Felid Alexander stared at the artifact for three days. During these three days, I was nearly drawn two or two blood to maintain the activation of the knight’s sword.

Finally, at noon on the fourth day, as His Royal Highness screamed, he slowly moved his eyes away and closed his eyes tightly: "Take it away, don't let it appear in my sight, I I'm afraid that if I look at it more, it will sink completely."

When the knight's sword was put away, there was a slight clashing sound. His Royal Highness Alexander almost lifted his eyelids several times. In the end, he suppressed this feeling forcibly. After being told that the artifact had been taken away, he He took a long sigh, opened his eyes, and shed two lines of clear tears.

"Finally liberated, now I feel very..." At this point, His Highness Alexander choked, sighed, and tried to squeeze a smile: "...Relax."

I narrowed my mouth and said, "You seem to have a good relationship with that sword."

"Yes, my grandfather gave it to me when I was very young, and it never left me two meters until the moment I died."

My mind was open, and tentatively asked: "The wedding night is no exception?"

"The wedding night is no exception," His Royal Highness Alexander said without shy: "It also includes bathing and convenience."

"Look at someone!" Odachi suddenly made a dissatisfied voice: "Look at you again. It's okay if you don't get close to me. Sometimes I get tired and throw me aside. If someday I get caught Other adventurers picked it up, let's see where you cry!"

"Haha" I sneered in my heart: "You can still be picked up? Don't be funny, there are not many adventurers in the Hefeng Continent who use the sword. As for the adventurers who use the sword like you, it is very small. Let me say , If one day you are picked up, the guy who picked you up is definitely not an adventurer, he must be a scrap iron picker, pick you up to the scrap iron buying station and rebuild it."

I had a quarrel with Odachi in my heart, but others couldn't hear it, so it didn't affect them to continue to immerse themselves in the sad atmosphere created by His Royal Highness Alexander.

"...This artifact has the ability to release sword energy without consuming magic power, and it is far sharper than ordinary magic weapons," His Royal Highness Alexander slowly said.

"This is a magic weapon after all" I said smoothly: "Naturally it is sharper than a magic weapon."

As soon as the words were spoken, the room was suddenly quiet.

Master Hall was the first to speak: "It's impolite. Now that His Royal Highness Alexander is talking, how can you interrupt at will?"

I touched my nose a little awkwardly.

His Royal Highness Alexander waved his hand with a smile, and said: "It's okay, I'm not a person of the order, I just want to talk freely."

Seeing that the Lord said so, Master Hall didn't say much.

At this time, the dwarf king suddenly said: "Please forgive me for being rude, Your Royal Highness Alexander, I was thinking of Xiaoyi’s answer just now. Since it is a divine tool and forged by the God of Creation, it’s The sharpness should be much higher than all other weapons."

"Not so" His Royal Highness Alexander shook his head: "Artifacts are only synonymous with equipment forged by the God of Creation. They have extraordinary abilities, but they are not omnipotent."

"You mean, is there a sharper weapon than this knight's sword?" I asked.

"Yes" His Royal Highness Alexander nodded: "There is a piece of equipment that is not conspicuous in itself, but it is filled with the thoughts of the master forge, so it changed and became the existence of a voltage regulator in some aspects."

"You said miss?" I asked.

"Some may also be resentment." With a sigh of relief, His Royal Highness Alexander continued: "In short, as long as the master forge can infuse his ideas into the equipment, coupled with top materials, even if the final forge is an enchanted weapon, it will Also possess the ability to surpass magic weapons."

For some reason, after hearing these words, the first thing I thought of was a short sword-the Okaz short sword.

It is said that the Okaz short sword was originally a gift from the master forge Okaz to his lover, but because of his lover's betrayal, he was angry and chose to use this short sword to end his life.

According to His Royal Highness Alexander, this Okaz dagger should be a weapon that condenses two feelings of longing and resentment.

Is it possible that I accidentally obtained a weapon that is more powerful than the artifact in some respects?

It seems that next time I go to Dasay City, I have to take the time to thank Harold.

Just thinking about it, I heard the Goblin King ask: "His Royal Highness, you haven't told us its name yet."

"The sword of victory and oath."

"Good name!" The dwarf king clapped his hands and said: "Observe the oath and win victory. This is simply a sword of the king!"

"It's not an exaggeration to say that the sword of the king" Alexander said: "As far as I know, the first owner of this sword is the first Patriarch of the Freid Family, the first king of the Fairy Clan."

"He wore the crown of the king, wore an unparalleled battle armor, and armed with the sword of victory and oath, and led the fairy clansmen, launched a fierce counterattack against the powerful monsters raging on the mainland, and drove them into the fairy forest in one fell swoop... ..."

The impassioned words of His Royal Highness Alexander, we also listened with gusto.

It’s just that the time has passed. The fairy clan’s courage disappeared, and the fairy forest was renamed the fairy forest. Even people with pure Phyrid family lineage have only two grandparents, one is the current fairy queen, and the other It's Remy.

Compared with the prosperity of the year, this is simply extremely shabby.

But the prosperity and decline are the unchangeable principles throughout the ages.

But which monarch can live forever?

Even if he can do it, how can he be sure that he will not get bored with the throne?

After listening to the story for two more days, I packed my bags and prepared to go back to Moonlight City-a week ago, I promised to take the evil dragon's skull back and show them to Phoenix, but because of the continuous trivial matters, I had to drag it until now. , Last night, Barbara gave me an ultimatum. If she doesn't come back, she will work with Florence to confiscate all my private money.

Private money is my free capital. Once confiscated, I will have to live a tight life for at least half a month. Although the airship base is already an industry under my name, this matter was also informed by Master Dewey. Li and others, so a huge amount of money flowed into the bank of the Fearless Guild. After that, some invested in Moonlight City Cafe, some invested in Dasai City Cafe, some invested in multinational restaurants, and some invested in New Heroic Guild. Finally, I took out a few gold coins as my pocket money.

In summary, private money is really important to me!

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