Facing Daphne's bright eyes, I laughed and said, "What's the matter?"

Daphne seemed to be hesitating, or she might be accumulating the courage to speak, she bit her lip vigorously, her delicate pink lips were bitten to white.

I am very worried, if I continue to bite like this, will she bite her lips before she can speak.

"Xiao Yi..." Daphne's voice was not much louder than the mosquito.

"Yeah" I nodded and responded with an encouraging smile.

"That..." She hesitated for a few seconds, and was waiting to speak, when she heard Jin Siqi's yelling from the kitchen.

"Xiao Yi, come bring the plate!"

"Come!" I answered and pressed Daphne's fragrant shoulders: "What's the matter, I'll talk about it after dinner."

The dinner was quite sumptuous. There were more than a dozen dishes filled with various dishes. Although it was not a dazzling array, for us with only four diners, the dishes on this table met our needs for dinner.

Kailan is the happiest among us. She swept into her stomach nearly half of the dishes. If there was no precedent for the foodie Phoenix, I couldn't believe her flat belly could hold such a huge amount of food.

Jin Siqi and I ate very average amounts, and the food looks relatively gentle.

Daphne's appetite is surprisingly small, even less than other times.

The heartless Kailan would naturally not pay attention to Daphne's abnormality, but Jin Siqi and I have noticed.

Jin Siqi winked at me, and I shook my head slightly to signal her to stay calm and not be irritable, and to talk about anything after dinner.

After the meal, Kailan went back to the room and rested, while Jin Siqi went to the study and reviewed the unfinished documents.

In the empty hall, only Daphne and I were left.

I leaned on the sofa and sat opposite Daphne, holding a teacup while sipping tea while waiting for the girl to talk.

After ten minutes of silence, Daphne finally spoke: "Xiao Yi, about the connection with the military that my father mentioned today..."

Seeing her hesitation, I couldn't help but smile and said, "Don't worry, since I promised to help Mr. Mafro contact the old duke, I will definitely do it."

"No, it's not like that, I mean...say..." Daphne began to hesitate again.

I sighed lightly and said, "If you feel embarrassed, just don't say it. When you can say it, then when you can say it, tell me."

Daphne's face tightened, she stood up with a rub, and then bowed deeply at me.

She bowed too far, my eyes could even follow her open collar to see the whiteness.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Xiao Yi" Daphne said with a trembling voice: "I, I apologize to you for my father's irrationality!"

Frowning, I put down the tea cup, reached out to support her, looked through the crystal lens, stared at her Shu Lingling eyes, slowly said: "That is your father's choice, you don't need to apologize."

I pressed her shoulder and asked her to sit back on the sofa quietly. I continued: "Any store that wants to be bigger and stronger must be linked to the royal family, establish relations with well-known guilds, or join the military. These three methods are already known as unspoken rules in business circles."

"The reason why Mr. Mafro did not choose royal nobles and well-known guilds is probably because he did not have enough hole cards to satisfy the former and was not eligible for the latter. If you did not choose me, but remained single, you must Mr. Frow will definitely use you as a bargaining chip and send him to the royal family’s house as a concubine or maid, in order to achieve the purpose of climbing the dragon and attaching the phoenix. I guess that you were selected into the magic airship base. I hope you can be favored by the chief of the airship base and marry into a wealthy family. It's just that he underestimated your stubbornness. I didn't expect you to choose to be a logistics staff instead of relying on your physical relationship."

Seeing Daphne's pale little face, I feel distressed, but there are some things that I have to say even if I feel distressed.

"After losing your hole card, but in exchange for huge liquidity and shops, Mr. Mafro's ambition was finally able to unfold, so he can't wait to borrow my springboard and jump on it. The military ship."

"There is nothing wrong with this." I shook my head and said slowly: "Ambitious and ambitious. This is a good thing and requires encouragement."

"The reason I discourage him today is just because I don't think it is time to join the military." With a light sigh, I said: "Your father, who has been in business for so many years, shouldn't fail to understand the truth. The more it seems profitable, the more complicated it is."

"You may not know, but I know very well that the military of Dasai City is not just a sword in the hands of the orc king. They also involve countless large, medium and small adventurer guilds, as well as the interests of most nobles, and some To put it simply, the interests of the royal family are as important as the nerves of the military to Dasai City."

"Once such an important national organization has a relationship with them, it will definitely do a lot of business in the future. Those organizations that provoke troubles and collect protection fees will definitely not come back, but at the same time, you will also bear a burden. The heavy burden is that you must complete any task assigned by the military."

I sneered and said: "If the military only needs ordinary materials, it would be better to say that if they want to forge special equipment and need extremely rare materials, you can't find them for a while. Have you thought about the consequences?"

Daphne's small face turned whiter, her eyes filled with horror, she opened her mouth and made a trembling voice, and said, "Xiao Yi, can you please not go to the high-level military?"

After a few seconds of silence, I shook my head: "I have promised Mr. Mafro."

"Then can you not go first, give me some time, I try to persuade my father" she begged me anxiously, her eyes quickly filled with mist: "I can't, I can't just watch my father fall into the mud. !"

He got up and sat next to Fanny and wiped the corners of her eyes lightly: "I promise you that I won't contact the high-level military for the time being. You go to lobby Mr. Mafro first. If there is no result, I can contact the high-level military again. "

Daphne nodded tearfully.

The next day, Daphne got up very early, and when I was still practicing the knife, she had changed her formal dress and hurried out.

I guess she might have gone to see Mr. Mafro.

I didn't see her back all morning. Jin Siqi didn't say anything, but Kailan couldn't sit still. She said anxiously: "My sister is always a shy and well-behaved child. She never leaves without saying goodbye. She...she should Could something be wrong, right?"

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