The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 1988: Humanoid monster with a lizard head

"Don't you want to know, is it because of the different types of giants that make the spar density different, or is it because of the damage?"

Odachi bewitched.

"Want to know" I told the truth: "But I don't intend to waste it on this kind of boring experiment."

While talking, I put the spar in my pocket, and then speeded up, came to the corpses of several other giants, and dug them around their necks with a demon knife.

After more than half an hour of digging, I harvested a total of two crystal stones that looked relatively complete.

Putting them together with the golden giant's spar and comparing them carefully, I quickly discovered that the three spars are very similar in size, shape, and hardness, especially in terms of hardness. I can't even find the difference. .

"It stands to reason that if the densities of the spar are different due to different species, the hardness of the three broken spars should also be different. But after comparing them two by one, I found that their hardness is very similar, or even completely acceptable. To describe it with the word "same", that is to say, the density of the spar has nothing to do with the species of the giant."

"Sneez, you found out!" Dadachi discouraged.

I frowned: "Did you just deliberately? You deliberately tricked me into destroying this precious spar?"

"Excuse me if I can't agree with you," Odachi retorted: "This spar is probably not as precious as you think. Don't forget, it was made by Tyrannosaurus King Bakar. Since it can be made, it proves it. It may also be mass-produced, but we don’t know for the time being whether Bakar has mastered the technology of mass-produced spar."

"Don't break the subject!" I asked sharply, "Why are you trying to trick me into destroying this spar? Don't tell me that you just want to tease me. It's okay to deceive children."

"Hey, people who like to ask questions are the most annoying." Dadachi said helplessly: "Actually, you don't need to question me at all. As long as you do what I said, everything will be fine. How can I say that I am your knife, and it is impossible to cheat yourself Master."

"It's a pity" I said, "I'm just the kind of man who likes to get to the bottom. Come on, why are you doing this?"

"Hey, hey, don't you even have a little trust between you and me?" There is a sadness hidden in Daidachi's words.

"If I don't trust you, I won't ask you why."

"Uh...that's right, well, it's okay to tell you," Data said: "I did this for the safety of your godfather's life."

"My godfather? What does it matter to him?"

"Because you want to give this spar to it, and because it is an excellent scientist" Datadao said: "Have you ever thought about it, what will happen when he puts the spar in the puppet's body?"

"The puppet... will move, right?"

"Exactly correct" Otadao said: "What happens after it moves? Do you think that puppet will take orders from him?"

I suddenly hesitated: "This...probably...probably not?"

"Yes, definitely not!" Data said: "Look at those giants, and see if there is a memory carrier in their heads? Look at their bodies. Are there any memory carriers in their bodies? No! The same! No! What does this mean? Ah? This means that all memories, all behavior patterns, are recorded in this spar! Once the puppet is activated with it, the activated puppet will continue to perform Tyrannosaurus King Ba Carl’s decree, clear all intruders! Do you think Master Dewey, who is weak, can stop the puppet from attacking how many times? Is it twice? Or once?"

When Odachi said, I was shocked in a cold sweat.

I never thought that spar would load the possibility of memory.

I only wanted to improve Fort Witch's military strength, but it almost caused a big mistake!

While reproaching himself, Ota Dadao said: "Although your godfather has mastered the most cutting-edge technology at present, before he can truly gain insight into ancient civilization, he may not be able to copy another identical spar, let alone repair it. , But in order to give him hope and not get him in danger, I suggest that you still break this spar, even if only one corner is broken."

Odachi’s kind words persuaded me, and I decided to follow its advice and add some ‘injury’ to the spar.

But to be honest, when I picked up the spar and gently shook it against the Philosopher’s Stone lamp, the sparkling light that came out made me quite amazed, and I really couldn’t bear to destroy it just like that.

"Or, I will put it away first, and when I walk out of the Sky City, I will smash it again. What do you think?" I thought about it, and then said: "Or else, I won't give it to Dewey Master, keep it for yourself..."

"This thing is worthless, except to activate the puppets, it is basically useless, oh, if you look at it from the eyes of your humans, it is pretty, but it can't be eaten as beautiful! Keep it, sooner or later it will be a disaster! "

"You're right." I nodded, weighed the spar, reached out and threw it into my pocket: "Wait, anyway, don't worry."

Dadachi sighed, "You, you will suffer from this one day."

After eating something and resting for a while, I went into the portal and came to the next floor.

Just stepping out of the portal, I was shocked.

Looking around, more than a dozen humanoid monsters with lizard heads holding halberds and spears, in groups of three or five, were patrolling the hall, and the moment I stepped into the hall, they found me.

They vomited first, exchanged glances with each other, and made a weird noise, as if they were discussing or arguing.

After a while, the sound stopped, and they all turned to me, flashes of cold light flashed in their cold eyes. The next second, all the dragons raised their weapons at the same time and launched an attack at me.

The corners of my mouth twitched, and I thought: This group of guys are really irritable, they killed them as soon as they met, and they didn't give me time to prepare.

Odachi took the stubborn words: "Since I entered the Sky City, which monster have you seen to make tea and talk with you first, and then do it after you have discussed the matter? Aren’t they all rushed as soon as they met, no matter how high they were. Do not give up?"

"You're a prejudice," I retorted: "At least Daoge, the Conqueror, first told me a long introduction and death declaration, and let me choose my own way of death before starting the fight."

"Well, it's not wrong to say that." After a pause, it applauded: "Your kid sometimes thinks about problems~"

"Thank you very much for your praise, but I think it's not the best time to chat." Pulled out his knives, opened his posture, squinted his eyes slightly, and stared forward: "After I solve this group of incomprehensible lizard-head monsters, Let's continue to tease me."

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