The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1953: Drinking and watching the moon

I wondered if I should tell Tyler the source of the clothes, but I felt a little confused.

When the old man saw me hesitate and didn't say anything, he also felt that there was something unspeakable, so he couldn't disclose it here, so he winked at me and motioned to enter the room.

After entering another room and closing the door tightly, after making sure that there is no possibility of eavesdropping, I explained the origin of this equipment.

After listening, the old man didn't say a word for a long time. During the silence, his breathing was sometimes rapid, sometimes heavy, sometimes relieved, and finally sighed, got up, opened the door, and said, "Go, take me there."

I subconsciously got up and asked: "Where to go?"

"Go to Spitz, I want to talk to it."

"What about Grandma Empress?" I asked again: "Would you like to call her too?"

Taylor pondered for a few seconds and shook his head: "Forget it, she's already asleep, and she's asleep, so don't disturb her. Besides, she is always hostile to the Dragon Clan. Even if she sees it, she won't speak calmly. Go, just want to talk to it, and have no plans to go to war."

Before departure, the old man carried a few bottles of wine himself, and ordered me to hold a case, and always reminded me to protect the wine.

This road is very tiring, mainly because of the movement of the dense forests on both sides, and the sudden attacks launched by the **** monsters.

These attacks have no effect on me, but the bottles of wine made of Liuli may not be able to withstand it. Since I promised that my father would do his best to protect the wine before setting off, I should try my best not to damage a bottle.

Fortunately, there was no monster attack on this road. When I got to the place, I subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief. As a gesture, I would put the box on the ground, beside my ear, only to hear Taylor exclaimed: "Don't let go!"

I was shocked, and subconsciously hugged the box tightly. As a result, I didn't grasp the strength, and I heard a few crackles, and the box cracked several twisted cracks.

Taylor exclaimed repeatedly, seeing that the box was cracked and the wine bottle was not broken, he was relieved, and said: "You bastard, almost scared me to death. This is the finest wine in Moonlight City, not even the royal family of this country often You can drink it!"

Afterwards, the old man came to the bones of the evil dragon Spitz, picked up a bottle of wine, and said in a deep voice: "I have brought fine wine, and more fine wine, and sincerity, I wonder if the evil dragon is willing to be with me. talk?"

The voice dissipated in the night, but the skeleton of the evil dragon looked like a dead thing without a soul, not moving, let alone answering.

The old man was not discouraged. He pulled out the cork and lifted the bottle high. The rich aroma of the wine was like rising smoke, straight up, but it only rose violently for a few meters and then gradually faded. Finally drifted away.

The old man was still planning to continue pulling the wine cork. I hurriedly stopped: "Grandpa, you can’t do this. Even if you pull more wine corks, it won’t smell the wine. The scent will dissipate after a few meters at most. One hundred meters tall."

Tyler raised his head, looked at the tall bones that seemed to reach the sky, and said, "Then you can help me think of a way."

"It's a good idea, but this wine..."

"I'll hold it for you," Taylor said, "Go and think of a solution."

Let the old man hold it?

Forget it, the old man is not too young anymore, if he twisted his waist, it would be a sin.

Thinking of this, I took off my jacket, laid it on the ground, and put the box on top of the jacket. After I was sure that it would not be corroded, I took the bottle of wine with confidence and climbed up along the route I had climbed.

My body is dexterous, as fast as an ape, and without a cigarette, I have climbed to the head of the dragon, pointed the bottle at the nostrils of the evil dragon's skull, and pulled out the cork. Suddenly, the fragrance of wine overflowed and the fragrance was intoxicating. .

In front of the mellow smell, the evil dragon could no longer maintain a high-cold posture. After a low moan, the voice came from the tongue of the dragon's head bone: "I thought that throwing you into the sea would make you stop for a while, I didn't expect you He even brought the humans who killed me. Are you planning to retaliate against my skeleton?"

"You think too much. If I really want to retaliate against you, I won't bring my old man and come over with a good wine." As I said, I poured the mouth of the bottle and poured the mellow wine into its big khaki withered mouth.

The dark purple agar syrup slowly flowed down its dry bones, and was quickly absorbed by the dry bones, leaving only a few traces of lavender, and a looming aroma of wine.

"Although human beings are weak, they also have a lot of unique talents. If this brewing ability is placed in the realm of the dragon race, it can be called a leader."

"Being so praised by the Lord Evil Dragon does not shame the reputation of this finest wine."

Tyler put all the wine in my arms on my clothes, pulled out the wine cork, took a big gulp, wiped his mouth, and said: "Today's moon, although it is not the roundest, but it still has a taste. Taking advantage of the moonlight, you and I, have a good wine tasting, and talk about the things that were not finished in the past, how about?"

"I never drink with maggots" The evil dragon's voice is proud and cold, like a monarch, despising the entire world.

The old man smacked his lips and shook his head with regret. When he was about to speak, he heard the evil dragon speak again and said: "But you who can kill me, except for you, your strength is very strong and has exceeded the scope of maggots. It’s not an exception for you to drink together."

After all, it said to me: "Little guy, hand me wine."

"Okay" I responded, bent my knees, and jumped off the head of the self-evil dragon.

This jump is different from the last one. The last time I was unprepared, I would definitely be injured when I landed, but this time I was fully prepared, I was 100 meters high in the air, and I still landed steadily, but after I landed, my feet were stuck. In the soil, it took a lot of effort to pull your feet out.

Both parties who were drinking and chatting were big guys, and they couldn't afford to provoke them, so I honestly became a waiter and waited on the two big guys to drink.

Not to mention the size of the evil dragon is surprisingly large, but it is gentle when it drinks, and it has to drink three or four sips for a bottle of wine, which is much more elegant than those brash men who take a bottle of wine.

It's just that this behavior is extremely inconsistent with its huge body, and it looks particularly funny.

In a blink of an eye, after a few bottles of wine, the old man and the evil dragon are almost brewing, and they begin to feel the past, and repeat the unfinished topic of the year.

"Lord Evil Dragon, what do you want so many islands for?" Taylor wondered: "Is it possible that you want to move the entire dragon family here?"

"How can dozens of islands accommodate the entire dragon clan?" The evil dragon shook his claws: "Don't laugh, if you really want to move the entire dragon clan over, at least one country's territory is needed."

Taylor chuckled: "I'll be honest, Your Excellency Evil Dragon, although the dragon clan is powerful, don't underestimate human beings. If the dragon clan really wants to occupy a country, it will surely be violently counterattacked by the entire continent."

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