The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1855: Contest between behemoths

This is... Venom?

Subconsciously turning his head back, before he could see the tail stab of the giant scorpion behind him, he received a heavy blow on his right rib.

I screamed and flew out, the head of the beast also let go, I don't know where the fly went.

Being in the air, my heart felt cold. It was over, this time was miserable, the head of the beast was gone, and I was also badly injured. Without a short break, the internal injuries might be difficult to heal.

Even if healed, it would be difficult for me to win against monsters of this level.

At the moment, I can only pray that my legs and feet can be used flexibly. If I can't beat them, I can still run away. With the size of a giant scorpion, it takes a lot of effort to pass the tomb.

Whether I can escape the danger smoothly depends on whether I can escape into the tomb passage first.

As soon as I finished planning the general escape route, my body fell heavily on the floor tiles, and the severe pain hit my whole body again. While rolling, I gritted my teeth without making a sound.

The body rubbed against the floor tiles and rolled out, and finally hit the corner of the coffin, and then heard a muffled sound, and the bone pain hit again-my calf hit the corner of the coffin, listening to the sound, it was 80% broken. .

House seemingly endless rain.

Originally planned to escape, but now it's fine, the leg bone is broken, and everything is in water.

Listening to the very rhythmic soft sound, I knew that it was the sound of the giant scorpion being forced at me step by step, and after the bird, it was about to become a giant scorpion baba.

I cried out in my heart.

Odachi comforted me: "It is said that when a scorpion eats, it usually does not eat up all its prey in one breath. It often leaves some limbs, such as the head, or the upper body. If you are lucky, you may even pay. A small half of the corpse can be left behind, so that all of it won’t become Baba."

I was already unable to take care of the big sword, just thinking about how the giant scorpion approached for a while, how to fight last.

Just as the situation was developing in the most unfavorable direction, a strange sound came into my ears, which also attracted the attention of the giant scorpion.

Just over twenty meters away, among the pile of ruins of the stone wall that I had broken open, a stone mound slowly bulged out.

The initial bulging speed of Shizuo was very slow, but as the height increased, its bulging speed became faster, and in the blink of an eye, it rose to more than three meters.

When it stopped rising, Shizuo suddenly gave a violent shaking, and countless rubble and gravel fell down. Soon, Shizui revealed its original appearance.

It was the buried stone beast!

The look of this behemoth looks extremely hideous, with blue-faced fangs and blood-like eyes.

On the strong to twisted body, a relatively small to exaggerated head hung at the forefront. This funny combination of extremely inconsistent proportions completely shattered the sense of power given by the giant stone beast.

This body proportion is simply more exaggerated than the little head father!

At this moment, the emotion of wanting to burst into laughter covers up the pain and panic, but I know very well that making a sound at this time will only attract the attention of the giant scorpion and the stone behemoth at the same time, and it may become the target of both in an instant. , That's really dead.

But the urge to laugh is not something that can be suppressed if you want to suppress it. In desperation, I have to cover my mouth tightly with my hands, suppress the laughter to the minimum, and try not to attract their attention.

While the stone behemoth stood up, the giant scorpion gave up the idea of ​​continuing to chase me down, and instead fixed the target on the monster that was similar to his size.

Many monsters have the ability to perceive danger, and this giant scorpion is no exception. From its perspective, the threat of the giant stone beast is far greater than mine. If you want to eat safely, you must first take the giant beast in front of you. Kill.

The six compound eyes of the giant scorpion stared at the giant beast closely, a pair of big ao constantly opened and closed, and its mouth full of sharp teeth collided lightly. This is its performance when it enters the state of preparation.

Opposite it, the giant stone beast moved cautiously. The tip of its sharp claws easily pierced into the stone bricks and made a clicking sound. The crushed stone foam scattered with the lifting of its claws, and soon Just accumulated a small layer.

Being far away from the two of them, I held my breath, squinted, and watched the scene secretly.

The battle between these two behemoths is not something that can be seen anywhere. If I hadn't gone deep into the tomb, I might not have the chance to see it in my life.

The two behemoths faced each other for a while, and the giant scorpion finally couldn't bear the bloodthirsty desire, snarled and rushed forward.

It swiftly walked, and rushed in front of the giant stone beast with only one breath. A pair of sturdy pliers aimed at the beast's head and smashed it past.

How can a giant be bullied?

With a roar, like a leopard, it lowered its limbs at a speed that could not cover its ears. Then it leaped sharply and rose to the ground, avoiding the smashing of the tongs.

With a bang, the sturdy tongs slammed into the floor tiles, and the smashed floor tiles instantly shattered into stones and dregs, splashing everywhere, and several smaller ones even flew in front of me.

At the moment when the giant scorpion attack failed, the giant beast also fell from a high altitude, and a pair of sharp front paws slammed into the giant scorpion back armor.

The giant scorpion's six claws suddenly bent, and then leaped forward suddenly, avoiding the giant beast's attack.

The sharp claws were all submerged in the floor tiles, the giant beast roared, and pulled both claws vigorously, pulling the two floor tiles off the ground at the same time, and then smashing them hard, smashing them into hundreds of large and small fragments.

Some fragments were so powerful that they penetrated deeply into the wall, piercing a hole with the background image made by Huang Finance.

I felt distressed immediately.

This is not only a treasure relic of thousands of years ago, but also represents countless money!

I dare to guarantee that if these four tomb walls are cut off and put on the auction floor for sale, the gold coins earned will be able to buy a small city!

Seeing that I was heartbroken, Odachi comforted me: "I said stinky boy, don't be sad. According to their style of play, there will be more treasures and ruins destroyed in a while. You can't be sad. Just listen to me. Yes, you think of this as a set, and the battle between two monsters is regarded as a Hollywood sci-fi giant lens, four walls and floor tiles, oh, and the roof, you can treat it as the set of the special film. Better."

"You are indeed a good way" I nodded, still looking sad: "But it still can't hide my grief, no matter how I comfort myself, the price of these treasures is like a curse lingering in my mind Keep telling me that they are invaluable and they are destroyed..."

At the time I was crying to Taidachi, the giant beast used a floor tile as a dart, and threw it at the giant scorpion. The turning floor tile did not hit the giant scorpion, but leaned several feet away, encumbering the giant scorpion. The momentum of the horse went straight to the jade carvings on one of the walls.

"No!" I exhaled in grief.

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