With the affirmation of Philade Alexander, I felt chills, and at the same time two words came into my mind: Witch.

The woman who is regarded as the source of disaster for the country and the people because of her beauty and beauty is an innocent and poor person, but a woman who commits a poisonous scheme to satisfy her own selfish desires and puts the world in the deep water is a real witch.

"Ethnic cleansing, such a frenzied idea, your grandfather, who was praised as the'Holy Monarch', even believed it?"

Alexander groaned a little, and said: "Yes, he believed it, he had to believe it, because after the fortuneteller proposed ethnic cleansing, he definitely told my grandfather that this plan was not proposed by her, and she was just a middleman. This plan The true mastermind and belonger of is God."

"God?" I frowned, "Is the **** you mentioned the **** of creation?"

"I don't know this either," Alexander said: "But in the usual sense, the only existence that can be called a **** is the **** of creation."

"But she only said'God', who knows which God she is talking about?" I frowned and questioned: "In case the **** in her mouth is not the **** of creation, but is considered by her as a **** What should I do then?"

"Still can only do it" Alexander grinned bitterly: "Seriously, I have also doubted the **** in the fortuneteller's mouth, but many things are not useful if you doubt it. The **** of creation is real, and the fortuneteller is rare. Many human beings who can directly communicate with the God of Creation have to believe even if she has something else to say."

"Even if this is really the plan of the God of Creation, what will happen if it is not achieved?"

Alexander shook his head.

"Anyway, I won't believe this rhetoric. What kind of ethnic cleansing, what God's plan, are all shit!" I filled with outrage: "If the God of Creation really wants to destroy mankind, does it take so much trouble? It's easy to kill with a single finger. So, the **** fortuneteller must have some shameless conspiracy. In order to be able to execute this conspiracy perfectly, she put the God of Creation on the table. However, she can She communicated directly with the God of Creation, worried that she would be punished by God if she did so, so she replaced it with an ambiguous'God'."

"Originally, if such a plan is replaced by anyone who lacks faith, he will definitely not believe it, but your fairies have indeed accepted the grace of the God of Creation, and even used the power bestowed by the God of Creation. The blood has forged ten powerful equipments, so in this respect, you are more determined than others. When carrying out the will of the God of Creation, you are also more determined and thorough, and you will never doubt that the fortuneteller is right. It was by grasping this point that he was able to act in such a show grandiosely."

Having said this, I sighed deeply and said, "Those members of the race that were cleansed, and your grandfather who had been stinking for thousands of years because of their backs, are poor people used by this fortuneteller, but in the end, no one knows. Who actually gave this plan to the fortuneteller."

Alexander also sighed, a regretful expression on his handsome face.

The dead are gone, unless time goes backwards, this mystery will forever be imprinted in the long river of history.

The topic soon turned back to the fact that I can activate the artifact.

Alexander stared at my gray hair and asked, "Is your white hair natural, caused by illness, or dyed?"


"Do you know how many people are born with pure white hair like you?" He continued to ask.

"I know only two, one is me and the other is my fiancee."

Alexander smiled unclearly: "It's your fiancée again, how many fiancées do you have?"

After thinking about it for a while, I shrugged and said, "A dozen, probably, I haven't counted them."

"You're pretty lustful" he said bluntly.

"This is natural" I said frankly.

He smiled and said, "Tell you a secret."

I immediately got the spirit: "What secret?"

"I guess, you and your white-haired fiancee are likely to have the same blood..."

"Hey!" I interrupted him directly, with a serious face, and said: "Don't talk nonsense. Her family and ours are simply irrelevant. There will be no possibility of the same blood!"

"Don't worry," Alexander waved at me and said, "When I say the same blood, I don't mean that you are blood relatives, but that there is something similar flowing in your blood vessels."

As I listened to the cloud in the mist, I looked at him blankly.

Alexander continued: "I have been together for a few hours, haven't you noticed that your hair color is the same as mine, and both are white?"

"What can I pay attention to?" I wondered: "We both have two eyes, a nose and a mouth."

"I didn't mean that." He shook his head. "In ancient civilizations, there were academic topics related to genetic factors, including the probability of recessive genes turning into dominant genes, pure white hair like you and me. According to common sense, they are all recessive genes. They can only be carried, but cannot be revealed unless certain conditions are met. For example, I, with extremely low magic power, are born with unique powers. Kind is similar to the power of fading, but completely different from the power of fading..."

Hearing this, I can’t wait to interrupt him: "I know this, you see, the black and red mist that surrounds my body now is a kind of power that belongs to me only. Its power is almost equal to the power of fading. The power of fading is two completely different kinds."

"What is power is almost equal!" Odachi said in annoyed voice: "The power of fading is a fart in front of killing intent! Only because you are lazy and unwilling to hone the killing intent, it seems that it is on match with the power of fading. Similar."

Odachi's words were full of resentment, but I still deliberately ignored its fragmentary thoughts.

Alexander squeezed his chin and quietly looked at the killing intent, his bright eyes full of curiosity.

After staring for a while, he said with some regret: "Unfortunately, I am just a memory, otherwise I must touch these black and red mists. Although I don't know what they are, I always feel that they are full of mystery and danger."

"It's quite mysterious" I nodded in agreement: "As for the danger, I don't know, it won't hurt me anyway."

"Let's get back to the subject" Alexander said: "It is precisely because of my extremely low magic value and the existence of other powers that are completely different from the power of degeneration. The recessive gene in my blood has undergone a qualitative change. To become dominant, which is why I was born with gray hair."

Having said that, he paused, looked at me and said, "The same with you."

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