Norris saw that Bing Cone was blocked by all means, and he let out a cold snort.

He slowly raised his arm, the dazzling gem on the top of the magic wand exuded a faint cold light, and the hollow chants flowed out of his mouth. The huge magic elements swept in like a gale, and gathered into the gem like a river.

"Your rude behavior can only be forgiven by death" Norris's voice was as hollow as the chanting, and I shuddered when I heard it.

"Presumptuous!" Princess Analita came out more and more, straightening her chest, her face showing the pride that only the royal family can: "I am the second princess of the Elf clan, the sister of the Elf Queen, Lord Norris, you are now My behavior has threatened my life. In the name of the princess, I order you to immediately stop all your current behaviors and take the initiative to apologize before Her Majesty the Elf Queen!"

Norris did not respond to Princess Analita's words, his eyes flickered, seemingly hesitant, but still refused to disperse the magic.

"Norris, do you want to rebel? You dare to threaten the lives of the two fairy princesses in front of everyone, even the stupidest pig in the pig will not do such a stupid behavior! As a national power, Let alone live for more than 40 years, have you lived in the belly of the dog for more than 40 years!" The little princess Analetta, who was standing in the crowd, squeezed over and shouted.

She is naturally rebellious, and she only constrained in front of her eldest sister and Emily. Now that Emily is injured because of the bad guys in front of her, and her eldest sister is not around, she naturally becomes unscrupulous, thinking about what to say, one Opening my mouth is a string of reprimands, my eyelids trembled and my heart beat wildly.

I said, is your girl here to control the field, or to make trouble?

The scene that your second sister managed so easily was ruined by you all at once!

Tell you not to mix with Remy all day long. Although you are an elf princess, you are not the only princess. No matter how much the elf queen spoils you, you can’t be desperate. Remy is the only granddaughter of the elf queen, the future of the elf clan The only queen, let alone getting into trouble, even if the war is provoked, the fairy queen will still not scold Remy.

As the saying goes, things are rare and precious, and your status will never be as noble as Remy.

You should get in touch with Yula more. She is not only a noble, but also a mentor. Regardless of etiquette, manners, and mere handling of affairs, she is a model. She is the model you should learn most!

However, it is a bit late to say this now.

The situation was so good, it was completely messed up by the little princess Analetta.

Because of the little princess's scolding, Norris no longer wandered in anger. He continued to accumulate magic crazily, planning to kill us with one blow.

At this moment, a small head poked out behind me, turned my head and looked at me, it turned out to be Princess Aurora.

Princess Aurora smiled bitterly, she squeezed her body from between me and Yura, and she adjusted her clothes, her face was dark, and she said solemnly: "I am Princess Aurora of Fort Witchc. Your Excellency wants me Kill them all?"

When it heard that it was the princess of the dwarf race, Norris's anger was forced down by another point.

The dwarves are not funny. Since the dwarves can crush the other four legions, who can guarantee that the national power of the dwarves will not be able to defeat the other four countries in terms of strength?

Seeing that the rhetoric was effective, Princess Aurora went one step further and said: "Perhaps the identity of the dwarf princess is not enough to calm you down, so please allow me to introduce you to another person.

She pointed at her slender hand and said, "Did you see the girl who is helping Emily? She is the little princess most beloved by the Orc King. Please be clear, your impulse may be the moonlight The city is dragged into an endless abyss. After thousands of years, the people will not remember your identity as a national power, but will firmly remember that you are a sinner in Moonlight City. If you have descendants, you have thought about your descendants. How will you live a life in dire straits because of your impulse today?"

Norris trembled, and the jewel on the head of the magic wand began to flicker, which proved that he was hesitating again.

I secretly gave Princess Aurora a thumbs up, and Princess Aurora was relieved, turned her head, and smiled at Mi Lulu.

At this moment, the elven male warrior who was fighting Achilles suddenly roared: "Don't listen to this little girl's side words, who knows if they are real princesses or not, this may be a delay. If you pass them, they will definitely remember your hatred in their hearts, and over time, even if they can't hurt you, they will try their best to harm your family!"

Norris was hesitating, but suddenly he heard what the male elf warrior said, his face suddenly became cold, and he didn't listen to our explanation, and he blurted out a string of chants.

As the singing ended, four **** of light emerged out of thin air in front of him, namely orange, blue, green and purple.

The orange ball of light was launched first, and suddenly exploded at a distance of four meters from us, turning into a halo, and engulfing the heat wave of the burning surface.

However, this is not over yet. After the first halo is completely formed, the second halo is also formed at a very fast speed. At the same time, the temperature of the heat wave rises sharply, and the hardwood floor squeaks under the high temperature.

Godot had to erect a magical barrier to resist the heat waves that swept across.

Although the magic barrier has the ability to block elemental damage, it also has a limit. This limit is related to the strength of the caster. Godot's strength is very different from the power of the country, so this magic barrier is only supported for a while before being condensed. The heat radiated from the third halo burned.

The heat was so hot that I couldn't breathe. Seeing the fourth halo slowly formed, I couldn't take care of that much anymore, so I swung a big sword and slashed, trying to cut off the halo with killing intent.

It's a pity that my killing intent is not enough to destroy the halo. I can only slightly slow down the speed of the halo's generation.

After cutting a few times, Odachi suggested to me: "Hurry up and run with someone, as far as you can go!"

"Can I run?" I almost collapsed and said anxiously: "Besides, I don't know how powerful the aura will be after it is fully formed. If it spreads throughout the tavern, there is no difference between running and not running. It's better to struggle again."

"Even if you are dying and struggling, it won't help. The aura is composed of a combination of fading power that is dozens of times higher than your total killing intent and a larger magical element. You can't destroy it at all, instead of wasting it. Physical strength, it's better to think about countermeasures, maybe you can survive by luck!"

"If everyone is dead, even if I get a chance to survive, what's the point?" I tried to chop off the halo, and said firmly: "If you want to die, let's all die here together. There is also a support for Huangquan Road. ."

As soon as the voice fell, the fourth halo finally took shape. With a loud bang, a heat wave enough to melt gold and iron slammed down towards me.

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