The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1885: Chaotang, as noisy as a vegetable market

In this world, there is nothing that cannot be reproduced, as long as you have enough financial resources, material resources and time.

Maybe if you want to reproduce the ancient civilization, you need to walk a desperately long road before you can catch it.

But to reproduce the power of artillery, it doesn't need to be so laborious.

The only difficulty is how to copy those sophisticated components.

Since the current technology is not up to that level, then we will find ways to improve the level of technology and improve the casting accuracy.

The artillery component is fixed and unchanging, it is there, but human beings are alive, science and technology are also alive, there is no time for improvement.

It's just that this process may be a bit difficult.

After listening to my explanation, there was a very noisy sound of discussion in the hall.

The ministers were in groups of three and five, constantly exchanging their opinions.

In the main hall, only the orc king, the old duke, the prime minister Leista and me did not communicate with anyone.

In fact, there is no need to communicate, just ask the ministers after the discussion is over, and choose the most suitable one.

A few minutes later, the noisy hall was calm again.

The orc king sat firmly on the throne, his face was calm, and said, "You guys are finished discussing? Let's talk about your own thoughts over there."

One of the ministers took the lead and bowed and said: "Returning to your Majesty, the old minister believes that Prime Minister An Xiaoyi's thoughts are beneficial to strengthening the national strength of China Cyberjaya and promoting the technology of Cyberjaya. It is a good policy to benefit the country."

As soon as this remark came out, five ministers immediately appeared together, agreeing to the minister's ideas.

At the same time, voices opposed to my opinion also sounded: "Your Majesty, the minister opposes Prime Minister An Xiaoyi's proposal. Artillery is not the basis of our power in Cyberjaya. It is just an accessory. It consumes time and money. There is no definite development time yet, it is completely expensive!"

As soon as the objection came out, seven or eight ministers who agreed with him immediately popped up.

Afterwards, words of approval and words of opposition flew around in the hall. The ministers expressed their opinions and no one could persuade others. Some ministers were rebutted more often, and began to entangle and refute different voices with various sophistry. , And some ministers were anxious and depraved, no longer arguing for reason, but plunged into the quagmire of arguing.

Looking at the bustling hall like a vegetable market, and then at the darkening face of the Orc King, I resisted a laugh.

"Quiet!" Prime Minister Leista yelled, like a Silencer's big move, and the hall was suddenly silent.

"The discussion is just to determine the feasibility of the artillery plan. You look at yourself and what you have become!" Prime Minister Leista said with a black face: "Huh, arguing, and arguing, is this still the image of a state minister? Just resign one by one and return to your hometown, and then go to the vegetable market and be the cursing bitch!"

The ministers were blushing when they were reprimanded by Prime Minister Leista. They were a little bit ashamed, and they lowered their heads, some= pretending to be ashamed, but in fact they turned their eyes around and looked around at the expressions of the ministers around them. They were still a little bit dissatisfied, although they were blushing. He lowered his head, but a pair of fists squeezed loudly and loudly, wishing to raise his arm to punch Prime Minister Lesta.

However, the senior officials crushed people to death, and the qualifications were also placed there. In the entire hall, no one except the old duke was qualified to greet Prime Minister Leista with his fist, including the orc king.

If you can't beat it, you can't return your mouth. After all, you have a mistake first, so you can't mess with it.

Furthermore, with the atmosphere of the court, especially the face of the orc king as black as charcoal, as long as those unconvinced ministers dare to speak back, the ruling stratum of Dasai City will no longer have their place. **** is all light, if you are sent to prison, you can regret it.

Don't look at the usual jailers and prison officers who nodded and bowed when they saw the ministers, accompanied by smiling faces, and shouted one by one adults. Once they were deprived of their rights and sent to prison, they would not end up better than other prisoners, only worse.

After Prime Minister Leista reprimanded, the orc king sitting on the throne opened his mouth and said: "I think the ministers and workers all have their own views on artillery matters. It is better to do this. When you return home, after considering the details, each A memorial is here."

After all, the meeting ended.

All the ministers dispersed. Only the orc king, the old duke, the minister Leista and me were left in the hall.

The orc king sighed, and suddenly slapped the handrail of the throne severely with a slap. He only slapped the handrail with a click.

When Leista saw this, he was not surprised at all. He called the waiter and replaced it with a spare throne. This scene made me stunned.

Seeing me with a funny expression, the old duke smiled and said, "I'll be used to it from now on. Our majesty, everything is good, but the temper is too dry, and I will change the throne from time to time."

The Orc King was a little embarrassed, coughed lightly, turned to me, and said, "This is your first time to participate in the court meeting, right?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"That really made you laugh," the orc king said with a wry smile.

"The ministers' ability to express their opinions and to say what they want in their hearts is enough to prove that your majesty has a broad mind and is wise."

"Don't praise me." The Orc King waved his hand and said, "I know that my ability as an emperor is limited. If I don't have a little heart, I'm afraid the Fergus family will be the first royal family to withdraw from the stage of history."

"This is not flattery." I shook my head. "Since ancient times, there are countless kings who have been dogmatic and domineering like the crucian carp that crosses the river. Therefore, for the emperor, having a broad mind is far more important than having broad knowledge."

On the side, Prime Minister Leista agreed: "Your Majesty, Prime Minister An Xiaoyi is right, you don't need to be too humble."

After comforting the orc king, Prime Minister Leista turned to me and said, "Prime Minister An Xiaoyi, there is something unclear below, and I want to ask you for advice."

"But it doesn't matter."

"As far as I know, in the early days of the melee, the goblin clan fled back to Moonlight City under pressure. They had not established any famous dynasties on this land, but you have repeatedly emphasized that the tomb was the first in the early days of the melee. I am puzzled by a fairy king's cloak, and I hope to answer it."

"Historical documents may not necessarily be correct" I said: "Some historical documents have been deliberately modified, such as the birth of the fairy clan. Most historical documents record that the fairy clan was the first created by the **** of creation. Races, and after countless generations, they have their offspring, and the other five races have been multiplied. However, some troubadours passed down from generation to generation sing that the goblin race is not the first race created by the creation god, but the creation One of many races created by the **** of the world."

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