The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1870: Master Dewey's ambition

If you want to prevent it from happening, you must know your friends.

In the ignorant stage of human beings, even common diseases such as colds and fevers will be boasted of being possessed by sprites.

So I asked God to sue the Buddha and pray in all directions, just for healing.

The result of this is often only one. Either the patient experiences some painful torture and eventually heals, or the patient fails to survive and belches cold.

The reason for these two situations is that human beings are unfamiliar with colds and fevers.

In the same way, if we cannot repair the ancient characters intact, and some day in the future, someone uses the power of ancient characters to initiate disputes, we will naturally be unable to fight.

Even if we win in the end, this great fruit will be filled with countless blood.

For the future of mankind, and for the stability and prosperity of the Hefeng Continent, please help us!

Master Dewey was sincere and begged Philade Alexander to change his mind.

However, Philade Alexander did not immediately reply. He calmly said: "The power of a single ancient text is not as powerful as you think. Unless it is a sentence or a piece of ancient text, it is possible to play a groundbreaking role. Might, but to activate such a sentence, a huge amount of mana must be spent."

"How big is it?" Master Dewey asked.

"It depends on the lineage," Alexander said: "A person with a pure ancient lineage only needs one to a few to exert its power. In addition, at least one hundred thousand and fourteenth level or above adventurers have a chance."

" the gap too big?" Master Dewey questioned.

"Not big" Alexander shook his head: "Ancient writings were originally designed for ancient races, especially for royal families of pure blood such as me. Naturally, they should benefit us in some ways."

After hearing these words, Master Dewey's eyes couldn't help dimming.

I know that it was his performance after some of his ambitions were shattered deep in his heart.

Master Dewey was never a man willing to be lonely.

He went from an obscure goblin apprentice to a magical airship creator who shocked the world, from a poor boy who could only feed and wear, to a business giant who controlled the lifeline of the world economy.

This not only shows that he has perseverance and ability different from ordinary people, but also shows that he is not willing to be lonely.

Today, he is the world leader in scientific research and business. Others may see the brilliance that he can't hide, but what I see is the loneliness hidden behind the brilliance.

He had no opponents in these two fields, and focused all his thoughts on ancient civilizations. However, the historical documents about ancient characters are all fragments, and almost no word has a complete explanation. This makes him toss and turn, Ye Ye Don't sleep.

But he did not dare to issue a reward order and mobilize all mankind to search for historical documents together. He was worried that someone would take risks and fake the truth in order to offer a huge reward.

Once fakes are mixed into historical documents and the meaning of certain ancient words is misinterpreted, it may lead to irreparable tragedies.

Moreover, for Master Dewey, incompleteness is just the loss of a historical trace, and mistakes are inexcusable faults!

He would rather leave it blank than make a mistake.

This is why his progress in studying the ancient writing on my arm is so slow.

Being cautious and never making mistakes is his unremitting philosophy.

It is precisely because of this that, in the process of studying ancient texts, in order to examine one of the meanings of a certain text, he even stayed up for several nights, almost exhausting his already weak body.

Right now, someone who is really familiar with ancient characters is right in front of him, but he is unwilling to cooperate. How can this keep Master Dewey from being discouraged?

Although he is not related by blood, he is as close to me as his son, and I can't bear to see him so lost.

After gritting my teeth, I succumbed to my heart, took off the guard of my left hand, and removed the gauze wrapped around the upper left arm little by little.

This action instantly alarmed Master Dewey. He rushed forward, held my hand and shook his head solemnly.

"Foster father" I said slowly: "Forgive me for my incompetence, I can't help you many times, but this time, I hope I can help you, even with the secrets of my body."

"No, absolutely not!" Master Dewey worked hard to wrap the unwrapped bandage back on my arm, bit by bit, and said in a low voice as much as possible: "It doesn't matter if you can't get the complete ancient text annotations, but you You can’t easily reveal this secret to others. I don’t want you to be assassinated because of the exposure of this secret. I don’t want a white-haired person to send a black-haired person to someone, you don’t understand!"

Looking at Master Dewey's stern eyes for a long time, I barely managed to squeeze a smile, and said, "Foster father, please let me help you once, even just once, okay? Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong, you want Have confidence in me, okay?"

Seeing that Master Dewey still refused to let go, I continued to persuade him: "Think about Achilles, think about Carter Horton, these people have tried to kill me, but none of them succeeded. This does not mean you My son, is my self-protection ability very strong, please believe me, I can protect myself, and I will definitely not let you fear things happen."

Looking at me confidently for a long time, Master Dewey hesitated and let go.

Just when I removed the bandage again, he ran to the top of the stairs quickly, and sternly shouted up: "No one is allowed to come down without my permission, and Hall can't!"

Master Dewey is the true controller of Fort Witchcraft and the only uncrowned king of Fort Witchcraft. His words are more useful than the imperial decree of the twin kings, and naturally no one dares to disobey.

When Master Dewey walked back to me again, all the bandages on my arm had been removed.

I saw that most of the surface of my left arm was packed with dense black and red ancient characters.

It is crowded, but they are actually distributed on the surface of my left arm in an extremely regular way.

Master Dewey took a deep look at my left arm and said, "There are a lot of new words."

"Isn't it?" I looked at my left arm over and over, and said with a wry smile: "If this continues, within a few years, my entire left arm will have to be covered with ancient words."

After a few casual conversations with Master Dewey, I looked at Alexander and said, "You see, there are so many ancient words on my arm. I think, since there can be one on the Hefeng Continent. There must be a second, third, or even a lot of human existence like me, but we can’t just take off everyone’s clothes and look at it.”

However, when I was speaking, Alexander kept staring at my left arm, and he didn't seem to even hear a word of my words.

After a long while, he said with difficulty: "Even... it really exists..."

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