If you want to reinvigorate a country that is dying, it is not enough to change a monarch. It is necessary to reorganize the structure, open up your mind, and reshape the class.

Nowadays, a considerable part of the old aristocracy in Eri City has reached the point of frenzy. Fortunately, there is another part of the nobles standing on the opposite side of this criminal act, which stabilized the almost shaky foundation of Eri City.

But the Dike of Thousand Miles collapsed in the ant colony, and if the root cause is not eradicated, sooner or later Erri City will be in chaos, and the Carter family will sooner or later fall into the swamp of history.

However, the Carter family didn't seem to anticipate this, or they had actually anticipated it, but did not want to change-they are probably the most extravagant group.

Thinking of this, I looked at Yola with a very serious look: "Even if a war is launched now, Carter Horton's regime is overthrown, and Rodney is supported, Eri City still cannot be redeemed, and it will even collapse faster."

"Are you trying to say that Carter Horton is still what the people want at the moment. Overthrowing his regime will lead to civil unrest?"

"This is just one of the reasons," I said: "The current Carter Horton is naturally an irreplaceable leader among the people of Ai Rui City, but this does not mean that he cannot be replaced. Remember this—"

I increased my volume and said every word: "People's hearts are the easiest to change."

"Because it is easy to satisfy, it is easy to change." I sighed softly, and I continued: "If Carter Rodney can give the people of Erri City more benefits and more favorable conditions, it would be easy to replace Carter Horton's regime, but The question is, can Rodney do it?"

"At least in my opinion, he can't." He curled his mouth and shook his head. I said: "His thinking is still at the stage of the prince and nobility. Although it has improved, it still seems out of place."

"What the people of Ai Ruicheng need is not another Carter Horton, but a new king who can improve their living environment and bring them great benefits."

"That's what you think the'new king' must have," Yura retorted, "I think Rodney already has the standards of the new king-kindness and kindness. As long as the close ministers around him are strong, he will definitely be able to Shaped as a benevolent gentleman!"

Yura is serious, and I can understand why she is serious. From the perspective of blood relationship, Yura is Rodney’s cousin, and any sister who loves her brother is not always looking at her brother. The merits, can't wait to hope that he will come out?

Comprehension Although I understand, I can't agree that the new lord's ascension is not a child's play. A slight error will lead to crazy revenge from the old nobles, and the result will be either house arrest or usurped.

Not only does Yura do not want such an ending, I am afraid Rodney does not want to fall into such an end.

Besides, he really wants to seize the throne and become king. He can only rely on my power, but at the moment, my power is not enough to overthrow a country, so I can bear it, and if I can endure it, I can see the current situation while strengthening his own strength. , Looking for opportunities.

Legend has it that the large-scale smuggling of the descendants of heroes is the first step.

Having discussed a series of boring current events, I handed the sword of victory and oath to Emily.

Emily was not dissatisfied with the fancy of the sword. Instead, she rubbed the sword carefully and said solemnly: "This sword is so sharp, it's a bit sharper than my fine gold saber!"

"It's yours now too" I smiled.

A hint of excitement flashed between Emily's eyebrows, without refusing, she put the sword into the sheath directly.

Aside, Lilya grinned and said, "Guess what the name of this sword is?"

Emily was startled: "What's the name?"

Lilea smirked: "You ask Xiaoyi."

Emily turned to me expectantly.

The corners of my eyes trembled and coughed: "In fact, the name of the sword is not very important, and the name is just a code name. As long as it is easy to use, even without a name, it is a good sword, what do you think?"

Emily nodded slightly, agreeing with my point of view, and then asked calmly: "What's its name?"

Seeing that I couldn't hide it, I had to honestly say: "Curry stick..."


The people around laughed.

Emily's eyelids also visibly trembled a few times, and then she said lightly: "The name really doesn't represent everything about the sword, it's easy to use it is the key."



The evil dragon skull thing still went away like wildfire.

Within a few days, Xiao Bian Yue Guangcheng knew about the evil dragon, and I don't know who fabricated me to become a dragon slaying hero, even the tragic battle process.

When this word-of-mouth story of dragon slaying came to my ears, my first reaction was to get into the cracks in the floor and hide for ten and a half days-it was too embarrassing!

Soon, I was declared into the palace by the fairy queen.

In the palace hall, the elders, courtesy and nobles stood in separate rows. When I passed through and walked to the position of foreign elders, I could obviously feel the complicated gazes from the ministers.

There are doubts, fears, fears, disdain, and indifferent views, but no one's eyes are relaxed and joyful.

It is also right, whether I am fighting against the evil dragon is safe and sound, to them, it doesn't matter at all, at most it is just a little more talk after dinner.

At the end of the hall, on the throne, the fairy queen and the fairy queen sit in rows.

After I entered the temple, the eyes of the Elf Queen never left me. She looked up, down, left, and right, and her clear eyes were full of countless emotions, which I could not count. degree.

The fairy queen didn't look at me a few times, her eyes were always straight ahead.

After I stand still, the court will begin.

For me, the court meeting is one of the most boring things, and its boring degree is comparable to watching the wall peel off.

After talking about a few people’s livelihood policies, the fairy queen changed her words and said: “Recently, I heard folk rumors that someone slaughtered an evil dragon that caused harm to the common people. For the local people, his feat is unforgettable. For this reason, people He is even praised as a dragon slaying hero, and this lauded dragon slaying hero is our foreign elder, An Xiaoyi."

As soon as this statement came out, there was more exclamation in the hall.

"Xiao Yi" the fairy queen looked at me with encouragement and some other feelings in her eyes: "Tell us about the process of slaying the dragon."

This tangled in my heart!

The process of slaying dragons?

How can I know what the process of slaying dragons is?

And what I slaughtered was not a living dragon, just a dragon skull.

Also, I didn't kill the skull, I just crossed hands with it several times, and was abused by it for a while, and then I chatted with its master, and finally everyone got together.

Speaking of the actual fighting process, I am afraid that it will not exceed five sentences.

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