Under the attack of the Golden Giant's continuous slaps, the Iron Giant's anger was also provoked, and, apart from anything else, he launched a fierce counterattack.

"'Don't think that you are full of gold, you are more noble than me!" I guess, this is probably the monologue in the heart of the steel giant at this moment," I was excited to hide behind the pillar and watched the battle, and said cheerfully.

"Watch the show and don't talk!" Odachi murmured.

I glanced at it and smiled: "Believe it or not, I put you behind the pillar and won't let you watch the live broadcast?"

"How can you do such a cruel thing, won't your conscience hurt?"

"Hehehe, such a cruel thing, I can be happy to do it, so my conscience won't hurt~" My yin and yang strange air said.

"Okay, let's stop making trouble," Data said, "Actually, I don't want to discuss topics like giant inner monologues with you. It's just that this kind of topic is too big and you need to set aside time to discuss it slowly, you say right?"

Seeing that Ota was softened by the sword, I couldn't continue to compete with it. Moreover, the battle between the two giants was so exciting, it was a pity that I missed it, so I stuck my eyes out and continued to peep into the fight.

The golden giant and the steel giant can be described as rivals. The two slaps are about the size of a manhole cover. They turn around and scream, and the pat on their heads keeps muffled, stirring up countless dust accumulated over the years.

The two people who were enveloped in the dust felt a little more hazy, making their battle more vigorous.

The two giants slapped each other's mouths for more than an hour. I was annoyed by what I saw. Just after a sigh, I saw the steel giant suddenly open its mouth, and it was a shot of lead bullet at the golden giant. Face flower.

The golden giant was furious and raised his slap, but he did not make any move. After being slapped by the steel giant several times, Shengsheng slapped out.

This slap slapped very loudly, slamming the steel giant's jaw.

"Hey! Hey! It's so awesome!" I secretly applauded, hiding aside: "This blow is really heavy, and the slap in the face is really heavy. I directly slapped the opposite lower jaw. This is the steel giant. After the game is over, my mouth will definitely not open, and I can only fight back with a slap in the face."

"But this golden giant is really unusual" Taidachi saw the clues: "Did you find out, brat?"

"Find what?"

"When two giants slap each other, the steel giant will often be slapped backwards, but the golden giant will not."

"Maybe the iron giant is not as powerful as the golden giant?" I guessed.

"Judging from the aroused dust, the power of the two slaps is almost the same," Odachi analyzed: "So I don't think it is caused by the difference in power."

After pondering a little, I also think Odachi’s analysis is very reasonable: "No wonder my attack is almost ineffective against the Golden Giant, but it can hurt the Iron Giant. It turns out that it is not just a problem of armor, but also the strength of the Golden Giant. Strong!"

"The opponent" Otadao said: "Although gold is softer than steel, the appearance of the golden giant has subverted this common sense. I think there must be magical interference in this."

"Look at what you said, isn't this nonsense" I said: "If there is no magic, how can they appear in front of me vividly, and how can this sky city ensure that it is not swallowed by water?"

"It seems that you didn't understand what I meant." Taita said: "I mean, the magic value contained in the golden giant should be greater than that of the steel giant. This is the most in terms of their attack strength and physical endurance. Intuitive embodiment."

"Perhaps this is the case." I spread my hands and said, "But you also know that my magic power is pitifully low, and there is the most direct manifestation on the ability value table."

"Ability score table?" Otato said disdainfully: "That kind of thing is only used to measure the body surface ability, you still regard that thing as truth?"

"The ability value tester was created by the **** of creation after all..."

"Stop" Dadachi interrupted me without hesitation: "Did you see the God of Creation created that machine with your own eyes?"

"No," I said, "I listened to the staff at the adventurer base."

"Does the staff at the Adventurer Base necessarily say the facts they have seen with their own eyes?" Odachi asked.

I am a little confused: "This..."

"So, whether it's the staff at the Adventurer Base or you, it's all hearsay, right?"

"Uh...well, yes."

"Since it is a hearsay, it is possible to fabricate it" Dadata said, "Furthermore, when was the last time the God of Creation appeared in Hefeng Continent?"

I thought for a while and said, "I only know that when the **** of creation gave the blood of the fairy royal family god, he seemed to have appeared once..."

"What about after that?" Odachi asked, "When and where did that **** appear? Has it been recorded in historical documents?"

I struggled for a while, sighed deeply, and shook my head: "...nothing."

"That's right," Data said, "Look at the ability value testers again. Each of them is very new. They don't look like they were handed down in ancient times, and you know one thing."

"What is it? What do I know?"

"Ancient civilization has experienced the disaster of extinction, and there are few that have been passed down." Taitadao said: "Since it is not even an ancient civilization, let alone the civilization of techniques taught by the so-called God of Creation, let me say it. , Those ability value testers, which are claimed to be made by the technology passed down by the **** of creation, are probably just the painstaking work of a genius inventor, and they happen to conform to the concept of an adventurer base, so they were taken over and used as Use the miracle of the God of Creation."

Odachi sneered: "This is Chi Guoguo's lie at all."

I was dumbfounded, unable to refute.

Although it is a hypothesis, although it is not polite at all, it makes sense!

After a few seconds of silence, Odachi continued: "You don’t have to worry about this, let alone treat the ability tester as a scam. In fact, I still have a good impression of this kind of very technical product. If it is not specifically labeled as the "God of Creation", I might be more optimistic about it. After all, it can really test your general ability, and the description is basically accurate. It is just measuring your kind of transcendence. When there is, there will be mistakes."

"Beyond the norm?" I couldn't understand.

"It's beyond the conventional." Taito said: "The killing intent, and the ancient words on your left arm, these two things are extremely mysterious existences, let alone these limited humans who don't understand it, even I know a lot. Knives who have a wide range of knowledge and have lived for countless years cannot fully figure out what kind of existence they are."

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