I took out a bottle of juice from the freezer. As soon as I took a sip, I heard Kailan yell, "Oh!"

I was so scared that my hands trembled, the juice was poured in from my nose, and I coughed for a long time before finally letting my breath come back.

Staring at Kailan, I said angrily: "What are you doing, making a fuss!"

Kailan looked aggrieved, glanced at me with a bitter gaze, and said in a trembled voice: "I just discussed with my sister and I plan to go with you."

"Then set off together, but what is your ghost name?" I was puzzled.

"But, but mine..." Kailan looked anxious, and said at a loss: "My equipment enhancement machine is still at home!"

"Then go get it back."

Kailan was aggrieved and cried: "My equipment enhancement machine...I'm afraid I can't get it back."

I can't figure it out: "Why can't I get it back?"

As soon as I said this, I instantly figured out the whole story.

On the second day of escaping into the city of Reggie, our group was actually monitored by the people of the city lord of Reggie, whether it was the guard team who came to the magic airship base to catch people, or the group of us outside the base The adventurers who carried out the encirclement and suppression were all sent by the city lord of Reggie.

There are so many adventurers chasing us, not to mention the spies who always follow our whereabouts.

The previous act of Kailan’s helping hand must have been reported to the city lord of Richie by the spies. That is to say, it doesn’t matter whether she’s trying to help me or helping Daphne, the important thing is that she did it. Moreover, the person dealing with is the city owner, as long as the city owner's thinking is normal, Kailan will be considered a traitor.

The disciplinary measures taken by the city lord of Lijie against the traitors are cruel, this can be seen from the ending of Daphne's shop.

It can be imagined that Kailan's home is not much better.

Thinking of this, I felt a little guilty. I brewed my feelings, turned to Kailan, bowed slightly, and said, "I'm sorry, it was all my harm."

"Forget it" Kailan waved her hand sadly, sighed deeply, and said, "All this is fate, no one can escape."

Her words made me feel more guilty. After five minutes of deliberation, I gritted my teeth and said, "Don't worry, I will be responsible for all your losses."

"Really?" She raised her head faintly: "My house..."

"Yeah" I nodded firmly.

"My equipment enhancement machine..."

"No problem" I nodded firmly again.

"My first night..."

"I will be responsible...wait, what first night?"

"Yesterday morning..." Kailan blinked Kazilan's big eyes, still crying with tears.

"You...I will be responsible." What I actually want to say is: your sister, you held me with your arms yesterday morning, okay, it's still the first night, your sister!

Later, I agreed to her series of unequal treaties, but it was mainly related to research and development funding, and it did not touch my bottom line.

When I left the room and brought the door, I leaned against the wall of the corridor to breathe. I vaguely heard the sound of rustling in the room. After carefully distinguishing it, I found that it was the woman’s cheerful laughter and proud boast: "So let me just say, sister, men just eat soft or hard, look at my sister, I just pretended to be pitiful with pear blossoms, he lost his helmet and unarmed, and he was defeated. Not only did he agree to his sister's request, he was also willing to do I’m responsible, hum, I’ve had a lot of money for the rest of my life now, but sister, don’t blame your sister for robbing you of a man, Xiaoyi, this man is definitely more than you and me. Didn’t you listen to him? There are already a group of fiancées in the family, and it is not bad for the two of us. When the time comes, our sisters will join hands and join hands. No matter how many glamorous women, they will definitely not be our opponents, wow ha ha ha ha ha! "


What kind of pitiful eyes, what faintly resentful eyes, what Kazilan's big eyes, they are all routines!

I really want to kick the door open with a kick, and then, as a righteous man, righteously accuse Kailan of conspiracy!

But with this woman's unruly style, I'm afraid I won't let it go.

Doing more is worse than doing less. Now the situation is tense and it is not advisable to waste energy on intrigue.

Back in the temporary room, I was startled before my heels stood firm. What's the situation with Nima?

In front of me, the bed where I slept...Two pieces!

How can it be cut in two?

I looked dumbfounded. This is a bed made of high-quality wood. Even if a five hundred catties fat person stepped on it to dance a tap dance, it would not be crushed!

But the fact is right in front of us. The bed is really two cuts, and not only the bed, but also the cushions and quilts on the bed.

What the **** is going on?

Could it be that this is a warning?

Was it a warning from the city lord of Reggie?

Or is it just Carter Horton’s warning?

He sent a peerless master, sneaked into the magic airship base without knowing it, touched my room, and then split my bed into two pieces, intending to warn me that he wanted to take my life. As simple as splitting my bed?

If this is the case... There must be a hole in the head of this peerless master.

Do I have to cut off the bed?

Can't you just leave a note for me?

I think the threat posed by the note is far more impactful than cutting off a bed.

At this moment, I looked at the broken bed in front of me. Not only did I not worry about it at all, but felt that the scene was very funny.

When I was not crying or laughing, I suddenly remembered Taidachi coming, and I was shocked: Oops, I was in a daze, and forgot that Taidachi was also in this room!

I rushed into the room in three steps and two steps. After I ran through the cabinets, I suddenly remembered that I had thrown the Odachi on the bed just before I left the house, so I threw on the bed again, rummaging around.

I rummaged in the bed for several times but didn't find the shadow of Odachi. I immediately became more nervous, and my heart touched my throat.

Although it was a bit unpleasant to have a fight with Odachi, after all, I have been with it for a long time. Suddenly it disappeared like this. The loss of energy in my heart is about to catch up with the loss of love.

I searched for another circle, but I still couldn’t find it. I instantly felt that the whole world had collapsed: I blamed it. Why was it arguing with it? Isn’t it just a knife? A little bit, a little bit venomous, a little arrogant... Well, it seems that it has no advantages at all, and it is so long that it is not convenient to use.

Thinking about it this way, my heart suddenly became cheerful: Forget it, if you lose it, you can lose it. There is no good knife anywhere in the world, there is no need to hang it from a tree.

By the way, I have to greet the waiter to change the bed, and sleep on this half-bed, which is not at all practical.

Right now, I jumped up from the bed and planned to go out to look for the waiter. Unexpectedly, I was caught by a bulging hard object chrome under my feet. I fell to the ground with a sigh of relief. While holding my feet, I glanced at the chrome. My thing, I suddenly found that it is a black bar, a long strip of things, looking at it like a banana covered with black spots, and it is very familiar.

This, isn't this the handle of Daidachi?

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