The unfamiliar voice is very vague. Not only can I not hear what is being said, I can't even hear a few bytes.

It was vague, as if it were sounding underwater.

"Did you hear that?" Subconsciously, I asked Dadachi.

"What did you hear?" Odachi asked rhetorically.

I watched my surroundings, and at the same time said in my heart: "A voice, erratic, I don't know where it came from."

"You're afraid that you are thinking too much," Odachi denied, "There is no sound around here."

"Then why did I hear a bunch of vague sounds just now?" I relaxed my vigilance a little bit, and I wondered, "Is it because I have a hallucination?"

"It's not that you are hearing the hallucinations," Taitadao said: "It's just a very interesting idea that came out of your consciousness just now."

"What idea?"

"In a word, uh...maybe described as a name more accurately."

"What's the name?"

"Break the army and cut the dragon strike" Data said: "It seems to have something to do with your break and rise dragon strike~"

"Break the army and cut the dragon attack?" I secretly said in my heart.

At the moment when these five words were pronounced, a set of sword techniques jumped into my mind.

Raise the blade flat, first make an unstoppable stab, then turn the blade, and stab it again. Finally, when the power of the second piercing has not dissipated, the blade draws a half arc, and the above picks the end.

Since the power of piercing is still there, the power of this pick should not be taken lightly.

"This move feels...not very domineering, especially without the indomitable momentum of breaking the army and rising the dragon."

"There are no so-called strengths or weaknesses in the moves." Taitadao said, "Take Phoenix as an example. Who dares to underestimate her charged Qigong bombs? But when you look at the outside and analyze the inside, you will find that the charged Qigong The bomb is just an upgraded version of the most basic move of a qigong master—the qigong bomb. That's the case. When used to the extreme, it is also powerful and frightening."

"Well" I nodded: "What you said is not unreasonable. In short, it is better to have new combat skills than no combat skills."

"Are you going to try it later?" Odachi asked with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

Afterwards, one person held a knife, and bursts of wretched laughter in the empty hall.

Stepping out of the portal, entering the next floor, facing him, I saw a dozen knights in steel armor.

A dozen knights lined up in two rows, standing in the middle of the road, holding a shield in their left hand and a sword in their right hand. They were majestic and imposing.

Cautiously approaching the nearest knight, I tilted my head and looked in through the hole in the helmet covering the face.

After looking at it for a long time, he didn't find the remains of monsters or human skulls.

Extend the index finger, bend it into a horn, lightly buckle the chest of the armor, making hollow echoes.

"Empty" I breathed a sigh of relief: "It's just a dozen sets of knight armor."

"Don't take it lightly" Odachi reminded: "I always feel that these armors are not as simple as mere decorations."

"Well, it makes sense. I have to be more cautious. After all, this is a city in the sky. Even dirt and stones can pile up into giant human monsters, not to mention these seemingly majestic knights.

Afterwards, while holding the knife vigilantly, I carefully observed the surroundings.

Not much time, I passed between the two rows of knights.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual, I breathed a sigh of relief again, touched the sweat dripping from my sideburns, and said, "I was scared to death."

At this moment, a metal sound from Kerakala sounded. The sound was harsh and weird, and it made my hair stand on end.

Turning around mechanically, I saw a set of knight armors that were moving stiffly!

In the course of the action, metal limbs are constantly peeling and breaking due to long-term oxidation and erosion.

Soon, two sets of knight's armor automatically disintegrated and shattered into metal parts.

Although the other knights did not lack arms or legs, the cracks in their limbs and stiff bodies severely restricted their freedom of movement and deprived them of their combat effectiveness.

If so, they still look aggressive.

Slowly raising the knight swords, they, without combat effectiveness, launched a slow attack on me.

"They are all knights" Odachi said: "The knights who observe the spirit of chivalry most are different from those human knights who have a good reputation. They will defend their duties with death. This is an admirable spirit, brat, use your new Give them a ride with the combat skills you comprehend."

"I mean it too."

After saying this, he condensed the killing intent, wrapped around the big sword, left foot in front, right foot in back, knees slightly bent, secretly accumulating energy, and when the energy accumulation reached the maximum, it burst out suddenly.

First, there was an unstoppable puncture. When the tip of the knife hit the chest of the knight in the front row on the far left, the killing intent surrounding the blade quickly gathered, forming a buckler-like thing, blocking the tip of the knife, preventing the tip of the knife from penetrating the knight. .

Unable to pierce the knight's breastplate, the piercing attack suddenly turned into a forward push, and the huge force pushed the entire row of knights together.

At the moment when the knights crowded together, the killing intent suddenly changed from the shield to the blade, lost the blocking Odachi, pierced the knight's breastplate without any obstacle, and slashed forward.

When the blade was completely separated from the body of the last knight, I turned my steps, the blade sharpened, and I did another counter-cut.

After the counter-slash, the upswing took advantage of the trend, running like flowing water, without obscurity.

After three consecutive swordsmanship, the row of knights on the left shook a few times, then crackled and fell to the ground, turning them into parts.

Later, I used the same moves to kill all the other knights.

After all the monsters were wiped out, I held Odachi, breathing continuously.

"This combat technique is still very useful, but it consumes a lot of physical strength" I poured my saliva, wiped my mouth, and murmured.

"The effect is good" Otadao said: "Especially when I use this trick, it is even more powerful."

"That's" I said: "Well, you are almost three times the length of the knight sword, and the range that can be involved when attacking is more than three times that of the knight sword."

"One inch long, one inch strong," Odachi proudly said, "Looking at their pitiful and short knight swords, even if you straighten your arms, they won't be longer than me, let alone attack you."

I laughed twice, looked around, suddenly startled, and then became alert.

"What's the matter?" Odachi asked.

"There is also a complete metal knight!" I lifted the tip of the knife and pointed in one direction.

In that direction, a dozen steps away from me, a metal knight stood quietly.

"Should it be the lord of this level?" I said uneasy.

"Probably not," Taito said with doubts: "Didn't the lords all look very distinctive? For example, the red pterosaur, for example, the conqueror Daoge with an emerald on his head?"

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