I would not do such annoying things as an electric light bulb and disturbing others to complain.

Besides, the brothers and sisters whom I haven't seen for many years, that lovesickness, that sadness, although I haven't tried it, I can still experience it.

However, if the scene of the Elf Queen and Akahavi being alone is seen by others, especially the elders, then things can happen.

At a younger age, I am negligent in my duty, regardless of your majesty’s safety, and at an older age, I frame your majesty and shake the foundation of the country.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I hurriedly picked dozens of wild strawberries, ran to the edge of the forest, and climbed into the canopy of a towering tree.

As the saying goes, climb high and look far.

My current position is the crown of a tree tens of meters high, through the branches and leaves, looking down at the earth, within a few hundred meters, there is no doubt.

I was eating wild strawberries leisurely, patrolling the surroundings, the branches beside me shook abruptly and made a light noise.

I was taken aback by the sudden noise. When I turned my head violently, I saw Akahavi sitting steadily on another branch, with one leg on the other, and the other dangling. Mid-air.

Seeing him, I breathed a sigh of relief, and threw a wild strawberry in my mouth that I had just wiped clean, and chewed, "I'm finished talking so soon?"

"You seem disappointed," Akahavi quipped.

"I thought that with your brother and sister friendship, you have to talk for hours, even if you really have nothing to say, at least you have to hug and cry for hours. This is a hot brother and sister relationship."

"What do you think of us?" Akahavi asked with a smile, "A husband and wife?"

"Can't it?"

"Of course not." He shook his head slowly and heavily: "Even if you ignore the worldly views and break the ethical shackles, I still can't give her happiness..."

"Hey! Hey!" I interrupted him loudly and said displeasedly: "Is it interesting that you are so fearful? It's not like a hero who can hide until now."

"Hero?" Akahavi looked over in astonishment, and said unexpectedly: "You said I was a hero?"


He was silent, and the tips of his fingers on the branch tremble slightly, whether it was shaking or too agitated.

"Why, don't you think so?"

He shook his head: "I am a sinner. I ended my immature life with my own hands. I also took people to slaughter most members of the fairy royal family."

"But you are actually very painful and entangled, and I don't think you with such a pure gaze will be such a cruel person."

"A pure and clear gaze... can it prove that the nature is good?"

"At least I think so." Looking at him, I whispered softly: "Eyes are the windows of the soul and the direct manifestation of the soul. Even if they can hide, the person who will deceive them can't hide their eyes."

"Maybe" Akahavi smiled calmly.

"Is it a lot easier?"

He nodded.

"The conversation just now was surprising," I said: "I didn't expect that the person who knows you best would be your enemy, right?"

"No" He shook his head slightly: "I already thought about it."

"Since when did you think of it?" I asked.

"From the time I sent the first assassins."

"Do you mean those weak assassins?" I asked again.

"Yes" he said.

"There is one thing I don't understand. Since you know those assassins can't hurt me, why send them to death?"

"Very simple" Akahavi said seriously: "If they don't die, you will be the one who will die."

Looking at each other for a moment, I nodded: "Understood, it seems that I have to thank you very much."

"What are you going to use to thank?" he asked with a smile.

"How about this?" Spreading out his hands, he handed a few wild strawberries over: "It's delicious."

He took the wild strawberries, counted them, and said, "If it's just these, I'm afraid it's not enough."

After spreading my hands, I said helplessly: "No matter how much it is, I have to pick it up, but I guess as long as I go down, you will leave here, right?"

Akahavi did not speak, smiled and took a wild strawberry, gently put it in his mouth, and tasted it carefully.

With a light sigh, I said: "It seems that this is the case. I still don't want to go down. Let's talk here for three days and three nights, eating leaves when hungry, and drinking morning dew when thirsty, how about?"

"This won't work," he refused. "I can only stay a while longer at most."

"Well then, tell me, what can I do to repay your life-saving grace."

"Take good care of Anasta for me." Akahavi showed warmth in his eyes: "She is lonely and helpless. She needs someone to support her behind her back, love her, and give her courage."

"If you do it with you, the effect will be very good." I shook my head regretfully: "Unfortunately, you have entrusted a fool who is not very good at cheering."

"The person who can defeat the evil dragon is not an idiot. Maybe it's a wise and foolish person."

"Unexpectedly, you knew this rumor." I smiled bitterly. "The rumor is always fast, and it's about to catch up with the spread of flu."

"Rumors can be cured, but rumors are not that easy to cure" Akahavi said: "You have to cultivate your power as soon as possible, and it is best to find a firm foothold on this continent."

"Is it because the forces behind you are going to do something?"

"Yeah" he whispered: "They have already noticed you. According to your current development speed, they will start paying attention to you soon, and at that time, if you don't have a strong enough foothold, They will shoot you."

"Is it like to you?"

"Just like to me, no, it is more cruel than to me" Akahavi said seriously: "Because you have a family, a lover, and a friend."

"This is a bit distressing. I really don't want to hide it. To this day, I haven't found your headquarters. If someday, the forces behind you start to take revenge on my family, I don't even know where to go for revenge." Whispering, I approached him and whispered: "Or, quietly tell me where your headquarters is. Don't worry, I will never betray you."

"It's okay to tell you, but with your current power, it's hard to hurt them," Akahavi said.

"Although my current power is not very strong, if I go all out, it is enough to put any country in a great dilemma. Even if it is, is it not enough?"

"Not enough, not enough" Akahavi said: "I can tell you very seriously that it is very powerful and has a wide range of influence. If it is strong enough, it can subvert any country."

"Even Fort Vitch is no exception?"

"Even Fort Vitch is no exception," Akahavi said solemnly.

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