I watched the one-man show of the evil dragon Spitz inexplicably, not knowing what routine it was playing.

But one thing is certain, no matter what routine it plays, I am not its opponent.

Faced with such an opponent, I have only two ways to go. I either try my best to see if I can seize the opportunity and survive from the dead, or take advantage of it and turn around and run, as long as I can run out of this tomb and pass through. A tomb about a hundred meters away, I entered the nearest sub-tomb, and I was safe.

According to Philade Alexander, the puppet knights in the tomb are powerful and will actively attack creatures that are not of the Philade family lineage, such as the servants of the evil dragon, and the yellow light emitting from the whole body, but they can’t tell what species they are. Monster.

I believe that if His Royal Highness Alexander didn't exaggerate, the puppet knight would solve these two monsters as easily as cutting melons and vegetables.

But the same question is coming, will the evil dragon give me a chance to escape?

Or in other words, can I avoid the silver ray skull that is thunderous?

The answer is self-evident: No—at least at my current speed, no.

It is too fast, almost comparable to Emily's speed when she sprints. I guess Emily can probably avoid it, but she does not have the blood of the Firide family, and whether she can avoid the attack of the puppet knight.


I'm thinking all over here, why should I talk about Emily?

Rather than think about Emily, it is better to consider how she would deal with the evil dragon and its servants if Bai Yunying was present.

With Bai Yunying's research on magic and her powerful strength, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with the evil dragon servant and the yellow monster, but I don't know if she can kill the evil dragon with only one skull left and being sealed.

After I go back, I will talk to her about the situation, simulate the scene, and then roughly estimate based on her strongest strength level, and I should be able to get a slightly closer answer-if I can go back alive.

Just when I was thinking about it, the atmosphere in the tomb suddenly changed, and a more terrifying pressure surged from the front, like a mighty river.

I was shocked: "What's wrong?"

Odachi’s voice sounded in my mind timely: “The pressure has changed? It’s some kind of possessive magic, brat, be careful, now opposite you, I’m afraid it’s no longer an evil dragon, and It's a more terrifying existence, try not to irritate it. Also, if the topic falls apart, don’t hesitate to activate the ancient writing on your arm immediately, and blast the skull’s head into dregs. Don’t worry about historical documents or disasters. Record book, what kind of gold, silver, jewellery, mithril, fine gold, life is important, understand?"

Odachi’s indoctrination is just what I want.

To be honest, I regret not taking the opportunity to slip away just now.

However, there is no regret medicine in the world, I can only bite the bullet and hold on.

"Hello, brave little guy, please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Bakar. I am the king of the dragon clan. There are also other races who call me the'tyrannosaurus king'."

Every word it uttered, like a huge bell hammer, hit my heart fiercely, shocking my whole body and sweating.

Strongly withstand the pressure, so as not to have a mental breakdown, I swallowed hard and said hoarsely: "Hello, Your Royal Highness of the Dragon Race..."

"Just call me His Royal Highness Bakar," it said peacefully: "If you are not used to this name, you can also call me Tyrannosaurus King."

"Your Excellency Ba, Bakar" I swallowed again, fixed my eyes on the head of the evil dragon, and forcefully said calmly: "Xia An Xiaoyi is an ordinary adventurer."

"Ordinary?" Bakar chuckled, "You are not ordinary. When facing my coercion, you only showed fear, but did not surrender, and you even dispelled the idea of ​​running away, ready to be with this skull at any time. I'm all dead, am I right?"

"You... do you see it?" Bakar said, not only did I not panic, but somehow calmed down: "Yes, I have done it to activate the power of ancient writing once the talk collapses. , Turning this mausoleum into powder."

"Tell me, An Xiaoyi, why are you doing this?" Bakar's tone was still calm, as if the friendly uncle next door was talking to me: "Why are you afraid of me? What are you afraid of? What are you worried about? "

My lips are trembling, my body is trembling, I am afraid, and I am at a loss. I don’t know if I should answer Bakar’s question, or if it really wants to know, or if it’s just a dying prey. The play before dying?

Because there is so much uncertainty, I dare not answer Bakar’s question.

Time flies very slowly, so slow that it is painful, the tomb is quiet, and the silence is frightening.

Finally, Bakar made another voice: "I will not kill you, because you are too weak, I am just curious, like you, a little guy who is frightened by my strength, but still refuses to yield to me. Thoughts."

The evil dragon’s eyes suddenly brightened, making me unable to open my eyes. Subconsciously, I lowered my eyelids, only to find that even though Bakar no longer spoke, the voice of Bakar still lingered in my ears, and that voice kept changing into questioning. , Ask me the question over and over again.

I was distracted by the repeated voices. I subconsciously covered my ears and yelled: "Enough, stop it!"

In an instant, there was silence around.

I slowly opened my eyes and found that Xielong's blood-red eyes were staring at me, and the red light flickered slightly, giving me the feeling that it was laughing at me inexplicably.

"Laugh if you want to laugh!" I plucked up the courage and said loudly: "You asked me why I did this. It's a short answer, because you are so powerful that you can crush me to death with your hands, and I am very Fear of death, so I am afraid of you. Moreover, my principle is also very simple. I will try my best to get rid of anything that can threaten my life. However, I know I am not strong enough. In the end of the game, why not let it go and mobilize my strongest strength, at least there is a trace of surviving fluke."

After hearing this, Bakar didn't get angry, it just gave a very casual ‘um’ and praised: "The courage is commendable."

Then, when the conversation turned, it asked: "But who told you that I will kill you?"

"This... do you still need someone to tell me?" I asked with a question mark on my face, and said, "Not all dragons are born with extremely strong powers, and they are also monsters with strong desire for dominance and possession. ?"

"Who told you that the dragons are monsters?" Bakar was shocked by my answer: "Is it your presumption? Or which weak human race deliberately discredited?"

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