Isn't it cruel if you haven't died?

I can't agree with Princess Aurora's perception of this world.

In my opinion, only minor injuries are not cruel. Serious injuries, disability, and death are all cruel.

Not much to say, in order for Bai Yunying and Emily to play better, I used power for personal gain, both soft and hard, and forced the entire first arena down. One package is three days, during which all the staff in the arena must Serve the two women wholeheartedly, without fail!

The credibility of the Elf staff is still worthy of trust. Since they have agreed, at least 90% of the staff will serve wholeheartedly. As for the remaining 10% of slackers, please do what they want, as long as they don’t make trouble and don’t affect the overall atmosphere, love How and how.

I did not watch the two women's three consecutive days of competition, because I haven't reached that level, and I can't comprehend anything useful from it. Just like an ordinary elementary school student who has just graduated, I can't learn anything from the calculus taught by the university lecturer. A little useful knowledge.

Therefore, I choose to spawn monsters.

Monster spawning can not only improve my strength, but also try to integrate my self-created swordsmanship into the Xilan swordsmanship. This process is undoubtedly a long and arduous process, but without doing this, I will never be able to The knife technique goes one step further.

Some people may be deeply puzzled about my move: Xilan is a master of swordsman, one of the legendary four swordsmen, his own knife technique has represented the highest state of swordsmanship at that time, even if it is passed down today. It's just a broken copy, that's enough to aspire to the ranks of the strong, why do you still think about incorporating your sword technique into the Xilan sword technique all the time? Don’t you fear that you will be self-defeating in the end and ruin the two sets of knives together?

My answer is: fear.

But even if I'm afraid, I still have to do it.

This is not a complete Xilan sword technique. There are many connections that have been disconnected, and I found that even if there are no disconnected moves, not all of them are suitable for me.

All in all, the Xilan sword technique belongs to Xilan's sword technique. I just learned to deepen my understanding of the sword. It cannot be used as a model, let alone copy it as a biblical existence.

The tricks are flexible, only more spiritual moves can defeat the opponent, and the unchanging recording can only be eliminated ruthlessly.

It is better to have no books than to believe in books. The same applies to adventurers.

Although I don’t watch it, it doesn’t mean that everyone in the guild will not watch the excitement. Emily and Bai Yunying, these two are the top combat power of the Fearless Guild. The exchange between them is for the other members of the guild. It is as exciting as the comet hitting the earth, even if they collect the tickets, they will definitely want to join in this excitement!

Even Phoenix, this cute and soft girl who is not interested in everything except me, was dragged by Barbar to watch the excitement.

The huge guild, in a blink of an eye, I was left standing in place, alone, helpless.

Oh, no, not only myself, but also Father Taylor, he is drinking.

I approached the old man Taylor, thief, and said with a thief: "Old man, do you want to accompany me to clean up monsters?"

"Don't go." The old man shook the bottle and said with a lazy expression: "I want to have a drink today."

I couldn't help but vomit: "Which day did you have a good drink?"

Father Taylor glanced at me, then fell into deep thought, thinking for half a minute before he became drunk and said, "The day before yesterday, I didn't have a good time."

Oh, the old man, he really thought about this issue, it's for him.

If I can't persuade the old man, I can only go to the dungeon to clean monsters alone.

For me, the best place for spawning monsters is on the twelfth floor. The stone shell monsters there, as long as you don’t cut its core, it won’t hang, but like a perpetual machine, never The fighting stopped.

Of course, this situation also occurs on the carrion puppet, but it is too smelly, and once it is stained with its body fluids, the smell will not evaporate for several days, unless a special laundry detergent is used, one bag at a time, Make sure that the smell is gone, and the clothes are cleaner, but I can’t just use a bag of laundry detergent a day just to practice the knife technique. It is neither economical nor economical, and it is more wasteful of energy-it has the smell of carrion puppets. The clothes can only be washed by yourself, others refuse.

When I came to the twelfth floor, I found a place where there was no one, and attracted a few stone shell monsters, so I started practicing the Xilan sword technique.

I have said before that the Xilan knife method has the same effect and the same effect as my self-made knife method. The knife goes slanting and does not follow the rules. Therefore, if you want to merge the two, it is still possible. Just combine the two. It’s enough to keep the same pace, but the question is, how can I align the Xilan sword technique with mine?

I frowned, thought hard, and kept moving, once again cutting the stone shell monster into several segments.

"Try to use killing intent" a voice suddenly rang in my ears.

I was shocked, and stopped immediately, watched the surroundings, and shouted, "Who!"

Looking around, apart from the stone shell monsters who are standing up in the distance, where are the shadows of people?

Suddenly raised his head, there was only a piece of light on the top of his head, and there was no human shadow.

Where did this sound come from?

I said hello with a face, but also increased my vigilance.

"It's me" the voice rang in my ears again: "I am the Leopold Blade."

I was relieved immediately, it turned out to be Odachi.

Until then I suddenly remembered that in the morning, everyone went to see Bai Yunying and Emily discussing each other, and only I was alone. In order to get rid of boredom, I put on the useless Taidachi for several days, thinking about it. I was chatting with it on the road. I didn’t expect this product to fall asleep, so I had to rush to the twelfth floor to clean up the monsters. Just now, I focused on how to integrate the Xilan sword technique with my own sword technique. I completely forgot the existence of Odachi.

Seeing Odachi woke up, the bit of resentment in my heart suddenly surged: "I said you slept so soundly just now, and you didn't pay attention to me after talking for a long time."

"Isn't it because you always use this demon sword these days, but you left me out of the cold?" Odachi said dissatisfied: "So I plan to use the sleeping method to relieve loneliness."

"How effective is it?" I asked.

"Well, the effect is good, it lasts for a few days after sleeping," Dadachi said, "But after waking up, I feel more empty."

"Since you feel empty, then chat with me" I said: "Communication helps to clear up the emptiness."

"That's right." Otadao said: "This is the same as a couple. Two people who always live in harmony. They may turn yellow when they can. It's okay to fight a little bit. When they reconcile, they will become more gluey. ."

I nodded in agreement and emphasized: "Li is such a reason, but my sexual orientation is normal and I don't engage in fundamentals."

"I don't even bother to accompany you to play cross-species love!"

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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