The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1776: Enchanted Airship Base Guard

Law is a kind of restraint, law is a framework, and restraint in the framework is law.

Being in the frame is both restrained and protected by the framed person, but once the person in the frame gets out of the frame, the natural restraint is gone, and the protection disappears at the same time.

The property under Master Dewey's power has clear rules and regulations. All people in the regulations are not only restricted by Master Dewey, but also protected by him.

But some people always want to sneak out of the frame. They don't like constraints, but they also want to be protected. This is the same as fish and bear's paws. Unless they are not discovered, both will be lost.

I looked at the young man in front of me coldly. He was only 30 years old, but he was already in charge of the magic airship base. He was a real young high-ranking official. If he follows the law and disciplines, he does not act arbitrarily, even if he does some tricks. Evil things are too lazy to be taken care of.

Taking a step back, if he didn’t run into me, he might be able to continue to dominate here,

But unfortunately he was hit by me, so I can't be blamed.

"Since you value the city lord so much and despise Master Dewey, what else do you do?"

The young man's face changed uncertainly, he was holding his waist, and staring at me fiercely with a stern look. He gritted his teeth and said, "What does this have to do with you!"

"If I don't know, it naturally has little to do with me, but if you ask me to run into it, I must take care of it."

The young man didn't speak, but looked at me coldly. At this moment, his gaze condensed, and he passed between his arm ribs, and his pupils shrank suddenly, hissing: "Mafro! So it was you!"

I turned around and saw the secretary who had brought me staring at the young man with indifferent eyes. He walked slowly down the steps, stood beside me, pushed round-frame glasses, and said calmly, "It's me."

"You actually colluded with the assassin and wanted to stab me!" The young man gritted his teeth and said: "How dare you do this, won't you be afraid of my revenge!"

The girl lowered her head, buried her chin in the twin peaks, pondered a little, raised her head again, and said, "Don't be afraid."

"Okay, very good!" The young man clasped his arms, got up from the ground, leaned on the wall, and said cruelly: "There will be a day you regret, remember my words!"

There was no fear on the girl's face, she shook her head and said, "I can't remember."

Puff ha ha ha ha!

I laughed a lot, and I leaned forward and backward, and the sound of laughter shook the building, and the young man's face turned red and white before the smile.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps downstairs, both loud and tidy, and revealed an indescribable killing intent.

The young man grinned and looked at me greedily. He glanced at the girl greedily, and said coldly: "You're done. This is the guard team of the airship base, the elite team of the Dwarf Guild. Even the most powerful adventurer, single-handedly Against them, it is impossible to get out of here alive."

He swallowed and said with a sigh of relief: "I think you are good at strength. Give you a chance to survive. I don't know if you want it?"

"Oh?" I smiled and said, "Let's talk about it."

"Kneel down and be loyal to me, I can leave the blame for what happened today" He grinned grimly, his smile full of pride.

The corner of my mouth chuckled and said, "So, what can you do for me?"

The young man raised his brows, and a hint of discomfort flashed across his face, and said, "Isn't it enough to give you a chance to survive!"

I shook my head and said: "Not enough, with all due respect, even if I am not an opponent of those elites, but if I use your life as a threat, Lord President, they will certainly not do anything to me, waiting for the magic airship. I'm naturally safe. Even if they want to capture me, they have to find me first, don't you think?"

The young man's complexion became stiff, and he was three points white. He gritted his teeth, tremblingly stretched out his fingers, pointed at the girl, and said: "Then I will give her to you, how about?"

"Do you have this qualification?" I spread my hands and said, "She is not yours."

"My family is in-laws of the Carter family. She is just a commoner. Whenever I want to ask her, when will she become my person? How, is this condition enough?"

He stared at me, looking forward to my response.

In fact, the reason why he did this was nothing more than being forced by the immediate situation, and frightened by my force, and wanted to seduce me with his safety and beauty.

In fact, even if I did not have the strength and status today, I would never agree to him. The reason is simple, I don't trust him.

Even if I am loyal to him, he may not spare me, and judging from the greed in his eyes when he looks at the girl, he may not give me the girl’s beard and tail. It is estimated that he will ruin the girl’s back. , And then throw her to me as if throwing garbage, this is normal future development.

The footsteps of the elite squad of the Dwarf Guild grew louder and louder, and I could even hear the heavy breathing of the dwarves, and felt their pressing aura.

I glanced at the girl standing behind me and asked, "Should you say I should agree to him?"

The girl looked up at me, her eyes did not fluctuate, and she said calmly: "If you agree, you will not only be dead, but you will also not get me."

I smiled, turned to the youth, and said, "You hear it?"

"Don't listen to that bitch!" The young man's eyes were flustered and viciously said: "She just wants me and you to die, so she can get away!"

As soon as the youth's words were finished, the footsteps of the elite team of the Dwarf Guild had reached the top of the stairs, and a trace of ecstasy flashed in the youth's eyes. However, he did not directly call for help, but regarded the elite team as nothing and continued to negotiate with me.

This young man really knows how to deal with emergency situations. He knows that it is not suitable for calling for help at this time. He wants to delay for a while, and wait for the elite team to have enough to deal with me. Then I will take action. Then, I want to take him hostage again. It's impossible.

Although I knew this was his trick, I was still indifferent and listened to his rumors.

After the elite team surrounded me and the girl group, the youth suddenly shouted: "This man is an assassin, he wants to assassinate me, take him quickly!"

However, the leader of the elite team was indifferent to his orders. He just frowned and stared at me while remembering something.

"What are you doing!" Upon seeing this, the young man was immediately furious and said: "Why don't you take him down! Believe it or not, I reacted to Master Dewey, saying that you are negligent..."


There was a crisp sound.

A dwarf beside the leader slapped him unceremoniously, and four or five teeth were shot out immediately.

The young man turned several times, fell to the ground, covered his face, and started crying, but he did not dare to say another word.

The dwarf leader looked at me for a long time, folded his hands, and said: "Dare to ask, your excellency..."

"An Xiaoyi" I whispered softly, and at the same time I took out a badge from my arms, handed it to him, and said, "Master Dewey's son."

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