Blocking is the foundation of every melee adventurer. The main purpose is to reduce damage and continue the combat state.

This combat skill usually seems inconspicuous, but once the pastor encounters a shortage of resources, the block will change and become the key to victory.

But there is also a prerequisite for blocking, that is, the strength and destructive power of the attack is limited to the tolerable range. Once the range is exceeded, either the weapon will break or the body will be severely injured.

The consequences could be disastrous.

At the moment, this elite cannibal tree is obviously a very powerful tree in terms of strength and destructive power, and the main pole that is swiped like a whip is more representative of it. The combination of power and destructive power.

This kind of attack, how can a giant sword warrior be able to stop it?

Seeing this scene, and reminiscing his two consecutive life-saving graces, I immediately gritted my teeth and turned my heart over, handing Xilan’s demon sword to my left hand, and drew out the big sword with my right hand to release as much as possible. The killing intent was condensed on two knives, and then went straight for a few steps, aiming at the swept main pole to cut it!

The two swords went side by side, and the killing intent was raging. Xilan's demon sword confronted the main pole for only two seconds before being shot out, but the Odachi was still strong.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... I gritted my teeth, holding on to the force that is constantly coming, as if facing a huge wave tens of meters high, and I was just a leaf in front of the wave The flat boat will be overturned and broken up by it at any time.

The power of the main rod became more and more turbulent, and I gradually felt that I could not support it, and the wrist holding the knife had already rattled softly. This is the dislocation sound that will only be emitted when the joint's bearing capacity reaches its limit.

But I didn’t do it in vain. The Odachi, who was instigated by the killing intent, used a domineering way to wipe out the earth-based magic of the main pole and cut it deeply into it. It didn’t take long for me to cut the main pole into two. !

At that time, the elite cannibal tree will transfer the target to me due to severe pain, and the Great Sword Elf can also seize this gap and launch a fatal attack on it.

Although the above are my assumptions, once successful, this powerful monster will definitely be wiped out. As a helper, I can also gain a lot of experience.

Thinking of this, I am more motivated.

When manpower is poor.

No matter how hard I try, the strength is there, and the strength can't keep up. It will not last long with faith.

Ever since, Odachi and me were flew by gorgeous bullets.

When I was in the air, I adjusted the angle of falling as much as possible, so that my buttocks would touch the ground-with plenty of flesh, cushioning, and not falling too hard.

But when the **** egg directly touches the ground, no matter how much meat it has, it will hurt or hurt.

Under the effect of inertia, I grinned for seven or eight rolls before I stopped.

Lying upright on the ground, I was dizzy and painful all over, so I heard a muffled noise not far away. It was the sound of wood and metal colliding. The Great Sword Elf chose to directly resist this attack instead of taking the opportunity to attack the man-eating tree. The body launches an attack.

Recalling his fighting style, he has always been straightforward, and it is probably the same with his personality. It is simply difficult for him to win by trickery.

After the muffled sound, there were a few heavy footsteps. I could guess it without looking at it. It must be the footsteps of the Great Sword Elf when it was repulsed. I just don’t know what happened to him, but he was blindfolded from a few meters away. Looking at the state of the elves motionless, the great sword elves should have suffered no serious damage.

I lay quietly on the ground, regaining my strength while listening carefully to the fierce fighting. Almost every few seconds, a dull metal and wood collision sounded.

"It's an elite monster, really strong enough" I secretly said in my heart: "Three master adventurers shot at the same time, after such a long battle, I couldn't win it."

"Is it strong? It's not strong at all!" Odachi jokingly said, "I remember you were using it to practice the sword just now!"

"I don't know it is an elite monster, if I know it, I can't hide it far!"

"Let's not talk about this yet," Odachi said suddenly: "I ask you, brat, do you have any thoughts about condensing the general killing intent?"

I thought about it, shook my head, and said, "Nothing."

"You elm head" Odachi sighed, "Have you not noticed that our power has become stronger?"

"you guys?"

"It's me and the demon sword" Data said: "After the killing intent was completely poured into our bodies, both of us have rapidly improved both in terms of toughness and sharpness. Even the vines that you have been powerless, also I was cut off by you. Didn't you find these?"

"You said this..." Recalling for a while, I nodded and said: "I found out, but it was done in a hurry. I can't guarantee whether it can be done at other times."

"Since you can do it when you are in a hurry, it means you can do it at ordinary times, but you lack exercise," Taita said: "As long as you make sure to hone your killing intent every day, you will be able to control it in no time."

"...Why do I listen to your tone, so like a pyramid scheme?"

"I'm actually teaching you how to become a strong person. How did you pull me and the MLM operator together?"

"I just think your methods are similar, and they are both constantly brainwashing."

Regaining some strength, I climbed up from the ground, limped to the front of Xilan’s demon sword, pulled it out of the rock wall, and limped to the side of the blindfolded elf, holding the big sword. , Staring at the three fierce fighting Kazuki.

"Is it all right?" asked the blindfolded elf.

"It's okay," I said: "I just fell a bit miserably when I fell, but it was just a few bumps and no serious injuries were left."

"No injury is a good thing," the blindfolded elf said: "The strength of this elite cannibal tree has probably reached level twelve, otherwise my friends will not be so difficult to fight."

I thought about it, rolled my eyes, and asked: "Dare to ask your first name?"

"Jefferson Gassir" said the blindfolded spirit: "I am a fighter from the Spirit Wing Guild."

"An Xiaoyi" I said: "I am the honorary president of the Fearless Guild."

"I know you" the blindfolded elf said, "I just don't know what this honorary president represents?"

"It's simple" I said: "I am responsible for everything I eat and drink. If a member provokes trouble, I will take care of it. All good things have nothing to do with me. In a word, you are blessed to enjoy it. Come."

The blindfolded elf stared at me with those eyes tightly covered by the thick cloth for a long time. At the end of the day, he laughed and laughed. He said, "Listening to you, I want to join your guild."

"Welcome" I said hehe.

The blindfolded elf smiled and shook his head, and said, "I will tell you a laugh, I will not leave the Spirit Wing Guild, this is my home."

"I won't be difficult for others," I followed closely: "Democracy and freedom, this is the motto of my guild."

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