After some half-true answers, I finally convinced Simmons Locke.

Although he still thinks that entering the Sky City is a foolish move, at least he no longer thinks that this trip is bound to die.

The first line of life is his final evaluation of my exploration of the Sky City alone.

York Seoul’s intelligence department is still very powerful, and its professionalism is comparable to that of Darcy’s intelligence department.

In less than two days, many clues were found, only to check one by one.

During this period, I disguised myself every day, chatting with Simmons Locke and Carter Nelson, chatting with gossip, business, politics, and technology.

Carter Nelson is impatient, tyrannical and lustful. He knows almost nothing about business and technology, and his understanding of politics is limited to the daily conversations of his think tanks and those who stay with Carter Horton all year round. In terms of gossip, this product is quite interesting, but most of it is related to private life. As for the little things that have nothing to do with private life, they are also related to women.

Let me put it this way, Carter Nelson gave me the feeling that he was an out-and-out pervert, except for greed, but also desire.

And most of the women he talked about were beautiful women, and Emily naturally couldn't escape the scope of being talked about by him.

When this guy was drooling, spitting, and talking about Emily, Simmons Locke winked at me intentionally or unintentionally, which meant that he was telling me: Tolerate the wind and the waves.

Actually, I don’t need to say anything, I know when to bear it.

Anyway, Emily is my fiancée. This is already a certainty. With you, a pervert, it’s impossible to move. You can only be greedy at best, or you can say, "Good cabbage will let pigs go." 'To vent your heart that you can't eat grapes and say grapes are sour.

On the fourth night, as soon as I finished removing my makeup, there was a knock on the door. When I opened the door, it was Simmons Locke.

He saw him holding a roll of paper in his hand, came to the desk, spread it out, and flattened it. Then he pointed his finger to the south of the drawing: "Here, it's probably the sky you mentioned. The location of the entrance portal of the city."

I was overjoyed and blurted out and asked: "How did you know?"

Simmons Rock was stopped by my question. He was stunned and said, "I don’t know if this is the portal at the entrance to the Sky City. I only know that, so far, only this one has been found. door."

"It shouldn't go wrong" I nodded, "Where is the exact location of that portal?"

"This is the place I pressed" Simmons Lock raised his finger: "Living at the intersection of the forest and the mountains."


I suddenly remembered what the evil dragon Spitz once said: After my lord was wounded and left, the sky city collapsed, and even the two-thirds of the heavens also fell down.

There can be nothing wrong!

I'm sure that those endless mountains must be two-thirds of the falling heaven.

Without further ado, set off immediately.

I took advantage of the dark night and high winds, and under the **** of a group of special personnel, I rushed to my destination unimpeded.

The destination is the nearest city of Reggie, less than 20 kilometers away.

The portal is somewhere hidden at the foot of the mountain.

Said to be a hidden place, but in fact it is just a barren stone block where the bird does not **** and the beast does not stay.

In the shadow of one of the huge boulders, a group of dark vortexes flowed slowly. After staring for a long time, there was an illusion of absorbing soul and soul.

"This is it, my lord" the entourage said respectfully.

These special personnel are all faithful of Simmons Locke. Since learning about my relationship with Bai Yunying, they have begun to call me an adult in private.

"Very good" I said: "Thanks for your hard work, the next thing is my business, you can go back."

"Yes" the commissioner answered and left quickly.

After walking around the portal, he couldn't make up his mind to take a decisive step.

Odachi became a little impatient: "I said, are you going in or not?"

"Don't you think about the situation that you may encounter after entering?" I squeezed my chin and said in a deep voice: "If you enter without proper mental preparation, you will definitely suffer a big loss."

"I totally agree with you" Ota paused, and suddenly raised the volume: "But now you are empty in your mind, just staring at the portal in a daze, without even thinking about it, let alone preparing for it!"

Faced with Odachi's reprimand, I was unable to refute it.

Before I came to the portal, I always thought that I would take this step without hesitation. However, when I stood in front of the portal, I suddenly realized that I had always thought that I was mentally prepared.

But the arrow is on the string, and I have to send it. I can't come to the front and be languid!

After all, during this period of time, I have said a lot of arrogance. If I lose my promise and get fat, what face is there to see them?

Thinking of this, I took a step tremblingly, clinging to the surface of the portal, but lingering in the direction of moving forward.

Odachi's voice sounded in my mind at this time: "Hey, brat, what do you think it is?"

"What?" I turned my head and looked around, but I didn't see anything unusual.

Just as I turned around, an abnormal weight was placed on my back. I was caught off guard, and I immediately lost my balance. I stepped out subconsciously, and then I crooked and fell into the portal.

Stabilizing my figure again, I was surprised to find that behind the portal, it turned out to be an open building with white masonry, exquisite sculptures, stone pillars full of reliefs, hollow buildings, and a gap between the buildings. Layer of translucent light film...Huh? Where's the portal?

My heart hung up with a whistle, and I turned around, but there was no trace of the portal!

This, this is bad...Without the portal, how do I get back?

Looking down at his left arm, he said in his heart: "Don't you have to use the power of your left arm now?"

In other words, every time I used up the strength of my left arm, I would be in a coma for a period of time. God knows if it will happen this time.

This is the bottom of the sea. I have no gills and cannot survive in the water. Once this is destroyed, I am in a coma again, and I will definitely drown!

After thinking about it, I decided not to use the power of my left arm for the time being. I turned around here for a while. It really didn't work. I could also use weapons and killing intent to forcefully break the wall.

If all means fail, I will consider this last resort.

After thinking about it, I stepped cautiously and moved towards the edge of the building.

When I came to the end, I stretched out my right hand and touched the translucent light film. What responded to me was the elastic touch of rubber and a slight fluctuation.

When the light film calmed down, I reached out again and stretched out.

I want to try if I can penetrate this light film.

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