Philade Alexander did not continue to discuss the issue of puppets with me. After all, he is not an expert in this area, and I am not very interested in things like puppets, and the purpose of my trip is not a puppet, but Coffin and corpse.

After hanging up the call, I walked directly to the end of the sub-tomb and pushed open a door at the end, another tortuous path.

After going back and forth seven or eight times, I finally came to the main tomb.

Standing in front of the door, I looked up at the two doors carved with weird patterns. I didn't feel the solemnity and sacredness. On the contrary, there was a creepy breath flowing from the cracks of the door.

"How can you feel this way?"

I shuddered and murmured.

"It's not right," Odachi also agreed with me.

"Could it be that a powerful monster uses the main tomb as its own lair?" I guessed.

"There is such a possibility," Otadao said: "But the monster must have entered the main tomb from other entrances, otherwise the tomb path and the divided tombs will not remain intact, and the mythril wall will not continue to exist."

"That's right." I thought for a while, stepped back, and said: "I should contact Master Dewey and report to Alexander. After all, I can feel the creepy existence through the door, it should not be the current me. I can handle it."

Tiptoed back to the tomb, I dialed the crystal, contacted Master Dewey, and explained the situation.

Master Dewey was also surprised when he heard it, and immediately handed the crystal to His Royal Highness Alexander, who would explain it to me.

Philade Alexander thought for a moment, and then in an unusually heavy tone, slowly said: "I'm sorry, little guy, I concealed the truth from you."

After hearing what he said, my eyebrows trembled: There is really a problem with this main tomb?

There was another silence on the crystal end, and then Felid Alexander told me a past that was enough to shock my heart.

This holy king did not die prematurely due to illness as recorded in historical documents, but because of a certain calamity and suffered severe injuries. After the severe injuries, he has only two options, or lying On the sickbed, he would spend his whole life doing nothing, or use the secret technique of the fairy royal family to rejuvenate his body, but correspondingly, he would sacrifice two-thirds of his life.

For the revitalization of the fairy clan, and to be able to eliminate disasters more, and restore peace to mankind, Felid Alexander resolutely chose the latter.

This is the reason why Saint Felid Alexander suddenly died suddenly in his prime of life.

Historical documents say that he was overworked and sick, but in fact, he was trading his life for the peace of mankind!

The disaster that hit him and his army hard was a dragon, a huge evil dragon.

Although the power of this evil dragon is not strong, it has many strange attacking moves and dragon breaths that are violently poisonous.

Philade Alexander's injury was left behind by the breath of the dragon.

This toxin is too violent, even if several priests purify it at the same time, it cannot be completely eliminated in a short time.

At the right time, the physical strength of His Royal Highness Alexander was already running low, and he could not condense the power of fading at all, and there was no strong support such as Xiao Leimi that could restore his physical strength by singing.

When severely injured and faced with various disadvantages, Felid Alexander had no choice but to sacrifice his life.

However, even though the army suffered heavy losses and sacrificed his life, the evil dragon still did not die. It was just unable to move because of the heavy damage.

Later, the fairies commanded the elves to dismember the evil dragon and used sealing magic to seal the evil dragon's head in the main tomb of the monarch, acting as a tomb guard.

I have to say, this trick does a beautiful job!

Fortunately, I have a keen sense of killing intent and aura, and I have finally avoided a catastrophe when I was in danger. If I changed other people, I would be killed in seconds when I entered the cemetery.

Philade Alexander disagrees with me: "Although the evil dragon is powerful, it has been dismembered, and only its head is hidden in the tomb. All it can do now is to breathe the dragon's breath and control the undead. , And these two kinds of attacks can be avoided as long as you pay more attention."

Listening to what he said, he was saying that the evil dragon was weak, and I couldn't help wondering: "His Royal Highness, you told me this. Could it be that you asked me to go in and help you clean up the evil dragon?"

"How come?" Alexander said: "I hope you can bring back my coffin and corpse. However, if you want to complete this task, you have to face the evil dragon, because my coffin is placed in the evil. Behind the dragon's head."

"...Hi!" I exploded angrily.

Thousands of calculations, I really did not expect that the respected Philade Alexander would give me so many twists and turns.

What brought back the remains of the coffin!

It was simply going around the circle to tell me to kill the dragon!

"I really can't do things like Dragon Slaying!" I said in seconds: "It's better to find a team of national forces, at least it can be safer."

"Once the power of the country is over, it might not be as simple as slaying dragons." Alexander said, "Did you forget what I said before? In every tomb, there are as few as a dozen puppets and as many as dozens of puppets. Knights, almost every two knights can entangle a national power. How much national power do you think is enough?"

"Then I won't go!" I refused again: "That's a dragon! It's a terrible monster! I'm just an ordinary tenth-level adventurer, even if I get to the eleventh level by luck, it's impossible to be a dragon. Opponent!"

On the crystal side, Master Dewey also persuaded: "Do you think again, Xiaoyi is just an ordinary adventurer, how can he be able to fight against a dragon that even the power of the country does not dare to win or lose?"

"My request is a little too much," said Felid Alexander: "But I still have to stick to my request. Although the evil dragon only has its head, its life still exists. As long as it is not destroyed for a day, it will It is possible to break the seal and be reborn."

"You command so many monsters that the strong can't kill, how could it be killed by me?"

"Yes, I commanded hundreds of powerful men to destroy it, but I failed. Most of the army was killed and wounded. It was only dismembered and sealed."

After a few seconds of silence, Alexander suddenly said emotionally: "However, this does not mean that the evil dragon must not be killed!"

"The reason why we fail is because we are afraid. Not only the strong are afraid, but I am also very afraid, because the existence of evil dragons has exceeded the scope of human cognition." Alexander said solemnly: "When we focus on the strong, Before Oath Master wiped it out, this evil dragon and its dependents had already destroyed at least two big nations and a dozen small nations!"

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