The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1893: The origin of the puppet

Unlike Jin Siqi's gratitude, Kailan, who is holding the fine gold revolver, has a sad expression on her face.

Hit a stick and give a sweet jujube, just the way to control.

Now that Kailan has been given a head, it is necessary to give her a sweet date to comfort her soul.

So I slowed down and said: "What I said just now is indeed a bit more important, but it is also because you are afraid that you will betray the kindness of your foster father. You must know that this revolver is more than just a piece of fine gold. It is filled with the foster father’s ardent expectations for the future daughter-in-law, and I hope you can treat it well."

Kailan nodded aggrievedly.

Seeing that she was still disappointed, I sighed helplessly, and said, "Well, after you spend all your pocket money, I allow you to apply for some of the funds as pocket money if you have a clear account. , But the amount of pocket money spent again is not allowed to exceed half of your existing pocket money."

Hearing this, Kellan suddenly became excited, first shouted Long Live, and then gave me a hard kiss. Jin Siqi looked helpless, Daphne was shy.

After the weapon was delivered, the handover officer handed me a pocket watch again. I looked at him in surprise, but he blinked and nodded again. I knew it all at once—this is Master Dewey’s intention to prevent Daphne from having an opinion. Make arrangements.

Daphne loved this gift very much, she held it tightly in her arms, her excitement was beyond words.

After doing all this, while watching the three women, I boarded the magic airship and sailed to Fort Witch.

The airship arrived at Fort Vicky at noon the next day. After getting off the airship, I went straight to the Goblin Palace.

Calculating the time, Master Dewey and Master Hall should be studying ancient characters in the forbidden area, and perhaps the coffin of Felid Alexander was also displayed.

I feel funny when I think of the two people asking a group of memory magic for information about ancient characters.

After entering the palace, I walked quickly toward the forbidden area. Along the way, passing waiters kept bowing to me.

When I came to the gate of the forbidden area, I asked the two heavily armed dwarf guards guarding the gate whether Master Dewey was inside. After getting an affirmative answer, I knocked on the door twice, and then pushed the door directly without waiting for any response from the people in the house. Into.

The scenes in the forbidden area are no different from what I thought. Masters Dewey and Master Hall are holding a huge and heavy book, and they are constantly asking Felid Alexander in the state of memory magic.

Faced with these two studious juniors, Alexander also began to play the role of a professor, guiding and preaching to them, almost to the point of answering all questions and teaching each other.

It is no wonder that with the collapse of the era of fairy rule, only a small group of surviving members of the fairy royal family have truly followed the ancient civilization, and goblins who have swept away a batch of historical documents and ancient characters in the name of looting.

Felid Alexander, who has personally experienced this period of history, praised the goblin's actions in his bones, and it was because of their actions that they preserved this last bit of ancient civilization.

With a good impression, I will spare no effort to do things.

One of them was teaching and two of them. They were doing happily. When I was interrupted by my intrusion, Master Hall exploded. Without thinking about it, he sternly shouted: "I didn’t say that no one was allowed without permission. Have you stepped into the forbidden ground? Why would anyone dare...Huh? Xiaoyi? Why are you here?"

This change in attitude made the two dwarven guards guarding the gate amused.

I couldn't help but teased: "Why, I am not welcome?"

Master Hall awkwardly scratched his hair and slapped haha.

Master Dewey took out his pocket watch and looked at it, then smiled kindly, and said, "I thought you would come back after lunch, but I didn't expect to come over straight without stopping."

After that, he turned to Philade Alexander and said respectfully: "Allow me to accompany my son for a meal, and then come and continue to ask."

Alexander smiled and nodded.

I bowed to Alexander and retired with Master Dewey.

On the way, I explained the artillery plan to Master Dewey in detail. Master Dewey patted me on the back approvingly, and said: "You are doing this very well. Gems are priceless only in the eyes of those who know how to appreciate. For those who don’t know how to appreciate, it’s just a beautiful stone."

I didn’t comment on Master Dewey’s metaphor. After thinking a little bit, I leaned down and said in a low voice: “In that artillery, there are some components that are so delicate that they can’t be replicated with today’s technology. I suspect that their forging techniques come from ancient times. civilization."

"Ancient civilization..." Master Dewey thought thoughtfully: "If it's as you think, Fort Witch's technological power will go further."

"It's a pity that no matter how strong technology is, it will ultimately be no match for personal force," I regretted.

"Not at all" Master Dewey shook his head and said: "Technological power also has a precedent for surpassing individual force."

I frowned: "Are you referring to those puppets who are better than low-level adventurers?"

Master Dewey shook his head again and said: "The puppets made with today's technology can only cope with low-level adventurers at most. However, it is said that during the reign of the fairies, someone created a powerful puppet with a height of more than ten meters. A national power."

"Can a puppet compete with several national forces?" I doubted.

Although I have watched the scene of old man Tyler's blood abuse of national power, I know very well that it is because Mr. Taylor's strength is as strong as it is, not because the country is weak.

"I know you don't believe it, but I actually didn't believe it at the very beginning" Master Dewey said: "On the way to send His Royal Highness Alexander's coffin here, I asked him to verify about the puppet, and he told me that it was true. , Similar puppets did exist, and after the death of His Royal Highness Rupert, they were activated to fight against the rebels of various races. Although they killed the Quartet in battle, but there were too many rebels, and they were also in their own camp. Something went wrong, and eventually all the puppets were destroyed, and the puppet scientists were also mercilessly killed, resulting in the loss of this civilization."

"That's really a pity," I sighed. "It would be great if this technology could continue to this day."

"The loss of this technology is not just as simple as a few puppets," Master Dewey said: "It is even more heartbreaking because its loss has left another ancient civilization without a trace."

"You mean, this kind of puppet is not a work during the era of goblin rule, but an ancient civilization?"

Master Dewey nodded and said: "His Royal Highness later told me that the puppet manufacturing technology during the goblin reign was actually based on the scraps of puppet manufacturing technology in ancient civilization. When His Royal Highness Alexander was a child, his grandfather, His Royal Highness Rupert once recited to him a song passed down by bards from generation to generation, which recorded the story of a giant puppet mecha in ancient times against a dragon that was oppressive."

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