Fortunately, Old Paqi belongs to the type of ‘you like to talk, as long as I’m happy’. He doesn’t care about the contempt of his colleagues, so he didn’t make any unhappiness.

Sitting in the lounge, I first poured a glass of juice for Old Paige and delivered it to him respectfully. He took a sip with satisfaction before he said: "What's the matter with you suddenly here?"

After I explained my future intentions, Old Paige twisted his sparse beard and slowly said, "I want to melt that piece of meteorite into three weapons. It's not impossible, but if you do this, you are not afraid of your other Fiancée has an opinion?"

Having said that, he coughed lightly and emphasized: "Our Mi Lulu will definitely have no objection, you can rest assured about this."

After hearing the concerns raised by Old Paige, I shook my head: "This situation shouldn't happen. Except for Phoenix and Kagali, almost no one likes heavy weapons, including Remy."

"Then what dagger do you give her?" Old Paggy asked puzzledly: "Do you think that little girl likes you too much, is annoying, and disgusts her by deliberately making this happen?"

"My image in your heart is too ugly!" I said with a wry smile, "I just think that without a sharp enough dagger, her exaggerated speed can't be reflected."

"What's the relationship between the dagger and speed?" Old Paqi was even more puzzled: "Don't you bluff me, although I have never been an adventurer, I have been in contact with a lot, you bluff me, I just listen to it know."

"I'm okay, what are you doing?" I couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "In normal times, daggers and speed really have nothing to do with each other, but Remy is an adventurer, except for the underground city. Monsters of, there may also be corpse thieves, hostile elements, and perhaps in the future will show their hands and feet on the battlefield, only with her current high-grade stainless steel dagger, it is impossible to cause damage to powerful enemies, only Change to a sharper and tougher one."

Old Paqi nodded: "What you said is not unreasonable. The fairy royal family is born with amazing speed and agile body. If there is a short blade that is sharp enough, it will be even more powerful... well, this busy , I helped you!"

"Thank you" I bowed and thanked.

After finishing this, I first went to the office of the president of the New Heroic Guild and had a conversation with Jin Siqi.

Leaning on my shoulder, Jin Siqi whispered in my ear for a while, roughly complaining about the unpleasantness that had occurred in recent times, and that the burden on her shoulders was too heavy, which kept her awake at night from time to time.

I knew that these were just a way for Jin Siqi to vent her negative emotions, and she didn't really want to quit, so after she complained, she comforted her with gentle words.

After a while, the girl's frowning brows relaxed, and a smile appeared on her taut face.

When the mood is good, there will naturally be more words.

Soon, she was talking about Daphne and Kailan.

"Daphne and his daughter are really not easy" Jin Siqi said with emotion: "It has only been a few days before the material shop has begun to take shape, and they have begun to compete with the largest material shops here."

"When doing business, you have to compete. How can you innovate without competition? How can you make profits? How can you activate the market atmosphere? Arouse the enthusiasm of business people?"

Jin Siqi nodded: "That's true too."

I suddenly sighed slightly and worried a little: "I'm afraid that the father and daughter will be too aggressive in stealing business, and they will be easily hated. If they are retaliated, it will be bad."

"It's impossible to be retaliated against," Jin Siqi said: "Now in Dasai City, who doesn't know your name?"

I looked stunned: "What sordid name will I have?"

"Broken into Irrie City alone, demanding someone from Carter Horton, and then drove into York Seoul alone, in front of Simmons Locke, the white family who killed them threw their helmets and unarmed, that’s not even counted, after killing them , Simmons Locke not only didn't dare to say a word of cruelty, he obediently sent you away from York Seoul, and also offered a large amount of compensation to compensate you for the mental loss..."

At this point, Jin Siqi's eyes have narrowed into crescents with a smile.

After listening, I curled my lips and said helplessly: "Who made this rumor?"

"Do you want to clean up the person who spread the rumors?" Jin Siqi waved her hand and said: "I think it's better to forget it, you can't move him."

"Huh?" I raised my brows: "Is there anyone I can't move?"

"If I said..." Jin Siqi blinked, leaned to my ear, and whispered: "If that person is an old duke, how are you going to clean him up?"

I was stunned.

If the rumors are the old duke...Don't say it, I really don't mean to him.

But having said that, what did the old duke make of this rumor?

Are you full?

Or have other intentions?

Seeing that I hadn't spoken for a long time, Jin Siqi whispered in my ear: "Don't guess, the old duke just wants to help you establish prestige."

"Why is he helping me?" I wondered.

Jin Siqi blinked mischievously: "Come here, I will tell you quietly."

For her naughty, I was a little bit dumbfounded. We are about to post it. How can we get there?

If you get in there, you will be zero distance, okay!

However, I quickly understood what Jin Siqi meant. The two of us who have been separated from each other have very little time to be together. She just wants to make friends with me to relieve the suffering of lovesickness.

It's just that she is a girl's family after all, so she would be embarrassed to say something.

I know it, kiss Fangze.

Still the same sentence, before getting married, the forbidden fruit will not be tasted, and other things can still be done with confidence.

After the intimacy, Jin Siqi continued to review the documents, and I rushed to the material shop to meet Daphne and Kailan.

Daphne was extremely indifferent to my arrival, but it was only limited to the indifferent expression. The pair of entangled and twisted cats had already betrayed her nervous mood.

On the contrary, Kailan did not hide her enthusiasm in the slightest. First, she gave me a fierce hug, and then a romantic wet kiss.

The people watching blushed and their hearts beat.

It's not that the residents of Dasai City think feudally, it is really that this wet kiss came too suddenly, too violently, and caught people off guard.

Daphne, who was almost blank about men's and women's affairs, flushed even more, and her face was almost buried in her towering twin peaks.

As the client, I don't dislike Kailan's enthusiasm at all. On the contrary, I like this feeling very much.

In fact, it's not just hot, but I don't refuse anyone who comes with styles such as arrogant and shy.

You want to ask me which style I hate?

I just want to say that as long as it is the style that my fiancee shows, I like it.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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