I don't think there is any living body that can behave like a wind and a rainbow without eating or drinking for hundreds of millions of years.

But what happened next to me, Chi Guoguo slapped me loudly.

The thing is like this...

After chatting with Philade Alexander, I took a nap again.

When I adjusted to the best condition, I took two knives, a bag of darts on my back, and a bunch of pterosaurs, and rushed to the next portal.

As soon as I entered the portal, I saw dozens of blue and yellow pterosaurs flying slowly in the air.

Through the previous battles, I have roughly understood the attack methods of these two pterosaurs, especially the power of the light blue ball of light spit out by the blue pterosaur.

Ever since, after a few tricks, I managed to lure the light blue ball of light, and with this, annihilated the group of pterosaurs.

After gathering all the pterosaur corpses, I happily wandered around the main hall, looking around and thinking about this layer. It’s nothing great. Isn’t it just the pterosaur group? I have already found a way to kill them easily, even the wing. The dragon came more violently, so let's not miss it.

When I was so happy, I walked all over the hall, but somehow did not find the portal to the next floor.

This makes me wonder: Could it be in a special position, or an inconspicuous corner?

With this suspicion, I once again launched a more detailed investigation.

The results of the investigation this time were the same as the previous one, which made me very annoyed-without a portal, how would I leave this ghost place?

In distress, his eyes suddenly froze on a huge pterosaur sculpture not far away.

This pterosaur sculpture is in a protruding shape, with its wings spread out and folded under a sharp beak. The bones on the top of the head, the tips of the wings, and the tail are particularly thick and sharp.

If it were a real pterosaur, it would be three or four times the size of other pterosaurs.

It is not an exaggeration to call it the King of Pterodactyl.

Although this gray stone sculpture is lifelike, it blocks the wall behind it after all. God knows if it will be a portal behind it.

In order to find the portal, I gritted my teeth and reluctantly smashed this lifelike pterosaur sculpture.

The Odachi, which had condensed the killing intent, easily chopped the outer layer of the stone shell to pieces, but the sharp blade stopped at a position one millimeter below the stone shell.

"Is there a mystery hidden under the stone shell?"

While muttering, I stretched out my hand to peel away the broken stone shells one by one and throw them away.

Under the stone shell, there was a layer of bright red, **** red objects, which were hard and tough when they reached out and knocked them.

"what is this?"

I stabbed it with Xilan's demon knife in doubt, but there was no damage, not even scratches.

"Huh?" I became interested: "What kind of material is this? It is so powerful?"

"Please allow me to say something that disturbs your interest." Odachi surprisingly did not directly ridicule, but rather politely asked for my opinion.

I couldn't help but contemptuously said: "Hey, hello, just say it if you want to. When did you become so polite, I can almost hear my goose bumps."

"Oh, that's it" Odachi's voice was very low, as if whispering in a whisper: "I think what is displayed in front of you is not a statue, but a living red pterosaur."

"Living pterosaur?" I sneered, "Don't make me boring, okay, how could the living pterosaur be sealed in a stone shell?"

"If you don't eat or drink and don't move for hundreds of millions of years, a fossilized stone shell will definitely form on the surface of your skin."

Odachi said calmly.

"Ha, neither eating nor drinking for hundreds of millions of years...what? You mean...this layer of stone shell is formed because it hasn't moved for hundreds of millions of years?" I suddenly Suddenly, he panicked and said: "Difficult, is it really alive?"

Without waiting for Odachi's answer, the red object suddenly trembled, and just a few breaths, a bunch of bright red like blood broke out of the rock, and people stood up.

As the gravel rustle fell, its lineup gradually emerged. It was a huge blood-red pterodactyl!

The wings stretched out and were more than two meters long. The beak was like a sword, and the teeth were like a knife. Between the whites of the golden eyes, there was a bright red pupil. The pupils sometimes opened and contracted, and the focus was quickly completed.

The focus is me!

I yelled, turned and ran.

Faced with a pterosaur whose attack method or combat skills are unknown, not running is killing!

During the rush, I only heard a long whistle of the pterosaur behind me, followed by a few screams, and only felt an insignificant tingling sensation coming from the back of my neck. I subconsciously turned my head back, and I was shocked.

Is this giant red pterosaur, blue pterosaur, and earthy yellow pterosaur really the same species?

Why are blue pterosaurs and earthy yellow pterosaurs flying at a speed close to the speed of a turtle, but they run as fast as a wolf?

They have not eaten or drink for hundreds of millions of years, and the speed can be so fast?

Suddenly, my mind was full of doubts like this, and because of these doubts, I couldn't focus on fleeing.

Soon, the soles of the feet softened, one staggered, and fell to the ground.

The red pterodactyl chasing me obviously didn't expect me to fall, and before it had time to brake, it slammed into a stone pillar a few steps away.

With a loud bang, the stone pillar was destroyed in half, and the stone fragments scattered all over the ground. There were a lot of fist-sized pieces of stone that rolled, and finally bounced on my leg and cut my pants. , I broke my skin.

I got up from the ground in embarrassment, holding the knife, and staring at the bottom of the destroyed stone pillar alertly.

There is a pile of rubble, and red pterosaurs are buried under the rubble.

But I know very well that this impact is definitely not painful or itchy for it, because even if it was me, it would only be slightly injured at most if it broke the stone pillar.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, with a clatter, the red pterodactyl stood up abruptly, opened its sharp beak, revealed its sharp teeth, and gave it a hard bite. It only heard a few light crunches, and several falling stones were crushed by it. .

"I'm going, it's really good!" I was horrified, I couldn't help but praise: "I really want to know what brand of toothpaste it uses."

The red winged dragon spread its wings again and flew into the air with its head slightly raised. Suddenly, the magic elements in the hall began to agitate and quickly gathered in the red winged dragon's beak in a stream of water.

"This, this is..."

"Run!" Odachi said anxiously: "This is Dragon's Breath!"

I subconsciously turned around and fled. While running away, I wondered: "Didn't the dragon's breath come out of the dragon's throat? This is probably just its special combat skills."

"You said that the dragon's breath came out of the dragon's throat?" Odachi sneered and corrected: "Have you forgotten the evil dragon Spitz? Only withered bones, where is the throat?"

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