How does your brain circuit grow when you let a strange man live in your own home?

Staring at the girl's face, I was speechless for a long time.

After a long time, I finally suffocated a sentence: "Are you not afraid of me plotting against you?"

The girl thought for a while and said, "You don't have this opportunity. My father is at home."

Hey, where is the confidence of this girl, who do you think your father is, national power?

However, looking at the girl's persistent eyes, if she didn't visit her house, 80% of her would really follow the room.

If this is the azure planet, I will not say anything else, take the girl into the room, and then what to do, anyway, I will not suffer.

But here is the peaceful mainland, and it is illegal for unmarried men and women to live together in the hotel.

In desperation, I tried to ask for the deposit but was rejected by the cashier. Just when I decided to complain about the rogue behavior of the hotel, the cashier pointed to the sign next to it: Guests staying at this hotel, wherever Those who pay the deposit will not be repaid regardless of whether they live or not.


I frowned and said angrily: "You can't do business like this, isn't this a rascal!"

"Sir" the cashier said: "Regardless of whether our behavior is rogue or not, the hotel's rules are written upright on the sign. If you don't see it is your own problem, the hotel is not responsible."

Khan, suffered a dumb loss, and lost several silver coins at once.

I turned to the girl and said, "Hey, you know, because of your behavior, I lost several silver coins."

The girl also noticed the words on the sign, her eyes drifted away, she just refused to look at me, and muttered: "I didn't stop you from looking."

In the end, I gave up the silver coins I took. Anyway, it was just a few silver coins. The one-minute turnover of any magic airship is hundreds of times this number. It is not worth it to be depressed for this point.

Muttering silently in my heart several times, I took Boss Rennes and left the hotel with the girl.

The girl’s home is at the end of a relatively remote street in the city of Rigi. I heard from the girl that her family is engaged in the trading of materials, that is, the materials needed for refining various equipment, such as iron ore, copper ore, and secrets. Silver mines and fine gold mines, of course, also have animal fur and precious gems.

Unlike the gems in the jewelry store, the gems here are not only beautiful, but also good materials for enchanting. If these enchanting gems and high-quality iron ore are made in the same furnace, it is very likely that an enchanting equipment will be produced. .

Enchanting equipment is very precious, the best enchanting equipment can even be used to exchange for a small town!

However, the risk of refining it is quite high. If you are unlucky, not only the metal materials are gone, even the gems thrown into the furnace will become waste products.

Therefore, in the absence of full confidence, no businessman will do this, including the girl’s father.

When I was approaching the girl’s house, I suddenly remembered a very important question-until now, I still don’t know what her full name is!

Fortunately, I thought of this in advance, otherwise it would be so embarrassing to wait for a conversation with the girl's father!

Right now, I coughed lightly and said, "I have been getting along for a long time. I don't know what your name is. Can you tell me your name?"

The girl stopped, turned around, looked at me in an enchanting posture, and said, "Daphne Mafro."

I smiled and said, "It turns out to be Miss Daphne."

She frowned, but did not deny it.

I didn’t say anything to refute it. I was a little surprised. It is reasonable to say that I should call her Miss Mafro, because Mafro is a surname. For outsiders, calling each other’s last name is a kind of respect, only the relationship is very close. People will call it by name. This is only limited to people of the same sex. Between the opposite sex, only two people with an ambiguous relationship will call it this way.

Speaking of it, the reason why I call her this way is intentional, just to take advantage of her. Who told me that this girl was just messing around and caused me to lose a few silver coins. No matter how rich I am, it is also principled. No, it doesn’t hurt to spend money on meaningful things, and it hurts no matter how much money is spent on meaningless things.

"You know my name" Daphne said calmly: "You should also tell me your name."

"An Xiaoyi" I said: "Didn't I say it before, just the first sentence after meeting the dwarf leader."

"That was what you said to the dwarf, not me," Daphne emphasized.

What a nitpicking girl.

After a short time, we came to his shop.

It's really a nice shop. Although the location is hidden and the decoration is simple, the overall look is quite different.

Daphne walked up the steps, knocked on the door, then took out the key, aligned it with the lock, and opened the door with a click.

"No one at home?" I asked in a low voice.

As soon as the door opened, a loud male voice came from the shop: "Daphne, why did you come back so early today?"

Daphne did not answer the question from the people in the shop immediately, but turned to me and said, "Someone."

Khan, of course I know someone, and they all hear voices.

"I resigned" Daphne said.

"That's a pity." The male voice in the shop was full of regrets: "For this job, I spent a lot of gold coins. I knew that, so I might as well keep you at home and save money."

"You don't need to raise me" Daphne glanced at me and shouted, "Someone agreed to raise me."


I almost bleed: When did I promise to raise you?

"Is there such a good thing?" There was a sense of surprise in the male voice. He paused and continued to roar: "Men or women?"

"Man" Daphne said calmly: "I brought it home."

When I heard this, I immediately jumped out to explain, because in my impression, any father who heard the news of his daughter taking a man home would most likely have the idea of ​​a duel with each other with a kitchen knife.

The Hefeng Continent is better than the Blue Planet, and the customs are milder. The daughter's father should not be able to carry a chopper, but a mop rod is definitely indispensable.

However, I hadn't spoken yet, but Daphne reached out and covered my mouth. This affectionate act shocked me. Hey, we only met on the first day, OK?

However, it may be the first time that Daphne covered her mouth, because her little hand not only covered my mouth, but also my nose, and there was also a light white finger, which was stuck in the corner of my mouth and stuck in my mouth. On the teeth.

It hurts, okay!

I motioned to Daphne to remove her hand with my eyes, but she ignored it.

So my anger started from my heart, and the evil came to the side of the gall. With a mouth, I bit her green index finger tightly. Although it didn't work hard, it definitely hurt.

Sure enough, Daphne let out a soft cry and pulled her hand back.

In the depths of the shop, a voice came out again: "What's the matter?"

Daphne rubbed her hands and glared at me with a frown, and said, "He bit me."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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