I opened my eyes tremblingly, only to realize that the truth was not as I expected.

The evil dragon didn't plan a conspiracy, it just waited quietly, waiting for my vision to regain, before ordering its servants to attack me again.

The servant who struck me this time, besides the skull with blue-violet light, there was also a monster with bright yellow light all over it.

This monster is somewhat similar to a skull. The eyes and mouth are deep holes, but the body is similar to the flying Jack blaster. In addition, on the lower sides of its round body, there are two like Something with wings.

Unlike the skull monster, it is like a balloon floating in mid-air, coming slowly towards me at a speed comparable to a sloth.

But the more such a performance, the more alarmed me.

God knows what this is?

What kind of fighting style does it have?

While fighting the skull monster, I had to guard against the attack of the bright yellow light group. When two things were applied to my head at the same time, it immediately made me breathless.

Before long, I felt exhausted physically and mentally and overwhelmed.

"Oh, little guy, what about your arrogance? What about your rudeness?" The evil dragon sneered, taunting: "Is it just that you panicked and confused? You weak ant! You simply You don’t deserve to be here, you are only suitable for squatting in the gutter and shivering, so you might be able to save your life, but you stood in front of me with your arrogant posture, ignoring my evil dragon spy Greetings!"

"Ha ha ha... ha ha ha ha..." After a terrifying grin, the evil dragon said in a compassionate tone: "However, for your courage, I will reward you. A simple way to die. Don’t move, just stand there and accept my gift honestly. Maybe it will be more comfortable."

As soon as the voice fell, the joint between the head and neck of the evil dragon shot out seven or eight chains that were stronger than me. The front end of each chain was an inverted cone-shaped spike, sharp and heavy.

These chains whizzed and pierced straight to my body.

Listening to the howling of the wind and staring at the sharp tip, my hair was immediately horrified, and I could no longer attack the evil dragon servants, and started to escape to the limit by surrounding the open area of ​​the tomb.

When the chain fell through the air, the evil dragon suddenly roared: "You sad reptile, if you are willing to die like this, I may be able to forgive you for offending me, but you have to make an inch of it and avoid my gift. Your kindness! Since you like pain and despair so much, I don’t hesitate to give them all to you, so that you can have a good understanding of what it means to be unable to survive or to die!"

The black lacquered eyes on the evil dragon's head suddenly bleeded with red light, and it said in a cold voice like a twelfth lunar month: "My servants, it is time to dedicate yourself to your great master. Show your strength and let this ant who offended your great master taste the pain!"

As the sound ceased, the blue-violet light group suddenly turned silver-white, and leaned toward me at a staggering speed. I was caught off guard by them.

I wanted to throw it away, but found that these things are like gumdrops. Once they stick to my body, they won’t be thrown off at all!

I wipe it, this shouldn't be a curse!

In my previous life, I have watched many movies related to curses, but they are all similar scenes!

I was so frightened by my own imagination that I began to think about whether or not to take off my clothes and so on. Maybe this could get rid of these curses.

Just when I was considering the means of escape, my peripheral light flashed suddenly, and I saw these skulls and crossbones had their mouths wide open, as if they were shouting silently!

I was dumbfounded, but I felt a little uneasy: "This is..."

A loud noise pierced through my ears, making my head buzzing, and I was dizzy and blasted out by a violent force.

The head of the evil dragon is getting smaller and smaller in my sight, and the masonry under my feet is constantly flying forward...No, it's me who is constantly flying backward.

Those skeletons with blue-violet rays all over their bodies would explode after the rays turned silver-white, and the power of the explosion was quite huge, no less than Lily's large Jack bomb!

I fell heavily to the ground, I just felt the pain of turning over in my abdominal cavity, and I almost fell out of the meal I ate in the morning.

After flipping through it a few times, I finally stopped.

At this moment, I just feel dizzy and painful all over.

I hadn't slowed down yet, and another group of bright yellow light fluttered on my chest, and it exploded as soon as it touched my clothes.

The huge air wave pushed me several meters away again.

Once again, I fell heavily to the ground. I only felt that my internal organs might be injured. I was holding a knife and watching to climb up from the ground. I opened my mouth. I wanted to scold the evil dragon. I didn’t have time to make a sound, a mouthful of blood. Squirted out.

After vomiting blood, I only felt that my chest was extremely comfortable, but the other parts of the body still hurt terribly.

"Mythril armor?" The evil dragon's voice became colder and colder: "It seems that you have a very close relationship with the human being who sealed me! By the way, and your eyes are so similar, I can't help but recall The scene at the time..."

After being silent for a second, the evil dragon’s voice became more cold and cold: "That ant, after seeing my power, that white face suddenly became distorted, his body was constantly shaking, and his whole body was constantly emitting The familiar taste, that is the taste of fear, ah! Fear, how sweet, how beautiful... But! There is only fear! When the ant faced the great me, only fear, but no Surrender! Damn arrogant ant! Unwilling to surrender to me, I am so strong, so strong!"

The voice of the evil dragon sounded like thunder in my heart, and my soul was trembling in shock.

"So is he, so are you! Both of you!" The evil dragon's dark eyes gave off a blood-red light once again: "Obviously so small, but so proud! He always refuses to lower the worthless one. Head, surrender to the great and powerful me! Why? This is why!"

Its huge mouth suddenly opened, and the turbid but calm air suddenly agitated, forming an air vortex, which was continuously absorbed by the black huge mouth.

My eyes widened suddenly, this scene seemed to be familiar, it was... the forward shaking movement that was about to breathe dragon's breath!

I tried my best to move my feet, but my body hasn't recovered yet, so I can't make any quick movements!

Damn it!

I gritted my teeth and stared at the evil dragon's mouth, waiting for the dragon's breath to come.

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