It became colder in the early autumn morning.

With my hands folded behind my head, I lay on the grass next to the tent, staring at the still twinkling stars, feeling the chill from the earth.

The rising sun slowly rises from the horizon, first revealing an egg-yolk-like golden-red edge, then from the edge into a dazzling half of a poached egg, and then, with a sigh, it jumps out of the horizon, bursting out with a dazzling light .

"If Phoenix saw this scene, he would definitely drool and say,'Wow, what a big butter pancake.'"

I leisurely, after enjoying the beautiful scenery of the rising sun, I couldn't help but sigh.

On the horizon, a group of black shadows was slowly approaching this side. It was the magic airship that Master Dewey was riding in.

This is the first time I have observed the slowly approaching magic airship with the eyes of a bystander. I have to say that it is really magnificent and spectacular.

It is like an aircraft carrier that takes the sky as the ocean and moves slowly.

But I know very well that it is much larger than an aircraft carrier.

The magic airship roared and slowly landed on the open space hundreds of meters away. Then, the hatch opened and Master Dewey led a group of people down the elevator.

Master Dewey is dressed in casual clothes, his face is pale, and dark circles appear, he must be staying up late studying ancient characters again, but his spirit looks good.

Parallel to Master Dewey, is his childhood sweetheart, the former elder of the Adventurer Base in Ai Rui City, Master Hall.

The old man looked tired, and his mental state was not good. Judging from his appearance, he should have come to his energy.

Behind them is a team of dwarves and goblins, with a total of more than ten people.

Following these more than ten people, there are hundreds of heavily armed dwarf adventurers. Although their eyes look at me with respect and obedience, I can vaguely feel that they are exuding a strong momentum. .

I am sure that no one in this team of hundreds of people is weaker than me.

"Foster father" I walked up to Master Dewey, respectfully saluted, and said, "This is just a tomb robbery. Is your battle a bit too... huge?"

Master Dewey waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's always good to be prepared, but how can you always do this kind of tomb-digging business? Is the money not enough? I am not entrusting the business of the magic airship to you. Already? This is a big business, the kind that makes money without losing it!"

"Uh..." I scratched my head and said with a smile: "You are right, the magic airship does make me earn a million dollars every day, thanks to you, my current money is basically I want to spend it but can't spend it. The kind of end..."

Master Dewey's face changed, his tone was not good, and he said, "Then why do you even rob the tomb? Do you have a hobby in this respect?"

"No, no," I waved my hand again and again and clarified: "This is really not a hobby, I'm just curious, curious."

"Really just curious?" Master Dewey stared at me and asked.

"It's really just curious," I honestly said: "In fact, this tomb was not discovered by me, but by the descendants of legendary heroes who I extradited to Cyberjaya to enjoy the blessing. Uh, don't get me wrong, they are not tomb thieves. , Only when they were patrolling outside, they stumbled upon this mausoleum. At first, they thought it was a hiding place for the band of thieves that had invaded the border of Dasai City. After sneaking in, they suddenly understood that this was not a hiding place at all. It was a barren mausoleum, and then, what? Didn’t I do the robbing and digging of the mausoleum before, or the one that awakened Achilles, and then I was put on the identity of the tomb thief, these people who have been living in Eri City Legend has it that the descendants of the heroes naturally know my identity, and they are repaying me. They notified me as soon as possible. Even if I didn’t say anything, you would have guessed it.”

Master Dewey nodded and said earnestly: "Xiao Yi, robbing a tomb is not a serious business. Those poor people who are trapped in their lives and have no choice but to do it, I understand and accept it. , But you are not short of money, you are in a high position, and you are my future heir to Dewey, the son-in-law of the Dwarf King, do you know that your honor and disgrace no longer represent individuals, but represent Fort Witch."

"Yes, I see" I lowered my brows and sullen eyes: "I will try to restrain myself as much as possible in the future."

Master Dewey nodded and stopped talking.

Master Hall on the side opened the chatterbox and said dissatisfied: "I said Xiaoyi, what call crystal did you call your foster father in the middle of the night! I was also drawn together! Don’t you know, I’m here? I can’t sleep at all on the magic airship. In addition, I have been studying ancient texts in the past few days. I have barely slept. Now I am on the verge of collapse at any time. If you can’t give me a satisfactory result, believe it or not, I’ll send you crazy Look?!"

Seeing Master Hall's impulsive expression, I wanted to laugh.

I vaguely remember that when I saw you at the beginning of the year, Master Hall wore a pair of thick-soled glasses, and there was a lot of masters.

Looking at it now, his master style has been completely discarded, and replaced by a more cordial and true temperament.

Although this cordial energy is a bit aggressive.

With a slight smile, I said: "Don't worry, you are satisfied."

Entering the tomb passage, I told Master Dewey and others to walk carefully, it is better to step on the footprints I have walked, which is safer.

Masters Dewey and Master Hall, as well as a kind of staff, all looked surprised when they saw the relief murals on both sides of the tomb passage.

Master Dewey murmured: "Unexpectedly, this inconspicuous mausoleum would have such spectacular art!"

Master Hall was also shocked and had long forgotten that he was in the tomb passage. He walked up to the relief a few steps, stretched out thick fingers with cocoons, and carefully rubbed every relief he could touch.

It's a pity that he is too short, even if he jumps high, he can't touch one-third of the height of the relief.

"Master Hall!" I raised the volume and reminded: "Please be cautious, there are a lot of institutions here, but it took me a lot of effort to sneak into the tomb!"

When I heard this, Master Hall reluctantly left before the relief. He looked at me bitterly and said, "Why don't you clean up all the institutions here?"

"Hall!" Master Dewey criticized: "Xiaoyi is my son, not a target for testing agencies!"

Master Hall apparently found his own slip of the tongue, but he still curled his lips and said unhappily, "Anyway, you have a strong self-healing ability, so it's okay to do more."

I understand Master Hall's feelings. He didn't really want to use me as the target of the trigger mechanism, but he was not reconciled to look far away, but couldn't get close to the grievances of admiring these exquisite relief murals.

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