The satin ribbon seal with ancient characters was slowly released, and the beeswax that sealed the coffin lid was gently scraped off.

I slowly looked back, carefully confirmed everyone's expressions, and received countless silent encouragements.

After swallowing, he settled his mood, fingers firmly buckled on the edge of the coffin, and then he lifted it hard.

The agarwood of rotting wood, like ink dripping into the water, instantly smudged the entire room.

I subconsciously increased my breathing and greedily sucked this refreshing fragrance.

However... there is no body odor?

If the coffin is not well sealed and leaks, the smell of the corpse may gradually dissipate over the years.

However, the coffin is extremely tightly sealed, not to mention the smell of the corpse, and even the rot of the wood can't float out. How can it be possible that after the coffin is opened, there is only the rot, but no corpse?

After thinking about it for a while, I suddenly felt a little in my heart. Could it be that... there is no corpse in this coffin?

Thinking of this, I forcefully lifted the lid of the coffin with my arm, and looked at it, and my heart was cold for a moment-the coffin was empty!

"This...this is impossible!" I couldn't help but exclaim.

Master Dewey and the others also gathered around, looking at them, they were all stunned.

After a while, Master Hall asked, "Why is this an empty coffin? Xiaoyi, did you carry the wrong coffin?"

"Impossible" I shook my head repeatedly, and said with certainty: "There is only one coffin in the whole tomb. How could I carry it wrong?"

"If it's not your fault, it may be that His Highness Alexander's confidant has not acted in accordance with the imperial decree." Master Hall turned his head, looked at Alexander, and said, "Your Highness, what do you think?"

His Royal Highness Alexander did not speak. He kept his gaze fixed on the coffin, first from left to right, then from right to left, and finally, fixed at the bottom of the coffin, and said: "Xiaoyi, you put the coffin on. Pry the bottom plate open."

"Bottom plate?" Leaning down, glanced at the bottom plate of the coffin, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind: "Could it be the mezzanine?"

Alexander nodded.

"But, the coffin is so thick, even if there is really a compartment under the bottom plate, it can't hide a corpse, I'm afraid it can only hide ashes..."

I muttered, drew out Xilan's demon knife, and pierced it toward the bottom of the coffin.

After some cutting, the bottom plate was completely cut open, and the interior of the sandwich layer was visible in front of you.

In the middle of the mezzanine, there is a wooden box, which is very long and wide, but not thick.

Carefully took out the wooden box, held it in the palm of his hand, weighed the weight, it was quite heavy, but slightly lighter than the Odachi.

Wouldn't it be a piece of metal?

As I thought, I handed the wooden box to Alexander. When I looked up, I was startled by the expression of His Royal Highness Alexander.

"You... why are you crying?"

In front of him, the eyes of the memory phantom of His Royal Highness Alexander slowly dripped two rows of crystal teardrops, but the teardrops, like him, were pure phantoms and had no substance.

Why is he crying?

Question marks popped up in my heart, and I couldn't help asking: "Your Highness, please don't be too sad, don't worry, as long as there are clues, I will definitely help you find the body."

His Royal Highness imaginary raised his left hand, gently wiped away the teardrops that looked like stars, squeezed a gentle smile, and said, "No, it's not used anymore."

"Huh? Don't you worry about your body? That's the body you used to be!"

"As you said, that is just my body once, just the past, whether there is or not, and it will not affect who I am now."

"Then why are you crying?" I was puzzled.

"Because of excitement" His Royal Highness Alexander said with a trembling voice, "also because of happiness."

Excitement, perhaps because of the mood when you found something important, but happiness... where do you start?

I frowned, wanting to ask for clarity, but when I saw Master Dewey shook my head slightly at me, I could only push my doubts back to the bottom of my heart.

Putting the wooden box on the side of the coffin where the memory magic is located, His Royal Highness Alexander touched it with his hands excitedly. However, it was only memory magic and had no substance, so it was impossible to touch it.

"I really want to, I really want to hold it tightly, and wave it again!" His Royal Highness Alexander said emotionally.

Soon, his gaze changed from excitement to attachment, like a young girl gazing at his beloved male god, gentle and bitter.

"Open it" His Royal Highness Alexander whispered: "Open it, and activate it, I want to see its brilliance."

"Oh" I answered, obediently starting to look for the gap in the wooden box.

Looking for it, I stood there stiffly, and suddenly raised my head: "His Royal Highness, you just said to open it, and... Then what?"

"Activate it" His Highness Alexander repeated: "I want to see its brilliance, why, is there a problem?"

"Activate it...Activate it!" My eyes were full of brilliance: "Is this... an artifact?"

"It is indeed forged with the blood of the **** of creation" Alexander said: "It is also very appropriate to be called a divine weapon, but I prefer to call it a weapon with divine blood."

With the affirmation of His Royal Highness Alexander, I couldn’t wait to find the cracks in the wooden box. However, after looking around, I found no trace. I was anxious. With a wave of my hand, I opened a crack on the wooden box with a demon knife, and then buckled it. Shove **** both sides of the gap.

After a few crisp sounds, the wooden box was forcibly divided into two pieces by me.

On the left hand piece, fixed this golden yellow scabbard, and on the right hand piece fixed a knight's long sword with a gold handle and silver body.

The blade of the knight's long sword is extremely long, especially the closer it is to the tip of the sword, the larger the blade will grow, and it will reflect a dazzling cold light under the light of the magic stone lamp.

Apart from the characteristic of the blade, there is nothing special about the knight's long sword. Even the ancient characters inscribed on the joint between the sword body and the hilt seem so ordinary.

After looking at the knight's sword for a while, I couldn't help but wonder: "This is an artifact? Why does it look so ordinary?"

"Who told you that the artifact must be unusual?" Alexander retorted, "You should have seen the crown of kings. Do you think that crown has an outstanding appearance compared to other crowns?"

I thought about it, and that's right, the crown of the king looks like an ordinary crown. If it doesn't have the ability to manipulate the dead, read memory, etc., it might not even be qualified to be worn.

For the same reason, there is the Moonlight Scepter. It looks like a completely featureless stick. It hasn't looked domineering as a big sword. If it falls into the hands of someone who judges things by appearance, I'm afraid it can only be regarded as a stick. Clothes rail.

"Hey, brat, don't compare me with weapons of that level, okay, I'm also a weapon with a soul and a name!"

I smiled and skipped Odachi's complaint.

Just at the moment of looking up, another doubt followed: Why can't I activate the Moonlight Scepter, who has the lineage of the Felid family?

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