When an organization claims to be superior to all beings, it is the beginning of its degeneration.

The power of the country that was supposed to defend the country and fight against the outside world and inside the country, after having an absolutely powerful force, began to ignore his life and death, and even regarded torturing others as a blessing.

It's a big irony!

In an instant, my heart was cold.

The hope that the state will maintain justice is probably going to fall through.

Rather than waiting for their conscience to find out, it is better for me to do everything, perhaps there is still the possibility of rescue Bai Yunying from danger.

More than ten meters away, Bai Yunying let out another painful cry, and another cone of ice pierced her thigh. Her small face had lost its color, her teeth were clenched, and her large, clear eyes were filled with tears, but she always Endure and refuse to let it shed.

Seeing this, my heart slammed, gritted my teeth, leaped up with a knife, bullied myself and went straight to the man of the wizard.

"Stop him!" Behind him, a certain national power shouted in a low voice: "Don't let him disturb the Yaxing of learning!"

As the low voice sounded, my ankle seemed to be caught by something. Turning around, it turned out to be the female elf warrior with whom Emily had discussed before.

"Let go of me!" I shouted angrily, struggling hard at the same time.

"It's useless if you go!" The female soldier clasped my ankle with one hand, lifted me upside down, and said solemnly: "His strength is not what you can handle at your level."

"Bai Yunying is my fiancee, I can't watch her suffer any more torture!" I yelled, "You guys are so much like a competition test. You are basically playing with new people and trying to abuse new people to make fun. If you have the patience, To challenge the power of other countries, why do you catch people who are less powerful than you and bully!"

The female soldier first looked at me in silence for a while, then stopped speaking, holding me upside down with one hand, and holding Xilan's demon knife snatched from me in the other, and continued to focus on the battle.

Other national forces ignored me as an ant, and continued to drink while watching coldly.

I struggled a few times, but seeing that there was no effect, I immediately formed a killing intent, trying to force the female soldier to let go.

A black and red killing intent full of weirdness and violence, flowing out of the 36,000 pores in my body, and quickly accumulating in the left foot.

In an instant, the entire left foot became black and red, and at first glance, it looked like the hideous claws of an evil spirit in purgatory.

"Give me... let go!" I shouted, and kicked my left foot to the female soldier's pretty face.

The female soldier had obviously noticed the abnormality of my body. She didn't care at first, but after feeling the power contained in the killing intent, her face suddenly changed. The hand that was holding my right foot was released in an instant, and she raised her left arm. Xiao Shield, the powerful fading power burst out in an instant, and in the next second, it accurately met the left foot that I kicked.

A loud bang was even more exaggerated than the sound from a battlefield more than ten meters away. The female soldier stepped back half a step, her expression dignified, and her eyes filled with puzzlement and shock.

Although she herself was unharmed, her small shield was obviously sunken in a large piece.

This small shield, which has withstood Emily's several attacks and was undamaged, was kicked and dented by my foot?

Faced with the situation before me, I also looked dumbfounded. In other words, I was so powerful that I was full of killing intent?

After hesitating for a second, I immediately came back to my senses, made a sudden jump with my feet on the ground, and ran towards the wizard man again.

In the process of sprinting quickly, I drew out the Odachi, and once again condensed the killing intent, decided to give this guy who bullied my fiancee a cruel!

Since I can kick the female warrior's small shield with one kick, I don't believe that you can't cut you into two pieces with a single knife!

"Boy, the method you used to condense the killing intent just now really surprised me!" Odachi's tone was full of surprises: "This is the first time since you mastered the killing intent that you have performed 10% of it. Powerful."

I wasn't in the mood to gossip with it, so I said: "Is that right, then I really need to celebrate."

"You have to celebrate," Otadao said: "In the past, you used the killing intent to be like a cow chewing a peony. You only know that it can be used, but you don't know how to use it. The true power of the killing intent is simply wasted. It hurts my heart, but seeing how you got it right in your desperation just now, it shows that you still have the talent in this area. If you have the talent, you have to use it well, otherwise it will be violent!"

"Really" I said coldly: "These things, let's wait until I cut off the **** in front of me!"

After that, I paused, my body twisted slightly, and at the same time I was full of killing intent, ready to greet the wizard man in front of me with a sword.

The wizard man had already discovered my existence, but he didn't care about my intervention, and still attacked Bai Yunying without stopping, selectively ignoring me.

Just when I was about to finish drawing my sword and accumulating power, a dozen meters away, the female soldier shouted: "Be careful, his fading power is very strange. I can ignore my fading power and hit my body! "

Hearing this, the man of the wizard looked terrified, turned his head slowly, and stared at me with his eyes full of indifference. The meaning of indifference instantly froze my perception.

I opened my eyes suddenly, and the fear in my heart suddenly rose. It seemed that the man standing in front of me was not a wizard man, but a poisonous snake spitting a letter.

"Huh, it's a bit of a small way" Odachi's voice sounded in my mind at this time: "You know such a little illusion, hey, I said that brat, can such a little illusion make you stop? Don't forget, in the sewers of Eri City, you have encountered even more terrifying illusions!"

Odachi’s words made me struck by lightning, and a mountain-high corpse pile appeared in my mind, and the monster squatting beside the corpse pile that looked like a dog but not a dog.

"Di Ruiji..." I gritted my teeth, shuddered, and woke up instantly.

The first thing I woke up was to draw a knife to the man of the wizard who released the illusion.

However, within a few seconds when I was deep in illusion, the wizard man was already ready to get out.

While continuing to attack Bai Yunying, he also condensed three layers of magic shields, a wind shield, an ice shield, and a light shield in front of him.

Odachi, which had all its killing intent, smashed the wind shield easily, but was slowed down by the second layer of ice shield, and a lot of killing intent was wiped out. In the end, the last bit of Odachi's power and the light shield were exhausted. .

The Odachi without stamina, naturally can't hurt the wizard man.

Odachi’s regretful voice sounded in my mind: "It’s a pity, the time for you to master the killing intent is still too short. If you listen to me and hone the killing intent every day, let alone him, even the group of arrogant **** behind you. , It’s still a single knife, just like killing a chicken and a goose."

As soon as Otato's words fell, the man of the wizard who stood opposite me spoke: "As an ant, I dare to interfere in the battle of national power. It's too overwhelming. You, apologize with death."

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