The law does not show mercy, this is fundamental.

In order to warn the world, I have increased the punishment, that is, all casino operators will be imprisoned, and a minimum fine of 100 gold coins will be imposed based on whether the circumstances are serious or not. Sentenced to a minimum of three years’ imprisonment up to the death penalty, all drug traffickers will be severely punished, with a minimum of ten years’ imprisonment, with no ceiling.

Of course, these three criminal laws are not meant to be enforced immediately. I intend to give first-time offenders a buffer, and at least some of them will return to the ranks of law-abiding citizens. As for those bold and brave, I can’t blame me for being ruthless.

The first draft was completed, and I showed the newly drafted penalty regulations to Jin Siqi and the others.

Jin Siqi read it carefully, nodded, and thought it was okay. Daphne nodded like a chicken pecking at the rice, saying that there is nothing to change, but the brushwork is too rough and the writing is ugly, which makes me very embarrassed.

Kailan looked it up roughly, raised her eyebrows, and said, "Aren't you cutting people's money? It's strange that they don't fight you hard."

"Huh?" I carefully looked at Kailan's face, wishing to see the flowers.

Kailan was uncomfortable when I looked at him, and frowned, "Why do you look at me like this?"

Twisting the newborn beard on my chin, I sneered and said, "You have something in your words, let's go, are you involved in these three illegal industries?"

Kailan blanked my eyes and said, "How is it possible that even though I am poor, I won't betray my flesh just to make a living!"

"Then it's not a prostitution, but there are two more, say, drug or gambling" I leaned back, leaning on the back of the sofa, and said slowly: "Frankly be lenient, resist strict, don't say me I didn't remind you."

"No!" Kailan struck her neck and refused to admit it.


"No, no!" Kailan stared at me, looking at me, trying to defeat me in terms of momentum, but unfortunately, I was open in my heart, but she had a guilty conscience, and her eyes full of momentum would always dodge inadvertently.

"Heh" I chuckled and said, "Ok, I believe you, but you must remember that I have a bottom line. My fiancée must not betray me or deceive me, especially in principle. For example, I will never allow my fiancee to get involved in these three vices."

While talking, I shook the draft paper in my hand and slowly said: "If I find out who has any of the three points, don't blame me for not talking about personal affairs. I will sweep her out the first time. , And sent to the cell, since then the grace is cut off, and there is no return!"

These words made Kailan's body tremble in shock, and her eyes flickered suddenly.

After drying her for a few minutes, I said again: "Do you have anything else to say, whether it's gossip or confession, it's ok, only this time, the opportunity is not to be lost, and the loss is not to come~"

After a few coughs, Kailan smiled at me with embarrassment.

I smiled and said, "Oh? Our upright beauty Kailan, is this something to say?"

"Uh, ha, yeah" Kailan touched the sideburns subconsciously, and laughed: "Um, actually, me... I do it occasionally. I like to play cards, huh, my hobby, I developed it since childhood. Yes, it's not easy to change, hey, you know..."

"Hmph" I sneered twice, and said, "You said it? You're willing to say it? Didn't you just challenge me with a full-blooded look? Why did you become soft in a blink of an eye?"

"Is this a soft girl~" Kailan blinked Kazilan's big eyes, using the beauty trick.

I didn't plan to care about her either, so I waved my hand and said, "Let's talk about it, besides this, do you have any other vices? You might as well tell them all together, and I will run into them later."

"No more." Kailan waved his hand again and again and said, "This time it is really gone."

I turned to Daphne, and she nodded slightly at me.

"Okay" I said: "Since it's just gambling, I won't care about you, but I still want to persuade you to give up gambling, because in the near future, there will be no more casinos in Dasai City. "

"Would you like to be so cruel!" Kailan said with grief: "If I don't bet twice, I will have trouble sleeping and eating. Woman, you know, once I don't sleep well, I don't eat well. Soon you will become a yellow face woman, and you don’t want your future wife to be a yellow face woman, right~"

While she sells cuteness, she "knows with reason and moves with affection".

"I didn't say that you are not allowed to gamble. I just don't allow any more harmful places like casinos to exist. If your hands are itchy, you can find other family members to gamble together at any time. Anyway, it is your own family who wins or loses. No loss."

"Eh~" Kailan said with a look of disgust: "This way there is no gambling atmosphere!"

"Oh, this is the time, you are still bargaining with me" snorted, I said: "Well, since you don't want to, don't bet anymore. I will send someone to monitor you 24 hours and find that you gamble once. , I will keep you closed for a month. I believe that within a few times, your gambling habits will be corrected by me."

"No!" Kailan's sorrow resounded throughout the villa.

In the early hours of the next morning, I got up early and went to the palace with the drafted penalty regulations.

When he arrived at the palace, the orc king was doing morning exercises. Seeing me coming, he ordered people to serve tea and meals, having breakfast with me, while watching the regulations.

Look, the orc king has been speechless for a long time, and finally, he sighed and said: "If I didn't understand you, I would definitely treat you as a traitor to the human race."

"Huh?" I looked dumbfounded, unable to guess the meaning of the words of the orc king.

The Orc King chuckled and said, "Your punishment regulations are too ruthless. I'm afraid you will lose the hearts of many of your compatriots."

"It doesn't matter." I shook my head, swallowed the little bun in my mouth, and said, "As long as Dasaicheng can return to the calm of the past."

The orc king stared at me a little, and slowly said, "Even if Dasai City returns to its former peace, I am afraid that many orcs won't be grateful to you."

"I'm just here to make up for the mistake, not to collect their gratitude. Besides, I want them to be grateful for what I do. I have no plans to be the ruler of Darcy."

"Listening to your tone, don't you look down on the position of the monarch?" The orc king said with a smile.

"Don't dare" I shook my head and said: "It's not that I don't look down on the position of the monarch, but that I am used to being idle and don't like to always stay in a certain position, and I am not interested in it, if I can, I also want to be the first adventurer to break through the dungeon."

"This idea is not easy for you." A few steps away, the old prince came with his hands behind his back and smiled. As he walked, he smiled and said: "Even the strongest legendary hero of the year was almost killed by a monster that came out of the dungeon. , Not to mention those who live at the bottom and have not yet shown up."

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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