Although I am quite surprised by the images in my brain, it is not the time to pay attention to these at this moment. The master knife technique is just right. This is not a popular commodity that can be seen everywhere. It is the Misin summed up by the ancestors, and they are willing to show me. Once again, it is the old man's benevolence. If this good opportunity is missed because of the relationship between the account, I am afraid that there will be no such opportunity in the future.

The father demonstrated this sword technique for an unknown period of time. Anyway, when I looked up to move my sore neck, I found that the moon had reached its highest point.

He breathed a little breath, and was about to come forward to receive the knife, when I saw someone step forward quickly, did not receive the knife, but bowed to salute, and said: "Under El Lane, dare to ask Senior Gao's name. "

The old man nodded slightly and said: "It turns out to be the descendant of the old hero of El Bourbon. No wonder the introverted kung fu is so clever that even the old didn't notice your breath."

"Senior, please forgive me. The younger generation is not here to steal the teacher and learn art, but the subordinates of the messenger. This time he is here to report to the messenger the progress of the task..."

Without waiting for him to finish, the old man interrupted and said, "Even if you steal the master and learn the art, your ancestors used short swords and daggers, and they used the way of assassination. Pian Feng, the two are very different, and there is no real connection. Moreover, even if you have learned my swordsmanship, what if your strength is good, you should know that the way to become stronger is not erudition, but specialization. Now that you have ancestors The law of assassination is so successful that you will never give up the original and the last, and then pursue the side of Taidao."

Boss Rennes smiled indifferently and bowed and said, "Thank you for your understanding."

The old man turned his gaze to me, glanced at it twice, and then with a wave of his hand, he threw the Odachi sword over.

My gaze condensed, and I grabbed the handle of the knife, sluggish for a moment, then bowed and said, "Thank you, senior, for giving me the art."

The old man carried his hands, shook his head, and said: "It's not a teaching art, but the old man wants to review the ancestral inheritance."

Seeing him take a few steps, he suddenly stopped again, turned around, and looked at me with scorching eyes. I suddenly understood, holding the big sword and walking to the place where the old man just demonstrated, stood still, took a deep breath, and took a posture. , Closed his eyes and thought for a few seconds, then danced.

As the black light of the knife flickered, a clearer and clearer image appeared in my mind. Those were the sword techniques the old man had demonstrated to me earlier, but the person in the image was not like the old man, but a strong figure. A man who can't see clearly.

As for who this person is, I don't really care, I just follow his moves and imitate them in a decent way.

I don’t know how long it has been. After I danced the last move and put the knife in the scabbard and stood still, the grandfather’s voice came into my ears: "The next generation is terrifying."

Early the next morning, I led the descendants of legendary heroes and their families to the magic airship base in the city of Rigi.

Today, there happened to be a group of magic airships departing from here and flying to Dasai City. I bought the tickets in advance, and the boss of Rennes distributed the tickets to everyone, waiting to board the boat.

However, just less than five minutes before boarding the boat, the Fortress of Richmond suddenly arrived. At first, he was a sturdy fighter. He was holding a big wooden stick with a thick bowl and coldly. After looking at the people waiting to board the boat, after a while, he said coldly: "This officer is here to investigate the case with the city lord's handwritten letter. I hope you can cooperate well. Otherwise, I can't blame my blunt weapon for not being affectionate."

After all, he waved his hand, and the big wooden stick slammed on the iron fence, and the iron bar with the thickness of his fingers broke.

This hand directly suppressed the vast majority of the people present. They were all businessmen and civilians, and none of them were adventurers with extraordinary strength. When encountering such a brutal and domineering guy, they were naturally very frightened, for fear that they would be taken care of by Damu. The bones that were smashed were broken and broken, and the brain cracked.

Although they are afraid, it is said that the descendants of heroes and a group of people are not afraid, especially some young and strong young men who are extremely disdainful.

A young voice soon came out from the crowd, saying: "Here, Jiecheng is everyone’s Richie city, but not your Carter family’s Richie city. If you are so aggressive, you are not afraid of being punished by the God of Creation?"

As soon as this remark came out, someone quickly responded: "That's right, your guard is protecting the safety of the city of Reggie. Now the weather of the city of Reggie is smooth, you don't kneel to thank the **** of creation, but come here to dominate. Regarding the matter, I really thought that the civilians in Lijie City were all pork for you to slaughter?"

Legend has it that the descendants of the heroes were scornful and sarcasm, and some merchants beside them couldn't help but shouted: "You enjoy the taxation of the city of Reggie, but you are so shameless as the villagers!"

Yes, another civilian echoed: "You eat ours and drink ours, but you don't do things well. You only know how to do things all day long. It's even more disgusting than the robbers and bandits!"

For a time, opinions were divergent, like waves and tides.

This is the case with the masses. As long as someone dares to speak first, someone will surely agree. They don't care whether they are right or wrong, and they just can't suppress their desire to join in the fun.

The Titans showed a fierce look and sneered. Without hesitation, the big stick in his hand aimed at the person closest to him and hit it down.

This great momentum sinks vigorously, and if it hits, the brain bursts and cannot escape.

However, looking at his hideous expression, he shouldn't care about the death of a few people. Li Wei is the most important thing. The miserable scene of brain cracking is in line with his Li Wei standard.

Unfortunately, although his idea is good, it cannot be realized.

The target he was attacking happened to be one of my group, and he was still a strong and adventurous. Although it has not changed, the inheritance of the ancestors is not covered.

Aside from anything else, the man was short and slipped on the spot, not only cleverly avoided the attack of the wooden stick, but also shoveled the titan's calf in the process of sliding.

The Titans had the heart to stand up, and he didn't expect the young man dressed as a commoner to dare to attack him, and he did not expect him to attack him so cleverly, his footing suddenly became unstable, and he stumbled to the ground.

Seeing that the Titans were shoveled down by himself, the young man didn't hesitate to take out a square brick from his arms and took a photo of his face.

This came down suddenly, let alone that titan, even if it was me, I would probably not escape being photographed.

Hearing a sneer, Banzhu was just right to confuse the face of the Titans, the young man was still not satisfied, and he lifted the Banzhu again, another click, another...

After shooting seven or eight times, the face of the Titans was completely blurred into a ball, and under the blood stain, the eyes, nose and mouth could no longer be distinguished.

Seeing that something went wrong, the merchants and civilians who were originally clamoring suddenly went into chaos, screaming and screaming, fleeing and fleeing, and the scene was cleared in an instant. Only a thousand of us stood on the spot, with those stunned faces. The guards stared with big eyes.

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