Just because of the fine gold, it is enough to prove the identity of the person who died in the coffin.

Apart from the owner of the tomb, who is entitled to this treatment?

I was overjoyed and rubbed the fine gold coffin repeatedly. Odachi didn’t understand what I was doing, and wondered: “What are you doing? Do you want to get a little corpse? Or still don’t believe it is forged with fine gold. Rub off the golden paint?"

"Can't you read my heart?" I retorted: "If you can read it, you still ask the wool?"

"I really want to understand your mood at the moment," Taitadao said lightly: "It's a pity that you are full of greed now, and there are a bunch of messy thoughts, which makes me very confused."

"The chaos is right" I said while groping for the coffin, "I am also quite confused now."

"What are you messing up with?" Otadao asked puzzledly.

"I'm very entangled now" I said: "Such a large piece of fine gold, once discovered by the orc king, it will definitely be taken as his own. Even if I ask him for it, I'm afraid I won't return a little bit of it. I told Kagali that she might still speak to the orc king, no, she will definitely help the orc king, don’t look at her attitude towards the orc king, but in fact the family relationship is good Now!"

"Then what do you mean?"

"I'm hesitating whether to cut a piece or not." With a sigh, I said: "If you cut too much, it will definitely be exposed, but if you cut less, I'm not reconciled."

Odachi was completely speechless.

After a while, it suggested: "Why don't you cut from the coffin, as long as you cut neatly, you should not be found."

"That's right" I said: "I have this idea too. Isn't this groping for the mechanism to open the coffin lid!"

The fine gold coffin is tightly closed, and there is no trace of connection at all. If it is placed in a place other than a tomb, no one will recognize it as a coffin.

Just when I was thinking of a way to open the coffin, a soft sound came into my ears.

The soft sound seemed to have depressed the allegro countless times, and the rhythm was full, but the sound in this dead tomb still made me shudder.

"What's the sound?" I asked Dadachi.

Odachi couldn't hear it either. It thought for a few seconds, and said, "It won't be a good thing anyway. Get ready for battle, maybe trouble will come soon."

As soon as the voice fell, Odachi suddenly yelled, "Look behind you!"

My expression tightened, I immediately turned around, and instantly saw a behemoth walking towards me slowly.

It walked very leisurely and did not regard me as a threat. On the contrary, I saw appetite in its greedy eyes.

This is a huge scorpion, it is staring at me, trying to turn me into a delicious snack.

"Fuck, this scorpion is too big...Is it a magic puppet like the statue whose head was chopped off at the door?"

"Judging from the magic fluctuations it fed back to me, it's a living thing" Daidachi said in an incredible tone: "This mausoleum is at least several thousand years old. I'm very curious about what this scorpion has eaten during this time. ."

"Is it possible that we grew up eating the corpses of us grave robbers?"

Dadachi denied it without even thinking about it: "The mechanism in the tomb passage was activated when you passed by. This is enough to prove that you are the first person to enter the tomb. It is precisely because you are the first that I am curious. The total corpse bones in the burial chamber do not exceed a hundred. According to the size of this scorpion, one hundred corpses may be enough for it to eat for two months, but after eating it? In those long years, it has What does it feed on? Don't tell me that it has survived thousands of years of starvation. Idiots won't believe that!"

Odachi's doubts are indeed very thought-provoking, but obviously, it is not when I am concerned about this issue at the moment, the huge scorpion is walking towards me slowly.

This giant scorpion is several times bigger than a sand scorpion. One of its tongs is almost as long as my body. The venom sac of the scorpion tail is bigger than my head. Its mouthfuls of sharp teeth keep hitting and sending out A crisp sound of clicking.

Its six eyes are more bright red than the rubies I put away, and from time to time they shimmer with crimson light.

"Have you ever hit it?" I squeezed Odachi and said to myself.

"Try a fight," Otadao said: "If it doesn't work, put the ruby ​​back on the head of the beast, resurrect the stone beast, and let the stone beast **** it!"

"Stone beast?" I glanced sideways at the huge stone beast statue lying in the ruins of the stone wall, worried: "Once it comes alive, will it attack me with the giant scorpion?"

"There is such a possibility," Ota Dadao said: "But isn't it true that there is a saying that opportunities and risks coexist. If it fights with the giant scorpion and the net is broken, the biggest beneficiary is not you."

"That said, what if the situation is not as you expected?"

"Then you just wait for your death" Taitadao said: "Or you can play peekaboo with them and hide for three days. If you don't have any money, you can take me to break the outer wall, as long as you break the stone wall, you don't You can escape to death."

"Then what if these two monsters are doing the same, breaking the stone wall and escaping?" I worried: "They are likely to launch a slaughter and cause panic!"

"You still have the heart to think about others?" Otato sneered and said: "Let's think about what you should do first, this behemoth is about to rush over!"

As soon as the voice fell, I only felt a huge shadow obstructing the light. I looked up and saw, good fellow, this huge scorpion has jumped high and attacked me.

If you were hit by this behemoth, it would be a broken bone!

To save my life, I had to scatter my feet and rush towards the rear.

As soon as he ran a few steps away, he heard a loud bang, and the giant scorpion fell to the ground, and its sharp claws pierced deeply into the floor tiles, more than two inches below the floor tiles.

If this stabs my body, don't give me a pairing!

I thought in horror. I stretched out my hand and took out two rubies from my arms. Without thinking about it, I threw my feet away, and went straight to the head of the beast that I had thrown far away.

When I was only one meter away from the head of the beast, the huge shadow once again enveloped my body, and when I turned my head subconsciously, I saw the giant scorpion leaping high again and hitting me straight down.

I was shocked: Isn't this guy aware of my intentions?

Frightened, my soles exerted force and rushed forward, and when I passed by the head of the beast, a monkey grabbed the head of the beast and took the head of the beast in his hand. He then speeded up and ran away from the shadow range before the giant scorpion fell. .

The loud noise sounded again, more than a dozen floor tiles were smashed, and several floor tiles were pierced by sharp claws.

Two consecutive attacks failed, and the giant scorpion's patience was wiped out. It roared, threw its sharp tail stab, and stabled at me.

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