The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1972: Master of the Lord of Light

Seeing the Red Pterodactyl's question, I pondered for a while and said, "I don't know, but I think it should not be."

After all, I lowered my head and looked at my chest. Although the mithril inner armor was concealed, but because the mithril inner armor was thinner, the weaving method was not as fine and dense as the ancient monsters, so that it could not completely cover my chest. Countless criss-cross scars were revealed.

Raising my finger to the scar on my chest, I curled my lips and said, "Well, it's not natural, otherwise there won't be so many scars."

"You like scars a lot?" Red Pterodactyl raised his head weakly, staring at the scars on my chest, and wondering: "Don't human beings pay much attention to appearance?"

"You're right." I nodded: "Humans really attach great importance to appearance, and my aesthetic point of view is the same as that of ordinary humans. The reason why I like this criss-cross scar is because they are like a section Memories, whenever I see them, I remember the scene at that time."

After thinking about it, I added: "These are extremely dangerous and even desperate scenes."

"Only a true warrior will always recall the most desperate scenes, so as to spur him to become stronger." The Red Winged Dragon stared at me a little, and said solemnly: "It seems that in terms of soul, you are closer to my clan. warrior."

"I have never been so proud."

"I never said that you are exactly the same as my warrior, I just said'close to'."

It emphasized the last two characters, and the tone exuded a touch of regret.

"Do you know the evil dragon Spitz?" I asked.

It chuckled softly: "Master Spitz, of course I know it. It is one of the three great generals under my lord."

"It was it who led me to come here" I said truthfully: "Seriously, I actually don't want to come. I just want to be an ordinary adventurer, brushing monsters in the dungeon, upgrading and upgrading, and then going home. Cockfighting on the road, walking the dog, it’s so unpleasant."

"Then why are you here?" The Red Winged Dragon couldn't guess my thoughts at all.

"Because..." I thought for a long time, and at the end, I slapped myself severely: "I have forgotten the reason!"

Red Winged Dragon was speechless and held his forehead.

"Forget it" I spread my hands: "For whatever reason, it's here anyway, I have to go around a bit, and besides, if you don't open up this city, you can't leave it here, right?"

"You are right" said Red Wing Dragon: "If you can't defeat the city lord at the top, you will never be separated from this sky city."

"The city lord... can you tell me about this city?"

The Red Winged Dragon hesitated, and slowly said, "Since you know my lord, it’s okay to tell you. This sky city is divided into seven parts. The part I am in charge of is also called the lower Amon. Above, the ruler of the upper class of Amon is the humanoid life form created by our lord-the conqueror's sword, and above, is the upper class of Shipalota controlled by the dragon man Lucas, where many hand-held halberds live , And a very unfriendly dragon man..."

Speaking of this, the Red Winged Dragon paused, and a flash of disgust flashed in its expression. Thinking about it, it didn't look down on those colleagues who also guarded the city of the sky, and did not even regard them as the same kind, but as the same level as humans. Creatures.

"Above it?" I asked, "Is it the lower level of Sapalota?"

"No, it's not." The Red Winged Dragon whose thoughts were interrupted by me was quite dissatisfied, but it didn't care about me, and continued: "Further up is the Hanging City. There is a place set by my Lord to monitor the Celestial Clan. The eyes of words and deeds."

"Eyes?" I scratched my head: "Can the eyes be considered a challenge?"

The Red Winged Dragon smiled contemptuously: "Wait there, you will know."

Seeing it smile contemptuously and strangely, I faintly felt a little bad.

"If you can pass the Hanging City smoothly, the next level will be the lower level of Shipalota. The ruler there, we call it the Chaser of Heaven."

"What a domineering name!" I tweeted and praised: "It's not an easy one to hear it."

"Of course it is not easy to provoke" Red Winged Dragon said: "I think that when it was just created, it led its Destroyer Troops and massacred hundreds of thousands of Celestial Clan people and severely damaged the Celestial Clan's vitality. How mighty!"

As he said, it turned its gaze and changed it into a state of contempt: "It's much better than those dragon people who dare to call themselves members of the dragon family with some blood of the dragon family."

Killing hundreds of thousands of heavenly people...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but shudder: "The Destroyer of Heaven is really powerful. When you want to come and meet him, you will inevitably fight hard."

"It may not be a hard fight," Red Winged Dragon reminded: "When it was first created, its soul was still confused, so it became bloodthirsty. Now that hundreds of millions of years have passed, its confused soul should have been long ago. Sober up, if you take the initiative to communicate, maybe it will not attack you, after all, it is a magical lifeform created to expel the talents of the heavenly race."

"Let's talk at that time" I sighed lightly: "What about going up?"

"Further up, you will reach the shallow sea of ​​the sea of ​​sky..."

"Wait" I interrupted it: "Isn't it the city in the sky? When did it come out to the sea?"

"That's just the name of this area" Red Wing Long said: "As for the reason for the naming, after you see my lord again, ask it yourself."

I sighed and motioned for it to continue.

The Red Winged Dragon snorted, just about to speak, but suddenly he was stunned. After a long time, he said: "Where did I just say?"

"The sea of ​​the sky is shallow."

"Oh" Red Winged Dragon nodded and said, "The sea of ​​sky and the shallow sea are the territory of the golden demon envoy Platani. This guy is harder. Both his shell and his character are very hard, even harder than rocks. You have to be careful with it, I don’t want the little guy my lord knows to be killed by the wrong hand by that reckless and upright fool."

"Thank you for your kindness."

"Don't thank me" Red Winged Dragon said: "Thank the great my lord, if you never know him, I won't tell you anything."

"Don't you worry about me deceiving you?" I asked it: "I don't worry about the location of the Sky Tower, I actually lied from the evil dragon Spitz?"

"There is no such possibility" Red Winged Dragon said with disdain: "Although Lord Spitz is not the strongest, its mind is much smarter than a mere human, and it is better at deceiving and disguising. If our lord does not believe You, no matter how you deceive and deceive, it cannot lead you here."

"...You really trust the evil dragon Spitz."

"No, I only trust the judgment of my lord" Red Wing Long said.

"If you can defeat Platani by chance, congratulations, the next area you are about to enter, the ruler of the sea of ​​sky and the deep sea, is the lord of the city of sky-the lord of light, Seghart ."

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