, and I hope the elderly can do it."

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