Listening to the evil dragon's words, you know that it also has a considerable understanding of the dangers of the deep sea.

So I took advantage of the fire and asked: "In this case, how can I find the city in the sky?"

"What are you looking for for it?" The evil dragon asked puzzledly: "Do you still want to drag it out of the deep sea?"

"You can't drag it, it's not manpower." I shook my head and asked, "But if I don't find the Sky City first, how can I enter it?"

"Do you remember how you got into the dungeon?" Evil Dragon asked.

"Of course I remember, it's from the biography...huh?" I was startled, and looked at the evil dragon in disbelief, and said, "Could it be that the Sky City also has a portal?"

The evil dragon chuckled lightly, and the laughter was full of pride.

"...Your lord Tyrannosaurus, can it create a portal?"

"What's so surprising about this?" Evil Dragon said with disdain: "With the might of my lord, what is the point of a portal?"

"Then can you tell me where the entrance portal of Sky City is?"

"It's on the land where the Celestial Clan people once lived."



We didn't tell the fairy queen about the drunkenness with evil dragon Spitz.

The magic airship took off and sailed back to Moonlight City early the next morning.

Back home, lying on the rocking chair in the backyard, Taylor asked me if I wanted to go to the portal of the Sky City.

I pondered for a while and nodded: "Since I know everything, why not go?"

"Spiez didn't tell us what exactly existed in the Sky City" Taylor said uneasy: "If you encounter a Guardian who is far beyond your own strength, you will die forever."

"But if you don't check it out, you will never know what's in the Sky City in your life" I said: "Although the evil dragon Spitz has concealed a lot of information about the Sky City, I believe that it does not intend to kill me. In it, after all, its master, Tyrannosaurus King Bakar, thinks that my existence may be beneficial to its plan, and he will definitely not easily use me as an abandoned child."

"But no one knows if this is a conspiracy" Taylor said solemnly: "If this is a conspiracy, how do you plan to escape?"

He raised his hand and pointed to the left arm tightly wrapped in the meteorite iron glove: "I will activate its power as a last resort. I believe that no matter how strong the Sky City is, it will not be able to withstand the impact of ancient text. "

"Then how do you get out of the sea?" Taylor asked again: "I can prepare a compressed oxygen cylinder and swim back."

"If you are seen by the monsters in the sea, you will become their snack," Taylor said worriedly.

"No" I squeezed a smile: "A truly powerful sea monster, never takes me such a little guy seriously. Do you remember my last encounter at Fort Witch, that size is huge, extremely A powerful monster will only ignore me as a plankton, and will never look at me more than once."

"...I hope so" Taylor paused, then asked, "When are you going to leave?"

"It's better to hit the sun if you choose another day." He took out his pocket watch and glanced at it, "Just today."



I ask Taylor to make up a nonsense that Phoenix and the others can accept, so that they won't worry about my trip.

When I left, I also left a small bottle of my own blood, entrusted it to Taylor, asked him to transfer it to Emily, and told her for me: "If you are not a last resort, you are not allowed to smear curry sticks with my blood. ."

Emily is a person who obeys the rules, I believe she will follow my advice.

After the airship left Moonlight City, the first stop was for Fort Witch.

After meeting with Master Dewey and others, I will tell them about exploring the entrance to the Sky City.

Master Dewey expressed his opposition very seriously.

He believes that the dragons are not credible, especially the evil dragons, which have always been cunning and cruel.

Most of these adjectives were instilled in him by His Excellency Philade Alexander.

However, I have already made plans. In any case, I will enter the Sky City to find out.

Master Dewey questioned me solemnly: "Why do you have to go to such a place?"

"Because I am an adventurer, taking risks is the bounden duty of an adventurer" I replied with a smile.

After that, I comforted Master Dewey and said, "Don’t worry, my escape skills are very strong. When I was a rookie adventurer, I escaped once under the mouth of the nine-headed flood dragon, except for this. In addition, I have successfully escaped hundreds of times in all kinds of extreme and dangerous environments, and I am much better than the power of the country when it comes to survival alone!"

Seeing my decision had been made, Master Dewey could only sigh deeply, silently prepare the best equipment for me, and during the preparation, let me speak with His Excellency Philade Alexander.

On the surface, I was talking, but in fact, I hoped to persuade me to turn around through the advice of His Excellency Alexander.

When His Excellency Philade Alexander heard that I was going to enter the Sky City alone, he was stunned for ten minutes.

Then, he said with difficulty: "Do you know anything about the city in the sky...? Or, you just heard the evil dragon say such a mouth, and your heart is moved?"

I scratched my head: "If we trace the source, I did not listen to the description of the evil dragon, but the Lord of the evil dragon personally told me about the information about the city in the sky."

"Lord of the evil dragon?" Alexander was even more shocked: "You actually saw its owner!"

"To be precise, its owner borrowed its skull to contact me."

"Don't you worry that this is a play performed by evil dragons?" Alexander said, "We humans can do the things that one person plays two roles, let alone the dragons whose wisdom is far superior to ours!"

"Perhaps the tone and demeanor can be concealed, but the temperament cannot be faked" I explained: "The evil dragon Spitz gave me an ominous feeling, despair and death, and the feeling his master gave me was just like beings. The majesty of the king is the domineering spirit that makes all things surrender."

After a long silence, His Royal Highness Alexander said: "I believe in your feelings, but I still hope you don't go. After all, it is the Sky City used by the Dragons to suppress the ancient races of the Celestial Clan. Anything in it has incomparable power. Not an adventurer of your level can get involved."

"If I can't beat me, I will escape. If I can't escape, I will activate the power of ancient writings and destroy it completely. Then I will continue to escape. Anyway, I am ready to escape. Why not take this opportunity to step into this place that only exists in legends. Where is the castle in it?"

His Royal Highness Alexander stared at me for a long time, and slowly said: "I always feel that you are not like my Felid family. You are too adventurous. What flows in your blood is not the prudence of the Felid family, but a This kind of unspeakable restlessness."

"Have you forgotten?" I blinked and smiled: "Of the blood flowing in my veins, only half of them belong to the Freid family."

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