The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1930: Biao Fei's Art Cell

"Then what about giving her the artifact?"

Master Dewey's tone is very relaxed, it seems that the artifact is just a dispensable commodity.

"You said lightly, I don't plan to do that."


Before I could answer, there was another chuckle from the crystal end: "Oh, I see, you still remember her hatred, aren't you?"

"There are reasons for this."

"Although I don't advocate hatred, I don't oppose it. Moreover, the fairy queen did not do it properly. It is natural that you hate her."

"It's hard to say that you bear hate, but there is always a knot in my heart that I can't solve."

"Understanding" Master Dewey said: "Since you don't want to dedicate it to the fairy queen, use it yourself."

"But I use a knife!"

"Then give it to the swordsman" Master Dewey said: "I believe that you already have an exact candidate in your heart."

That's right, I do have someone I want to give the sword of victory and oath, and that is Emily.

She has always acted as the personal guardian of the Elf Queen, and at the same time as the president of the Rose Legion, she is always on the verge of the most dangerous.

This is not caused by the existence of the traitor of the Moonlight City of Akahavi. Strictly speaking, to this day, Akahavi has not really assassinated someone, it has always been a joke. Make trouble.

The real threat to the life of the elf queen is the seemingly awe-inspiring nobles who are full of justice and morality.

The game between the nobles and the royal family does not only exist in Moonlight City, but is a very common phenomenon, and the more high positions, the more the contradictions can be felt.

Moonlight City suppressed the rebellious party, and Dasai City killed chickens and monkeys. These actions seemed to be for justice, for the country, but in fact they were all just to defend the absolute power of the royal family.

After annihilating a large number of aristocratic armies in the name of exploring the island last time, those aristocrats who opposed the Elf Queen had to die for the time being.

Although without their troubles, Moonlight City seemed to finally calm down, but in fact, it was just the tranquility before the greater wave.

Unless the contradiction is resolved, or the source of the evil is eliminated, the danger and chaos will remain.

Emily's strength is very strong, but she is not the strongest after all, and the strongest can't guarantee that she can sit back and relax.

In order to improve her chances of survival, I can only help with equipment.

The Adamantite Sabre is naturally the most superior ordinary weapon. It can be almost equal to the enchanted weapon, but if Emily can be equipped with the Sword of Victory and Oath, the survival rate will be greatly improved.

But there is a prerequisite, the fairy queen cannot be allowed to recognize this sword.

"You are right, I do already have a clear target for the sword, and you have also met her, it is Emily."

"Is that the beautiful elf girl who is so beautiful?"

"She's right," I said: "But I was troubled by a problem."

"The problem that can bother you is probably related to the fairy queen, right?"

"That's it," I said: "I'm worried that the Fairy Queen knows the existence of this sword, and will want Emily to ask for it, and it may be against her."

"This trouble is easy to solve" Master Dewey said: "And I have also prepared a solution for you."

"On the bottom layer of the wooden box, there is a partition made according to the pattern of His Royal Highness Alexander's coffin. Inside the partition, there is a set of printing molds, which are specially used to print patterns on weapons, and the patterns are waterproof and wear-resistant. Put it this way, do you understand?"

"You really deserve to be the greatest person of the goblin clan!" I flattered: "Your foresight can be compared to the high priest of Cyberjaya."

"Okay, stop flattering, do what you should do."

Master Dewey smiled and hung up the call.

The partition was disassembled, and a set of molds specially used for weapon printing appeared.

After a little fiddling, I understood its usage. If I wanted to try it, I picked up one of the templates, aligned it with the blade of the Odachi, and printed it up.

In an instant there was a loud shout in my mind: "Be merciful!"

My hand stopped in the air, with a dazed expression: "What's the matter?"

"Also ask what's wrong!" Odachi said fiercely: "What messy things are you trying to print on me?"

"How can it be said that it is messy?" I scratched my head and said, "The dragons are all on it. It's so mighty and domineering. The print must look good."

"You can pull it down" Odachi denied: "This thing is printed on my body, at most it can only set off my second and ugly, I don't want it!"

Seeing that he refused so resolutely, I couldn't continue to force it, so I could only put down the big sword and drew out Xilan's demon sword.

Odachi’s voice sounded in my mind again: "Hey, this knife already has a soul, and its soul is likely to grow in the future. You don’t worry that it will bear resentment for what you did today. you?"

My hand stopped again, and I hesitated to look at Xilan's demon knife, feeling the throbbing of the soul in the knife, not knowing where to start.

After hesitating for a while, I put Xilan's demon sword into its sheath, and I sighed deeply: "Neither can you, nor can it, so what should I do?"

"What should I do?" Odachi asked.

"Before I print the pattern on the artifact, I have to practice it at least once."

"Does this still need rehearsal?" Odachi asked rhetorically, "Anyway, you are only trying to hide its identity. Besides, this pattern does not exist forever, and there is no soul in this artifact, and it will not hold you hate. So, how about taking this opportunity to give play to your artistic talents and let yourself go on the sword, so that you can express your feelings and test whether you have artistic cells. How about?"

He held his chin and thought for a long time: "Well, it's up to you."

When I said and done, I picked up the mold and pointed it at the sword. It was a mess.

The tangible and intangible ones, the ones that can be called out, and the ones that can't be called out, are printed on the body of the sword from various angles. For a while, I only feel that my artistic cells are flying.

After I was finished, I sighed deeply, and watched with satisfaction the sword of victory and vows that had been completely unrecognizable. With its current honor, let alone the fairy queen, I am afraid that even if Her Royal Highness Alexander comes in person, it will not be recognized.

This reminds me of the makeup technique among the four major sorceries in Asia on the blue planet.

Putting the sword into its sheath, and then solemnly put it into the wooden box, the Taito sword sneered at the side: "Fortunately, it has no soul. Otherwise, I would definitely want to get out of the sheath on the spot, and I will give you a blood splash three feet before putting this ship. The airship was slashed, and finally died with you."

"Is it necessary?" I frowned: "I think the print is very beautiful!"

"With all due respect, your appreciation of art has probably already left the mundane world and entered a realm that ordinary people cannot understand."

"What does this mean?"

"That means you are not normal!"

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